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Gepost door Ziek op dinsdag 23-01-2007 om 22:32:16

check de reacties.

voor de mensen die niet zo bekend met m waren,

Van horen zeggen heb ik gehoord dat hij zelfmoord heeft gepleegd.

Je weet toch.
Gepost door BattleCat op woensdag 24-01-2007 om 00:57:34
Upcoming Producer Disco D Commits Suicide, Friends React

Upcoming producer David "Disco D" Shayman committed suicide today (Jan. 23) sources told

The producer, who hailed from Ann Arbor MI, came to prominence as a DJ on the Detroit/Ann Arbor Hip-Hop/club scene.

Disco D was behind a number of Hip-Hop hits, including 50 Cent's "The Ski Mask Way" Nina Sky's "Turnin' Me On" and Kevin Federline's single "Papazao."

Additionally, he created music for commercials (Best Buy, Sprite) and awards shows (VH1's Hip Hop Honors, Nickelodeon's Kids Choice Awards).

He had recently launched a Brazilian urban label called Gringo Louco which counted rap group Braza as artists on the label.

"We were good friends," DJ Vlad told "I lived with him in Brazil for a couple weeks. We both had a love for that place. I just talked to him a couple days ago. It tore me up when I heard he died."

DJ Vlad's sentiments were echoed by a number of DJ's, producers artists and journalists that knew the producer, who was just 27-years-old.

"I first met Disco D back in the mid-1990s when he was barely in his teens," said journalist/writer Ethan Brown. "He was a turntable prodigy and an up-and-coming producer in Detroit's 'ghetto-tech' scene. I was stunned by his talent and wrote a long piece about him--and the ghetto tech scene--for Details Magazine in 1998. I had huge hopes for Disco D and he fufilled them in every way when he moved to New York and went on to produce tracks like 50 Cent's 'Ski Mask Way.' I'm stunned and incredibly saddened by the loss of a great friend--and an incredible producer who had such a promising future ahead of him."

Disco D. had recently been diagnosed as bi-polar and he was also suffering from depression.

According to statistics, those who suffer from the illness are 20 times more likely to commit suicide than then general population.

Services for Disco D will be held later this week in Ann Arbor, Michigan.

To post your respects, visit

Gepost door Ziek op woensdag 24-01-2007 om 01:14:55
Volgende freshtunes @ freshcotton is voor hem : ) . Shit die hij maakte was fat
[ Dit bericht is gewijzigd door op 24-01-2007 @ 01:23:15 ]
make em NV
Gepost door ambiance op woensdag 24-01-2007 om 15:55:41

sky mask ways beat was damn ass nice.
never doubt me.
Gepost door Ziek op woensdag 24-01-2007 om 19:30:44
In t mixtape topic staat n freshtunes mix hierover.
Gepost door Duck-MC op woensdag 24-01-2007 om 23:37:02
creative crew guy
Gepost door brutus_barrakus op woensdag 24-01-2007 om 23:37:40
deup shit maakte die gek
niet dat ik hiervoor ooit van em gehoord heb
jammer dat ie er niet meer is
men riding dragons trowing wolves at maggots
skip mijn eigen intro's
Gepost door Arihasj op woensdag 24-01-2007 om 23:42:45
die mix is sick, rip
Wu, Tang, Wu, Tang, Wu, Tang, Wu, Tang
Wu, Tang, Wu, Tang, Wu, Tang, it's on your brain
creative crew guy
Gepost door brutus_barrakus op woensdag 24-01-2007 om 23:52:49
hehe wat een reactie ook
eigen schuld :0
men riding dragons trowing wolves at maggots
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