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Gepost door Beatzcollective op zondag 30-12-2007 om 23:26:24
Nice plug n.a.v. CB's post over de mic modeler en autotune;

Taking you to the edge of vocal processing ...

Imagine a plug-in that allows you to tune your vocal
recordings, apply special effects and add natural
sounding harmonies when mixing your track. Look no
further, Mu Voice is the plug-in for you. The
proprietary spectral analysis and synthesis
techniques of Mu Technologies set new standards in
vocal processing providing a unique tool for your
recording studio. An internal delay of only 5.8 ms
makes Mu Voice the ideal vocal processor to perform
live on stage.

you know where to find me and my links!
Gepost door Swike op zondag 30-12-2007 om 23:47:13
Ik verwijs jullie naar het centrale topic!
He that would live in peace and at ease, must not speak all he knows, nor judge all he sees.
 Index / Studio- en audiotechniek /
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