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dap 038 |
Gepost door dap op dinsdag 19-11-2002 om 22:11:13 | |
A simple way to exploit an unfixed defect in Internet Explorer has been discovered that allows malicious web sites, and possibly malicious email messages read with Outlook or Outlook Express, to take control of a computer. All you would need to do is click a web link and the owner of the web site could take almost any action they desired on your computer.
Simple, working exploit software was recently published to a public mailing list.
There is no patch to fix the problem. Anti-virus and personal firewall software will not prevent an exploit. It is hoped that Microsoft will provide a patch to fix this defect in the near future.
It is impossible to predict how, when, or even if someone will take advantage of this but due to the ease with which bad things can be accomplished it was decided to post an announcement. Nothing at all may happen. Or someone could write a virus or put up a malicious web site to take advantage of the situation at any time. The last time a defect exploit with similar characteristics was published, it was quickly incorporated into many email viruses making it unnecessary to click an attachment to get infected.There is only one technical defense Internet Explorer users can use against an exploit at the present time and that is to disable scripting in Internet Explorer, Outlook, and Outlook Express. Instructions for disabling scripting in the mail clients were included in the recommendations above and should have little or no effect on day to day use.
Unfortunately, disabling scripting in Internet Explorer will adversely affect the operation of many web sites including E-campus and the Windows Update Site. There is, however, a way to specify trusted web sites that are are allowed to use scripting and disable it for all others.
met andere woorden: gebruik Mozilla
[ Dit bericht is gewijzigd door op 19-11-2002 @ 22:19:30 ] |
Deathlock FreeBSD Powered |
Gepost door Deathlock op woensdag 20-11-2002 om 20:15:58 | |
iedereen die nu nogsteeds ActiveX scripting en VB scripting aan heeft staan als default dient hier het slachtoffer van te worden.
---------------------------------------- "I have often regretted my speech, never my silence."
- Xenocrates (396-314 B.C.) |
dap 038 |
Gepost door dap op woensdag 20-11-2002 om 21:26:11 | |
dit is javascript, jammer dan  |
teigetje |
Gepost door teigetje op woensdag 20-11-2002 om 23:25:00 | |
Ik vond deze nog beter:
Title: Buffer Overrun in Microsoft Data Access Components Could
Lead to Code Execution (Q329414)
Date: 20 November, 2002
Software: Microsoft Data Access Components (MDAC) 2.1
Microsoft Data Access Components (MDAC) 2.5
Microsoft Data Access Components (MDAC) 2.6
Microsoft Internet Explorer 5.01
Microsoft Internet Explorer 5.5
Microsoft Internet Explorer 6.0
Microsoft Data Access Components (MDAC) is a collection of components
used to provide database connectivity on Windows platforms. MDAC is
a ubiquitous technology, and it is likely to be present on most
Windows systems
Voor de leken: tenzij je Windows XP of .NET hebt, niet op Windows draait of MDAC 2.7 handmatig hebt geinstalleerd, kun je maar beter even naar bovenstaande URL gaan en de patch ( ) installeren, anders loop je nogal kans dat er iemand de macht over je gatenkaas, die je overigens nu nog computer noemt, krijgt.
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dap 038 |
Gepost door dap op woensdag 20-11-2002 om 23:26:38 | |
vond de mijne toch beter omdat er nog geen patch voor is en met IE 5 en 6 werkt
klik maar eens op de Mozilla url met IE 6  |
teigetje |
Gepost door teigetje op donderdag 21-11-2002 om 19:06:04 | |
Maar! Zelfs als je Mozilla gebruikt kun je nog last hebben van 'mijn' bug 
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