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Gepost door Swike op zondag 30-12-2007 om 23:43:42
CB-finest schreef op 30-12-2007 @ 21:54
Sinds kort ben ik in het bezit van de Melodyne plugin...
Ik had de filmpjes vol verbazing gezien... en nu ik hem heb blijkt dat hij zelfs nog beter is dan ik hoopte..

Laat je verbazen door deze filmpjes!!!! Klik hier als de youtube filmpjes moeilijk doen of als je gewoon in betere kwaliteit wilt kwijlen bij deze plugin!!

You just got to love it!!!!

Beatzcollective schreef op 30-12-2007 @ 23:34
Altiverb 6 is a convolution reverb plug-in for Mac OS X and Windows XP. It uses top quality samples of real spaces to create reverb, ranging from Sydney Opera House to the cockpit of a Jumbo Jet. Altiverb 6 offers the most extensive set of parameters, it supports all professional plug-in formats including protools TDM on the Mac, parameter automation and surround. Altiverb 6 gives you a choice between iLok SmartKey or Challenge/response copy protection, it lets you sample your own spaces (currently Mac only), and Altiverb is efficient on your cpu. (incl lexicon 960l,mpx500,pcm81 and pcm91 ir responses)

Zijn we weer.. PM voor de links!

Beatzcollective schreef op 30-12-2007 @ 23:17

Genre: Sound Effects | Format: WMA (192 kBit/s)
74 Tracks | Size: 48,0 MB | *.RAR |

01 - Audio Tools - Intro Spot.wma
02 - Audio Tools - Vo, Hi-Frequency Sounds.wma
03 - Audio Tools - Hi-Pitch Tone.wma
04 - Audio Tools - Cymbals, Bells Samples.wma
05 - Audio Tools - Hi-Frequency Sweep.wma
06 - Audio Tools - Vo, Mid Range Sounds.wma
07 - Audio Tools - Phone Sex.wma
08 - Audio Tools - Spoken Words.wma
09 - Audio Tools - Mid-Range Frequency Sweep.wma
10 - Audio Tools - Vo, Low Frequency Sounds.wma
11 - Audio Tools - Thunder SFX.wma
12 - Audio Tools - Bass, Timpani Sample.wma
13 - Audio Tools - Low Frequency Sweep.wma
14 - Audio Tools - Vo, Pink Noise.wma
15 - Audio Tools - Pink Noise.wma
16 - Audio Tools - Channel ID Check Mono.wma
17 - Audio Tools - Left Channel ID.wma
18 - Audio Tools - Right Channel ID.wma
19 - Audio Tools - Vo, Phase Test.wma
20 - Audio Tools - 240 Hz In Phase.wma
21 - Audio Tools - 240 Hz Out Of Phase.wma
22 - Audio Tools - Vo, Test Tones.wma
23 - Audio Tools - 700 Hz.wma
24 - Audio Tools - 1000 Hz.wma
25 - Audio Tools - 10.000 Hz.wma
26 - Audio Tools - Vo, Digital Noise.wma
27 - Audio Tools - Digital Noise.wma
28 - Audio Tools - Metronome.wma
29 - Audio Tools - Concert A Note.wma
30 - Audio Tools - Full Band Sweep.wma
31 - Audio Tools - Raceway SFX.wma
32 - Audio Tools - Classical Music.wma
33 - Audio Tools - Female Solo.wma
34 - Audio Tools - Drum Solo.wma
35 - Audio Tools - Horn Section.wma
36 - Audio Tools - PA Announcement 1.wma
37 - Audio Tools - PA Announcement 2.wma
38 - Audio Tools - PA Announcement 3.wma
39 - Audio Tools - PA Announcement 4.wma
40 - Audio Tools - PA Announcement 5.wma
41 - Audio Tools - PA Announcement 6.wma
42 - Audio Tools - '... Doing A Bad Job...'.wma
43 - Audio Tools - '...Full Watts...'.wma
44 - Audio Tools - '... Of Course You Do...'.wma
45 - Audio Tools - '...This Is A Test...'.wma
46 - Audio Tools - '...Never Been A Quitter...'.wma
47 - Audio Tools - '...Step Away...'.wma
48 - Audio Tools - '...The Problem...'.wma
49 - Audio Tools - '...Sunny Today...'.wma
50 - Audio Tools - '...This Is A Mic...'.wma
51 - Audio Tools - Heart Beat.wma
52 - Audio Tools - Concert Crowd.wma
53 - Audio Tools - Applause.wma
54 - Audio Tools - Drum Roll.wma
55 - Audio Tools - Bugle.wma
56 - Audio Tools - LP Scratch.wma
57 - Audio Tools - Backspin.wma
58 - Audio Tools - Cassette Noise.wma
59 - Audio Tools - LP Noise.wma
60 - Audio Tools - Funeral March.wma
61 - Audio Tools - Musical Scales.wma
62 - Audio Tools - Analyzer.wma
63 - Audio Tools - Sit Down.wma
64 - Audio Tools - Stereo Sound.wma
65 - Audio Tools - Away From The Dance Floor.wma
66 - Audio Tools - Siren.wma
67 - Audio Tools - Camera.wma
68 - Audio Tools - Cartoon SFX.wma
69 - Audio Tools - O' Canada.wma
70 - Audio Tools - USA National Anthem.wma
71 - Audio Tools - Happy Birthday Song.wma
72 - Audio Tools - Wedding March Intro.wma
73 - Audio Tools - Wedding March Outro.wma
74 - Audio Tools - Graduation March.wma

