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Revolution Of The Open Mind
Gepost door Borderline op donderdag 26-10-2006 om 21:47:18
Illmaculate - NY Spit

I lay in a bed of flames at night when I rest and was born with an empty space inside of my chest
Since life is a test I strive for the best and use the art of war as my personal guide to succes
I read it cover to cover and redifined each idea when I discovered another between the lines
My genius mind is a tool for combat I prefer seclusion over human contact
Work in private unearth and prophecy and ghost wrote the first philosophy heard from Socrates
But the herb has got to me I'm nervous constantly screaming in the mirror at this fucking person mocking me
I'm ready to die that's what kept me alive I've already said my goodbye's
Ignorance is bliss but dressed in disguise I think that's why you idiots are content with your lives
I'm every known disease that the globe has seen King Cobra feeding on the souls of kings
My stroke is genius with too close between til I found the Fabric of Time and broke the seems
I deface the now sacred Rosetta Stone erase the translations and edged my own
Yes I'm known to feed on flesh and bone and when I'm dead the only death I'll regret is my own
Refuse to budge the truth I'm just a cannibal using booz and drugs to boost my buzz
So throw me in jail later my cellmate will be food because I'm a Hellraiser if I smell vapers and human blood

[ Dit bericht is gewijzigd door op 26-10-2006 @ 21:49:39 ]
silly bitch
Gepost door Bizzy_D op donderdag 26-10-2006 om 21:49:01
regels zijn te lang, zet het ff beter neer voordat ik het ga lezen.
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