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I Ain't Afraid To Die, I'm Afraid To Live
Gepost door E-Masta op zondag 30-12-2007 om 22:36:19
Hijs nog niet af , maar ik wou weten of het wel goed is.

Givin the mic or the suicide drama
while watchin' the battles of courage and the fuckin rama
using the game of life and using mine own stamina
bla du bla back Yeah' nigga i'm back
shit opens min' face up while listening this track
click clack
i break your fuckin voice and your fuckin neck
eck eck
so tell me who won the shit and the hole crack
bitch bitch ask me nothin'
pleas' somebody tell me somethin'................
if somebody did it than magic made it
if somebody does something wrong , than the shit dade it
cause i'm not ratin' it
cause i'm not agreed with this hole crap and the hole splitwit

Beat: Will Smith - Party Starter
[ Dit bericht is gewijzigd door op 30-12-2007 @ 22:37:14 ]

Hip Hop is dead....
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