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Gepost door dap op donderdag 29-05-2003 om 20:24:26
Yea baby! Zelf draai ik 100% linux op de desktop

MUNICH (Reuters) - The city of Munich said on Wednesday it would switch 14,000 computers from Microsoft's Windows operating system to rival Linux (news - web sites) in a deal estimated to be worth tens of millions of euros.

The decision is a blow to U.S. giant Microsoft, whose chief executive Steve Ballmer had personally campaigned for Microsoft's counter-offer to the city, based on Windows XP (news - web sites).

Microsoft has created two funds to discount its products against the emerging Linux software, which is eating into its most profitable business.

"This strategic decision makes Munich less dependent on one IT supplier and sets a trend toward more competition," Munich mayor Christian Ude said in a statement.

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