Misschien handig voor onze producers..

pm voor de link!

Gr. Chielos

Beatzcollective schreef op 30-12-2007 @ 23:26
Nice plug n.a.v. CB's post over de mic modeler en autotune;

Taking you to the edge of vocal processing ...

Imagine a plug-in that allows you to tune your vocal
recordings, apply special effects and add natural
sounding harmonies when mixing your track. Look no
further, Mu Voice is the plug-in for you. The
proprietary spectral analysis and synthesis
techniques of Mu Technologies set new standards in
vocal processing providing a unique tool for your
recording studio. An internal delay of only 5.8 ms
makes Mu Voice the ideal vocal processor to perform
live on stage.

you know where to find me and my links!

CB-finest schreef op 30-12-2007 @ 23:20
Erg fijne vocal stripper/compressor...
heb deze standaard op mijn vocals eigenlijk...



Voxengo Vox-former features:

* Two built-in vocal compressors
* Switchable crossover (2 types)
* Gain reduction meters
* 4-band equalizer
* Real-time FFT spectrum analyzer
* Asymmetric compression
* Vintage saturation module
* De-esser module (2 types)
* Presence boosting module
* Noise gate module
* High quality mode
* "A-to-B" comparisons
* Mono-to-Stereo, Stereo-to-Stereo processing
* Any sample rate is supported
* Factory presets
* 64-bit internal precision
* Native assembler DSP code

CB-finest schreef op 30-12-2007 @ 23:15
Een andere manier van werken... en naar mijn idee minder impressive..
maar heb me er niet goed in verdiept doordat ik melodyne kreeg eigenlijk...


De revieuws die ik lees zijn dan wel weer erg positief.. iemand ervaring?

CB-finest schreef op 30-12-2007 @ 23:07
Geen geld voor een dure mic? Wel zin in de sound van een bepaalde mic?

De antares Microphone Modeller ziet er heel simpel uit, maar verandert je sound zo in één van de vele presets van bekende merken en modellen... natuurlijk niet 100% perfect, maar het kan veel schelen.. ook handig om verschillende vocals van verschillende mics dezelfde sound te geven...

links op aanvraag bij mij (of BC)... of zelf even zoeken

CB-finest schreef op 30-12-2007 @ 16:57
Als audiofiel test ik zoveel mogelijk audiosoftware en maak ik zelf ook gebruik van veel verschillende progs.. aangezien veel mensen hier Cool Edit gebruiken en de overstap naar Cubase of Logic niet willen maken leek het me voor die mensen wel interesant om ze te wijzen op Reaper... een geweldig stuk shareware!

Mijn ervaring met Reaper is stukken beter dan met CE/audition... veel betere geluidskwaliteit, zééér goede support voor plugins... overall gewoon veel proffesioneler...



