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Revolution Of The Open Mind
Gepost door Borderline op zondag 11-02-2007 om 17:06:36
Heb dit geschreven op een beat van Stoupe, wil hem gaan opnemen, maar zou eerst graag wat feedback willen. Of te wel, welke stukken zijn erg wack? Anyone? Alvast bedankt!

Let's start things of by telling the truth
My lyrics are half-ass and I'm weak in the booth
I'm the youth of the rap game it's a damn shame
If I had started sooner I'd be big as landscapes
You pull out your cock bitches giving mad brain
Keep expressing my thoughts no fans gained
Borderline I'm horrfied living in the fast lane
Done and seen it all but Hip-Hop is my last fase
Though it doesn't get me through the bad days
Look in the mirror don't recognize the sad face
My life sucks in a mad way sorry but I can't stay
I'm dead weight and all my friends say
Stop being a bitch start seeing the shit you did
Stupid get over yourself you sick
And do dick but lay in bed puking and screwing
Music soothing at night brewing and looting
The largest garbage never should be a father
Fiend and martyr not to be dating daughters
Raping harder and harder slaughtered
Holding her tight with both hands under water
Why I'm an impotent fuck and being impotent sucks
So fuck you if you're living it up
Right faces wrong waking up in the afternoon
Light basic bongs but won't hear laughter soon
Write racist songs while listening Kaffer tunes
White rapist gone to collect scattered spoons
Night races won under bright shattered moon
Life places gun in hand of those who matter to
Knife cases none my weapons are leather boots
Slight razor fun cutting deep in nether roots
Type phrases spun as others gather fruit
Mic praises scum looking for better routes
Quickly like that chatter shoots it brings me joy
I deploy decoys in the form of B-Boys
Like Trojan Horses set out to destroy
Fake soldiers who flee Troy you weak toys
Taking craps on my rhymes with wack ass lines
Wishing my ass died sitting on your last dimes
Spending all last night writing lyrical fillers
Just to pass time I'm writing serial killers
And you don't have to tell me who the dopest is
I'm a moaning bitch flowing the grossist shit
Closing wounds with sewing kits
Life's a bitch I'm showing kids

EDIT: Paar regels toegevoegd...
[ Dit bericht is gewijzigd door op 11-02-2007 @ 18:14:39 ]
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