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Anonymous86 Gepost door Anonymous86 op zondag 10-06-2007 om 01:35:48
Insomnia opened my eyes so I could see,
trough the lies and I would finally be free.
But freedom didn't embrace my mind,
laying awake, no meaning or life to find.

Wondering about my past and a future change,
I realised God wasnt in mental range.
Looking at the ceiling, started to see,
insanity was burning deep in me.

Humanity I saw trought lantern shine,
spiritual beings running trough my spine.
But far away, future and hope,
if wounds are sutured and men learned to cope.

We would drop up our weapons and shake hands,
and burried hate deep in the desert sands.
Still staring, still hoping 4 better times,
I lay down and hope my brain loses the rhymes.

Kon dus niet slapen... [
Gepost door BigSam op zondag 10-06-2007 om 01:37:58
ow vandaar
Ik zit vast in een lift
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