De demo-versie is gratis en volledig functioneel, je krijgt alleen 1x per dag 5 seconden een nag-screen... maar er zijn ook cracks/serials te vinden...

Geloof me... neem er even de tijd voor, dan merk je vanzelf het grote voordeel t.o.v. Cool Edit / Adobe Audition

CB-finest schreef op 30-12-2007 @ 23:53
komt er aan pascool..


Iedereen kent die robotstemmetjes die je hoort op hits als "Dat ene kutnummer over die boot van afgelopen zomer" of het geniale einde van "California Love"

naar mijn idee zijn er maar 2 software-alternatieven voor..

De Vokator

of de Orange vocoder

niet dat de producers deze niet kenden ofzo.. maar wie weet de beginnelingen... en links zijn aanwezig

Beatzcollective schreef op 30-12-2007 @ 23:56
Camel Audio Camelspace VST v.142

Prepare to be entranced! CamelSpace can take any sound you throw at it – be it a pad, a synth line or a drum loop – and generate a dizzying array of dynamically-evolving, gated rhythmic textures.

An enormously powerful 128-step 'trance gate' sequencer controls panning, filter cut-off and volume, while independent LFOs provide still more mind-boggling modulation options.

Camel Audio CamelSpace is a multi effect with trance-gate, enhancer, filter, delay and reverb. Camel Phat is one of many vst plugins created by Camel Audio.
A tempo-synced stereo delay and powerful auto-panner ensure that your sounds are always on the move, while an enhancer (with 'Xcita' and soft saturation), a flanger and a high-quality reverb all add 'sparkle'.

A stunning graphical user interface puts all the controls at your fingertips, while the X/Y pad allows easy real-time manipulation of the most important parameters.

With the intelligent 'Randomize' button, new sounds and inspiration are just a click away. 128 attention-grabbing presets, organised by category, are also included. Find out more in the easy-to-read manual.

Edit: PM voor de links!

TriTone Digital Angeltone VST

AngelTone is a digital mastering EQ that utilizes state-of-the-art modeling to combine analog mastering EQ sweetness with digital precision and recall.

AngelTone features five bands. Three bands are capable of full-range parametric operation. The two extreme bands feature both full-range peaking and shelving EQ modes. All parametric and peaking bands have access to the entire range of EQ frequencies available in AngelTone, allowing for unprecedented sculpting and precision.

AngelTone, like its mix-oriented brother HydraTone, allows for band-by-band selection of EQ algorithms.

This unique TriTone Digital concept allows you to use, for example, the color and charm of the "Massy" on the top end and the strength and heft of a "Sonny" on the bottom.

AngelTone features four classic EQ models. These algorithms are derived from the very best analog EQs used in mastering studios the world over.

"Milly" is a sweet but precise tube EQ. "Sonny" is based on one of the oldest parametric EQ designs and has a tight solid-state low end that mastering engineers adore. "Avy" is based on solid-state EQ favored for its clarity and openness. "Massy" is based on a modern beast of a tube EQ that is noted for its sweet sound and broad curves.

PM voor de link!
[ Dit bericht is gewijzigd door op 31-12-2007 @ 00:12:38 ]

He that would live in peace and at ease, must not speak all he knows, nor judge all he sees.
Gepost door -pascool- (Oscars Official) op zondag 30-12-2007 om 23:46:21
lul swike, moek die vraag weer stellen

nogmaals: kan iemand me ff een linkje pasen van deze plug in, ziet er wel geinig uit natuurlijk ..

dus van die ene waar iedereen van klaarkomt enzo
Gepost door Swike op zondag 30-12-2007 om 23:49:37
Ey sahbi, niet zoeren.
He that would live in peace and at ease, must not speak all he knows, nor judge all he sees.
Gepost door CB-finest op zondag 30-12-2007 om 23:53:42
komt er aan pascool..


Iedereen kent die robotstemmetjes die je hoort op hits als "Dat ene kutnummer over die boot van afgelopen zomer" of het geniale einde van "California Love"

naar mijn idee zijn er maar 2 software-alternatieven voor..

De Vokator

of de Orange vocoder

niet dat de producers deze niet kenden ofzo.. maar wie weet de beginnelingen... en links zijn aanwezig
Ik ben erg, zo erg dat jij je er aan gaat ergeren.
Gepost door Beatzcollective op zondag 30-12-2007 om 23:56:44
Camel Audio Camelspace VST v.142

Prepare to be entranced! CamelSpace can take any sound you throw at it – be it a pad, a synth line or a drum loop – and generate a dizzying array of dynamically-evolving, gated rhythmic textures.

An enormously powerful 128-step 'trance gate' sequencer controls panning, filter cut-off and volume, while independent LFOs provide still more mind-boggling modulation options.

Camel Audio CamelSpace is a multi effect with trance-gate, enhancer, filter, delay and reverb. Camel Phat is one of many vst plugins created by Camel Audio.
A tempo-synced stereo delay and powerful auto-panner ensure that your sounds are always on the move, while an enhancer (with 'Xcita' and soft saturation), a flanger and a high-quality reverb all add 'sparkle'.

A stunning graphical user interface puts all the controls at your fingertips, while the X/Y pad allows easy real-time manipulation of the most important parameters.

With the intelligent 'Randomize' button, new sounds and inspiration are just a click away. 128 attention-grabbing presets, organised by category, are also included. Find out more in the easy-to-read manual.

Edit: PM voor de links!
[ Dit bericht is gewijzigd door op 30-12-2007 @ 23:58:39 ]
Hof van Jaeden
Koning der Armen
Gepost door Hof van Jaeden op zondag 30-12-2007 om 23:56:52
CB-Finest & Beatcollective's ille plug-in topic

Gepost door Beatzcollective op zondag 30-12-2007 om 23:59:48
dobleye schreef op 30-12-2007 @ 23:56
CB-Finest & Beatcollective's ille plug-in topic


Zie je dit CB en BC...zelfs omgekeerd zijn we baas voor jullie plugs
Gepost door -pascool- (Oscars Official) op maandag 31-12-2007 om 00:00:15
CB je bent vast een schat van een vent, maar ik heb nog steeds geen linkje, en zelf zoeken is geen optie helaas
Gepost door Beatzcollective op maandag 31-12-2007 om 00:01:14
-pascool- schreef op 31-12-2007 @ 00:00
CB je bent vast een schat van een vent, maar ik heb nog steeds geen linkje, en zelf zoeken is geen optie helaas

om hier even op in te haken, welke wilde je hebben?
Gepost door -pascool- (Oscars Official) op maandag 31-12-2007 om 00:01:44
Melodyne alstublieft
skip mijn eigen intro's
Gepost door Arihasj op maandag 31-12-2007 om 00:01:59
pascool kan niet zo goed lezen, maar ill topic
Wu, Tang, Wu, Tang, Wu, Tang, Wu, Tang
Wu, Tang, Wu, Tang, Wu, Tang, it's on your brain
Gepost door Beatzcollective op maandag 31-12-2007 om 00:02:11
je hebt met 1 minuut een pm
Gepost door -pascool- (Oscars Official) op maandag 31-12-2007 om 00:02:52
zie ik iets over et hoofd ? (zal niet de eerste keer zijn dus de optie bestaat)

thanks BC
[ Dit bericht is gewijzigd door op 31-12-2007 @ 00:03:11 ]
Gepost door CB-finest op maandag 31-12-2007 om 00:09:58
Hahaha.. linkje is onderweg bedoelt BC...

ben ondertussen nog even aan het werken aan de E.P. die ik vandaag of morgen ga droppen...
Ik ben erg, zo erg dat jij je er aan gaat ergeren.
Gepost door Beatzcollective op maandag 31-12-2007 om 00:11:27
TriTone Digital Angeltone VST

AngelTone is a digital mastering EQ that utilizes state-of-the-art modeling to combine analog mastering EQ sweetness with digital precision and recall.

AngelTone features five bands. Three bands are capable of full-range parametric operation. The two extreme bands feature both full-range peaking and shelving EQ modes. All parametric and peaking bands have access to the entire range of EQ frequencies available in AngelTone, allowing for unprecedented sculpting and precision.

AngelTone, like its mix-oriented brother HydraTone, allows for band-by-band selection of EQ algorithms.

This unique TriTone Digital concept allows you to use, for example, the color and charm of the "Massy" on the top end and the strength and heft of a "Sonny" on the bottom.

AngelTone features four classic EQ models. These algorithms are derived from the very best analog EQs used in mastering studios the world over.

"Milly" is a sweet but precise tube EQ. "Sonny" is based on one of the oldest parametric EQ designs and has a tight solid-state low end that mastering engineers adore. "Avy" is based on solid-state EQ favored for its clarity and openness. "Massy" is based on a modern beast of a tube EQ that is noted for its sweet sound and broad curves.

Steinberg Magneto VST v 1.5

Magneto brings the warmth and punch of analog recordings to your digital audio workstation!

The digital audio recording era has provided us with that clear & clean digital sound! No more tape noise, no more problems with worn out tape reels. However, digital sound is perceived to be somewhat "sterile" and "cold", compared with high quality analog recordings. Magneto brings the positive qualities of analog recording to your digital system, by recreating the sound of analog tape saturation. It's suitable for nearly any musical instrument: drums, bass, vocals, synth, ... And of course for the final mix!

And Magneto doesn't stop at just simulating the sound of the tape: the behaviour of a complete analog tape machine was analyzed and implemented (without the drawbacks of that media, of course). Once you have added Magneto to your system, you'll never want to live without it again!

PM voor de links!
[ Dit bericht is gewijzigd door op 31-12-2007 @ 00:28:07 ]
Gepost door Beatzcollective op maandag 31-12-2007 om 00:35:52
NomadFactory Studio Channel SC-226 VST

The Nomad Factory Studio Channel SC-226 is a stereo channel recording plug-in, featuring four band equalizer, an analog "signature" optical compressor and at the heart of the shelving and bell filters, a tube simulator and Brick-Wall peak limiter designed to reproduce the warmth of vintage recordings with unrivaled quality and realism. The Studio Channel is tube style virtual equalizer / compressor. It is equally suited for delicate vocal as well as dynamic instrument recordings such as lead guitar, bass guitar, drums and horns. The algorithm was designed to emulate the response of a high-end vintage analog equalizer/compressor. The Studio Channel plug-in is available in RTAS, VST and AudioUnit format for MAC OSX and Windows XP/Vista32. Exceptional for tracking, mixing or mastering, the Studio Channel recreates the warm sound qualities of its analog hardware ancestors.

Klik op dit plaatje om op ware grootte te zien.

PM voor de link!
[ Dit bericht is gewijzigd door op 31-12-2007 @ 00:38:10 ]
Gepost door eTune op maandag 31-12-2007 om 00:42:44
Erg fijne vocal stripper/compressor...
heb deze standaard op mijn vocals eigenlijk...

Kun je met die ?
Gepost door Beatzcollective op maandag 31-12-2007 om 00:51:47
eTune schreef op 31-12-2007 @ 00:42
Erg fijne vocal stripper/compressor...
heb deze standaard op mijn vocals eigenlijk...

Kun je met die ?

Weet je wat een compressor doet? Nou dat dus + toegevoegde waarde!
Gepost door CB-finest op maandag 31-12-2007 om 00:54:55
eTune schreef op 31-12-2007 @ 00:42
Erg fijne vocal stripper/compressor...
heb deze standaard op mijn vocals eigenlijk...

Kun je met die ?

lees je even in over compressors.. KLIK

Dit is een hele goede compressor waar je ook verschillende frequentiebanden (laag, midden, hoge tonen etc.) mee kunt beperken of boosten...

Ik ben erg, zo erg dat jij je er aan gaat ergeren.
Gepost door Beatzcollective op maandag 31-12-2007 om 00:58:56
CB-finest schreef op 31-12-2007 @ 00:54

lees je even in over compressors.. KLIK

Dit is een hele goede compressor waar je ook verschillende frequentiebanden (laag, midden, hoge tonen etc.) mee kunt beperken of boosten...

heb em net binnengehaald.. tis weer heerlijk allemaal!

Edit: zal je ff voorzien van alle links dusver CB!
[ Dit bericht is gewijzigd door op 31-12-2007 @ 01:02:50 ]
Gepost door CB-finest op maandag 31-12-2007 om 01:11:54
Beatzcollective schreef op 31-12-2007 @ 00:58

heb em net binnengehaald.. tis weer heerlijk allemaal!

ja.. echt mijn favo compressortje..
Ik ben erg, zo erg dat jij je er aan gaat ergeren.
Gepost door L2N op maandag 31-12-2007 om 01:13:18
Cb en bc zijn bazen maar ik maak geen beats dus ik heb er niets aan
L2's bradda's en bradderinnen: zix finger dax freakyfreek kadee livio dge xflipit jspr thomas bigsam mofo ozcan muss maffedodo sjaakie brandt bj iminic rvr gizzle freshss melle ouweschoolgast aprofourz gaucho saku/angelix ottogast deekte g0ldfinger leyla
Gepost door CB-finest op maandag 31-12-2007 om 01:14:43
L2N schreef op 31-12-2007 @ 01:13
Cb en bc zijn bazen maar ik maak geen beats dus ik heb er niets aan

Hahaha... ieder zijn vak... jij bent dan weer de baas van mijn baas qua rappen

shit is bijna klaar trouwens..
Ik ben erg, zo erg dat jij je er aan gaat ergeren.
Gepost door L2N op maandag 31-12-2007 om 01:16:01
jezus dat renderen duurt nou al 2 dagen
L2's bradda's en bradderinnen: zix finger dax freakyfreek kadee livio dge xflipit jspr thomas bigsam mofo ozcan muss maffedodo sjaakie brandt bj iminic rvr gizzle freshss melle ouweschoolgast aprofourz gaucho saku/angelix ottogast deekte g0ldfinger leyla
Gepost door CB-finest op maandag 31-12-2007 om 01:17:18
L2N schreef op 31-12-2007 @ 01:16
jezus dat renderen duurt nou al 2 dagen

Tja... ben een pietje precies... en was niet tevreden over het refrein.. maar ben in die laatste fase nu
Ik ben erg, zo erg dat jij je er aan gaat ergeren.
Gepost door Beatzcollective op maandag 31-12-2007 om 01:46:12
Antares Autotune VST v.5.08

Volgens mij had CB deze ook al gepost, maar kan em in ons topic niet meer terugvinden.. Misschien is swike deze vergeten te quoten
Hier versie 5.08 van Autotune;

The Fastest, Easiest-To-Use, Highest-Quality Tool for Correcting Pitch

Buy ItHailed as a "holy grail of recording," by Recording magazine (and adopted worldwide as the largest-selling audio plug-in of all time), Auto-Tune corrects intonation problems in vocals or solo instruments, in real time, without distortion or artifacts, while preserving all of the expressive nuance of the original performance - with audio quality so pristine that the only difference between what goes in and what comes out is the intonation. All with a user-interface that is a model of clarity, speed and ease-of-use.

For most common pitch problems, Auto-Tune 5's Automatic Mode instantaneously detects the pitch of the input, identifies the closest pitch in a user-specified scale (including minor, major, chromatic and 26 historical and microtonal scales), and corrects the input pitch to match the scale pitch. A Retune Speed control lets you match the retune rate to virtually any performance style.

For meticulous tweaking, the Graphical Mode displays the performance's detected pitch envelope and allows you to draw in the desired pitch using a variety of graphics tools. This mode gives complete control over the correction or modification of the most elaborate expressive gestures.

Auto-Tune is used daily by thousands of audio professionals around the world. Whether to save studio and editing time, ease the frustration of endless retakes, to save that otherwise once-in-a-lifetime performance, or to create striking special effects, Auto-Tune 5 is the tool of choice.

PM voor de link!
Gepost door Lerraimy op maandag 31-12-2007 om 02:17:37
waar download ik die melodyne ziet me echt lauw uit

werkt die met cool edit of ist een programma op zich?
Gepost door Beatzcollective op maandag 31-12-2007 om 02:19:08
zie je inbox
Gepost door aprofourz op maandag 31-12-2007 om 08:03:21
paas mij die melodyne met crack dank u...
Gepost door Beatzcollective op maandag 31-12-2007 om 09:43:41
aprofourz schreef op 31-12-2007 @ 08:03
paas mij die melodyne met crack dank u...

zie je inbox!
Gepost door aprofourz op maandag 31-12-2007 om 09:45:27
stank you BC,als ik het goed begrijp kan ik die melodyne gewoon in fl gebruiken....
[ Dit bericht is gewijzigd door op 31-12-2007 @ 09:47:23 ]

Gepost door Beatzcollective op maandag 31-12-2007 om 09:50:11
jupz, zowel stand-alone als pluggie voor FL
Gepost door mixxman op maandag 31-12-2007 om 09:50:24
kan iemand mij die melodyne ook ff passen?
Gepost door aprofourz op maandag 31-12-2007 om 09:51:19
zit in je inbox.......hahaha te laat BC

[ Dit bericht is gewijzigd door op 31-12-2007 @ 09:51:43 ]

Gepost door Beatzcollective op maandag 31-12-2007 om 09:51:19
mixxman schreef op 31-12-2007 @ 09:50
kan iemand mij die melodyne ook ff passen?

zie je inbox met een halve minuut

Edit: pff.. vervelende mensen hiero op de vroege morgen
[ Dit bericht is gewijzigd door op 31-12-2007 @ 09:52:56 ]
Gepost door mixxman op maandag 31-12-2007 om 09:52:35
ghehe thnx
Gepost door aprofourz op maandag 31-12-2007 om 09:54:14
ow CB ook bedankt natuurlijk....
Gepost door Beatzcollective op maandag 31-12-2007 om 10:03:41
Zero-G Sounds of the 70s VSTi

Out now! SOUNDS OF THE 70s
A plug-in Virtual Sound Module powered by a Custom High-Performance Native Instruments Audio Engine (VST 2.0, DXi, ASIO, AU, RTAS, Mac & PC)

We are excited to announce SOUNDS OF THE 70s, one of our best releases ever, which is sure to become an absolute must-have production tool. A unique new Virtual Sound Module powered by the Native Instruments INTAKT interface, featuring a huge and uniquely inspiring sound library, which captures the TRUE essence of the 1970s! This Virtual Sound Module is the ultimate Seventies production tool for 21st century groovers! It delivers the undiluted heart of soul, disco, funk, and punk: recreated, sampled, and reborn. The great golden age of the dancefloor recreated! Step back in time to the disco explosion, with the SOUNDS OF THE 70s Virtual Sounds Module. What do the 70s mean to you? Glitterballs, strobe lights, dry ice, mirrors, roller discos, the World Disco Dancing Championships, the hustle, the bump, the freak, cocktails, platform boots, flares, bell bottoms, tank tops, velvet suits, spandex, hot pants, medallions on hairy chests, afros & perms, John Travolta & 'Saturday Night Fever', Little Michael & The Jacksons, James Brown, disco divas, boogie. This was the great era, when the 12 inch, the remix and the DJ were born, the genesis of beat mixing. The horns, the strings, the raw disco power! Now the musical essence and irresistible dancefloor vibes of this great era can live on even more strongly in the music of today with a new generation, thanks to SOUNDS OF THE 70s, this stunning production tool featuring construction kits, grooves, hits and instruments, written and produced by Mike Wilkie and Matthew Corbett for Zero-G. All the rhythm material has further been lovingly sliced and diced to form an awesomely flexible production powerhouse based on the Native Instruments INTAKT plug-in engine.

PM voor de links!

Big Fish Audio - Prosonus The Orchestral Collection

Ook graag je trompetjes, saxjes en overige koper instrumenten toevoegen aan je producties?

The Orchestral Collection contains all orchestral sounds : you'll find string orchestra sustained, marcato, pizz and FX; section and solo violin, viola, cello and bass; trumpet, piccolo trumpet, flugelhorn, french horn, trombone, bass trombone, tuba and tuba FX; brass ensemble and brass orchestra; flute, alto flute, piccolo, clarinet, oboe, oboe d'amore, English horn, bassoon, and contrabassoon; harp single notes and glissandi; timpani, tubular bells, triangle, cymbals, cymbal FX, gong, snare, snare rolls, and more!

This thing has become very hard to find within the past few months. Other forums are now charging money for it. Here it is for free! Enjoy the rare sounds! It's not an East West Symphonic Orchestra but it contains sounds that are very unique.

Requires 1.5 Gigs of HD space
Instructions : After extraction, put the "dat" file as well as the "dll" (plugin) both inside your VSTPlugins folder.

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[ Dit bericht is gewijzigd door op 31-12-2007 @ 10:37:36 ]
zie signature
Gepost door mafcase op maandag 31-12-2007 om 10:32:41
dope dit man.. ik heb nog nooit plugins gebruikt.. altijd alles gesampled
maar als ik dit zie, ga ik me er toch maar eens in verdiepen

thanx gasten
Gepost door Beatzcollective op maandag 31-12-2007 om 10:52:38
Steinberg XPhraze v1.2 VSTi

Create chord patterns, riffs, bass lines, effects, arpeggios, morphs, pads, leads, even 4-track songs quickly and intuitively with Xphraze. With chopping rave chords, complex polyphonic soundscapes, screaming bass and lead riffs, luscious sweeping pads and tempo-synced sound effects, Xphraze will have your music exploding from your speakers all in perfect sync.

Comes with a huge library with literally hundreds of ready-to-go Combis, Patches and Phrazes. Just pick what you need and go or tweak it to your needs in no time.
Four-part multi-timbral polyphonic phrase synthesizer, full loop and tempo-sync capability (phraze generators, envelopes and LFOs).
Each Patch consists of: Phrase Oscillator (32 cells) with individual note resolution, amp section and multimode filter, each with free- form loopable envelopes, two additional freeform loopable auxiliary envelopes, four freeform LFOs, arpeggiator, unison mode.
Each Phraze Generator contains: individual multisample per cell, plus a maximum of six freely assignable cell parameters, such as pitch, cutoff, resonance, pan, level, gate-time and more. Each cell parameter curve freely mouse-editable.
Unlimited, freely assignable morph modulation with 24 sources x 16 destinations.
Phrase playback can be fully adjusted for each Patch: play and loop range (start/end) can be adjusted on-screen, switchable trigger/mute per cell, adjustable cell crossfade/duration.
Xmix function allowing for live creation and remix of entire tracks using MIDI keys.
Performance controllable stereo insert effects for each Patch from 24 effect types, plus four master effects from eleven types.
Vector Synthesis: automated vector morph between four patches, including vector envelope.
Integrated browser for managing unlimited numbers of Combis, Patches and Phrazes.
Wave ROM with more than 200 waveforms included, plus import function for AIFF and Wave samples, automap for multisamples.
Sample-accurate audio engine featuring 32 Bit floating-point resolution, 192 kHz sample rate, and up to 1024 voices/notes (256 per Patch).
Integrated mouse-controllable keyboard with wheels.

Klik op dit plaatje om op ware grootte te zien.

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Gepost door aprofourz op maandag 31-12-2007 om 11:50:31
Zero-G Sounds of the 70s VSTi

Gepost door Beatzcollective op maandag 31-12-2007 om 11:55:26
@Apro komt er zo aan!

Ultimate Sound Bank Plugsound Vol4. - Hiphop Toolkit

This virtual instrument offers the most complete sonic arsenal for Hip Hop, R n B and New Pop/Rock productions. Its made of more than 600 presets using 1,500 samples. The focus of this collection was initiated by longtime R n B programmers, to obtain a stylish virtual sample library that provides 585 Megabytes of professional-sounding samples. The sound- design team put together a great selection of loops, kits and multisampled instruments. Despite being created by hip hop and R n B artists, this library offers sounds which will be useful to composers working in many modern musical genres: it will be a great asset to music producers and post-pro houses. The first section features construction kits of the latest trends: Timba-style, Funk Mood, Talk-boxed, M&M, Pure R n B, Hip hop... The next section offers drum loops sorted by tempo, