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Gepost door Beatzcollective op zondag 30-12-2007 om 23:34:28
Altiverb 6 is a convolution reverb plug-in for Mac OS X and Windows XP. It uses top quality samples of real spaces to create reverb, ranging from Sydney Opera House to the cockpit of a Jumbo Jet. Altiverb 6 offers the most extensive set of parameters, it supports all professional plug-in formats including protools TDM on the Mac, parameter automation and surround. Altiverb 6 gives you a choice between iLok SmartKey or Challenge/response copy protection, it lets you sample your own spaces (currently Mac only), and Altiverb is efficient on your cpu. (incl lexicon 960l,mpx500,pcm81 and pcm91 ir responses)

Zijn we weer.. PM voor de links!
Gepost door -pascool- (Oscars Official) op zondag 30-12-2007 om 23:36:26
attack of the plug ins, doe alles anders ff in 1 topic heren
Gepost door Swike op zondag 30-12-2007 om 23:39:03
Goed idee inderdaad, ik maak wel ff centraal topic d'r voor aan, sluit ik gelijk de anderen.
He that would live in peace and at ease, must not speak all he knows, nor judge all he sees.
Gepost door Beatzcollective op zondag 30-12-2007 om 23:40:03
hmm heb er net 1 gestart, misschien kan je die ook ff closen dan?
Gepost door Swike op zondag 30-12-2007 om 23:45:41
Ik verwijs jullie naar het centrale topic!
He that would live in peace and at ease, must not speak all he knows, nor judge all he sees.
 Index / Studio- en audiotechniek /
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