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SynQ Gepost door SynQ op zaterdag 10-02-2007 om 16:35:56
??? ???

It's a sick world to be in these days, people get killed for the most stupid reasons ever made.
I try to hold on, getting a grip on this world.
This world looks beautifull, but when you look closer you will only see misserie,
people that try to hold on just like me.
Politics, it’s all about promises and lies, they just need to admit.
That people don’t take this shit, anymore, oh no
Getting promises of people that just don’t know,
How life is in this fucking shithole.
Elections, trying to cover there lying minds for a selection.
So they can go on, with laws that will never end the misserie in our home.
Communist, liberalist, when we come to the point they all act like shit.
Lying and trying, manipulating peoples mind, even lettin’ them dying,
To get their hands on the power of this society.
The world of today, it’s not a fun place to be,
Before you know it you get killed for a stupid MP3.
8 years old, going to school, getting’ kidnapped and stabbed by a sick fool.
This is the sick world we all have to be in,
Nobody that acts to make this world a better livin’.
Hijacking airplanes, rammin’ them into buildings,
Being sick with the believe that you’re the only one that diserves living.
Makin’ a bomb, strappin’ them around your wife’s thong.
Hopin’ to kill your own people’s soul. This is wack NO?!
Gettin’ accused of being a nazi, while those immigrants get the money without even trying.
Our goverments are lickin’ there own wounds, because in the past it was the nazi that was ruling.
Maybe some day this world will be a better livin’,
Without racials that only solve problems with killin’.
I’m not hoping, but I know for sure,
Our open arm politic must be fucking over.
Gepost door Replay op zaterdag 10-02-2007 om 16:40:12
wow ik heb het nog niet gelezen, maar let er wel op dat je zinnenn eenn beetje evenlang zijn.
SynQ Gepost door SynQ op zaterdag 10-02-2007 om 19:04:43
lol, danku voor de raad.
Mensen doen hier gewoon de moeite niet om mekaars lyrics te lezen en feedback erop te geven.
Ik ben hier nog niet lang maar ik heb al lang gezien dat je op je knieën moet kruipen om feedback te krijgen.
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