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araphor |
Gepost door araphor op dinsdag 15-07-2003 om 16:44:40 | |
"I usually have at least eight bucks left, and sometimes it's more like twenty. What I do with the coins is drop them down the storm-drain in front of my house. I am aware that this would freak the neighbors out if they saw me doing it, so I take out the blue plastic recycling basket with the newspapers in it, and while I'm putting it down on the curb, I open the hand with the change in it, and through the grate in the gutter it does."
Raden maar. Het zal mij benieuwen. |
Mip |
Gepost door Mip op dinsdag 15-07-2003 om 20:29:14 | |
ara wat een onmogelijk topic  |
dap 038 |
Gepost door dap op dinsdag 15-07-2003 om 21:08:10 | |
google and thy shall know  |
N8 Roy wears Casio watches! Be like Roy, wear Casio! |
Gepost door N8 op woensdag 16-07-2003 om 13:20:51 | |
klinkt een beetje hemmingway-achtig
---------------------------------------- take the baton, drop it on to the head,
and now she's dead
killin' baby seals, keepin' it real
you wanna chew the beef, but you'd rather chew the veal
coz killin' babies, for you has mass appeal |
SmrildA |
Gepost door SmrildA op woensdag 30-07-2003 om 20:34:54 | |
McBouncer |
Gepost door McBouncer op woensdag 06-08-2003 om 18:37:25 | |
Handig dat google:
Lyanna schreef:
Yup, Stephen King, Everything is Eventual. Zeer cool verhaal!
(07/16/2003 09:55 PM)
---------------------------------------- Is it coz I is black? |
McBouncer |
Gepost door McBouncer op woensdag 06-08-2003 om 18:50:06 | |
Laat ik er dan ook maar 1 posten, al lijkt me dit een vrij zinloos topic, zelfs als mensen een boek gelezen hebben is het maar de vraag of ze een willekeurig citaat eruit zullen herkennen als er geen namen van hoofdpersonen instaan.
-They nivir git it. Every other perr bugger gits it, bit they nivir git it.
-AIDS. Ye nivir see Japs wi AIDS. Here wuv goat it. In America thuv goat it. In India thuv goat it. In Africa thuv goat it. Oor Bernard might huv it, No thaim, though. They nivir get it.
-What the fuck ye oan aboot? Chinky nurse...nice wee lassie...
-Ken how? Ken how they nivir git it?
-Vet, this husnae goat nowt tae dae wi ...
-Cause they inventit it! They inventit the disease! Soas they could take over the world!
---------------------------------------- Is it coz I is black? |
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