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sadfweqrdsxz real G |
Gepost door sadfweqrdsxz op vrijdag 12-10-2007 om 07:56:31 | |
Curtis James Jackson "50 cent" becomes father!
Breaking NEWS in a rap
written by F. Geralds on Thursday, 11 of October, 2007, 9.56 am
Curtis James Jackson "50 cent" becomes father
Undisclosed rumour has it and now confirmed that famous rapper Curtis Jackson 'knocked up' or
impregnated a French lady by the name Estelle du Castillon. She was doing audition as a background singer for his latest recording called
"Curtis" (release date 07-09-2007). Unfortunately for her she did not make it through the audition, but underwent something else....
In an exlusive interview with AFP the details are now revealed yo.
F.Geralds.: congratulations
C.Jackson.: thank you I am stoked. my pretty thing Estelle is amazing and she is gonna be an excellent mother for my kid. I just love her...
She is from Vietnamese-French decent and the most (laughing) beautifull and gorgous woman I ever poked. In fact, let me reveal to you Franciose G. .... I have an EP coming out titled
'yo mea culpa aight'.
F.G.: why yes, I understand that you are excited about this news. Celebrities such as Kurt Cobain and Marshall Matters have much influence from their fatherhood. How will this be for you?
C.J.: i dunno much about Kurt. But I know of course about eminem (red: Marshall Matters artist name). Well I can tel ya mea culpa means sorry in Latin. And that I am.
F.G.: well, critics of your genius often acuse you of treating women as a commodity. Is this in relation?
C.J.: yes ....... (silence) I have been a bad boy, very superficial. My background though explain this, let's say, hyper attainment of wealth, ..... (silence) status, and yes, treating women as a commodity.
F.G.: are you repenting
C.J.: yes you might say that ..... mea culpa
F.G.: what will be the name of the baby by the way?
F.G.: G-CAP, what kind of name is that?
C.J.: G-CAP stands for Go - Catch a Bullet, you know an acronym.
F.G.: very cool!
C.J.: yes thank you, my history is in it you know .... (silence)
F.G.: well thank you for this exclusive interview and regards to Estelle!
C.J.: I will, thank you, I feel crazy like Tom Cruise back then (refering to his appearance on the talkshow Oprah).
F.G.: good luck with yer fatherhood!
check more news on:
Agence France Presse (AFP) |
Perq |
Gepost door Perq op vrijdag 12-10-2007 om 08:07:12 | |
Haha, krijgen we van die emo-50 tracks, dat wordt lachen.
edit; dacht dat g-cap een grap was, toch niet?
Lekkere vader, ga maar lekker buitenspelen, en komop, vang een kogel!
"yes thank you, my history is in it you know .... (silence)"
Snappen die oetlullen nou nooit dat je juist weg moet stappen uit zo'n historie/ghetto verleden, als die er al geweest was. Maar nee hoor, 50 wil weer geld verdienen en zijn credibility maar weer eens wat opgooien en elke zwarte man in Amerika maar weer eens neerzetten als "I'll rob and rape you in a minute" criminelen.
[ Dit bericht is gewijzigd door op 12-10-2007 @ 08:46:29 ] |
Bizzy_D silly bitch |
Gepost door Bizzy_D op vrijdag 12-10-2007 om 08:24:57 | |
G-CAP oh my god  |
Nieroth Coneijn, Kip & Dirk zijn bazen! |
Gepost door Nieroth op vrijdag 12-10-2007 om 08:32:33 | |
F.G.: G-CAP, what kind of name is that?
C.J.: G-CAP stands for Go - Catch a Bullet, you know an acronym.
Jaja.. kindje zal vast goed terecht komen.. ><
MaffeDodo 1312 |
Gepost door MaffeDodo op vrijdag 12-10-2007 om 11:10:27 | |
G-Cap slaat echt nerges op.. Vreemdste naam die 'k ooit gehoord heb.
---------------------------------------- When I get sad, I stop being sad and be awesome instead. True story.
wknvhv |
The_TJ |
Gepost door The_TJ op vrijdag 12-10-2007 om 11:32:47 | |
Al zie ik hem er wel voor aan om zn kindje G-CAP te noemen  [ Dit bericht is gewijzigd door op 12-10-2007 @ 11:35:22 ]
---------------------------------------- Go Fudge Yourself
- Chef |
lekerenderes |
Gepost door lekerenderes op vrijdag 12-10-2007 om 13:27:46 | |
50 heeft tog al een kind die inmiddels al een tienerr is ofsow,, |
Schaduw |
Gepost door Schaduw op vrijdag 12-10-2007 om 14:30:05 | |
bullshit |
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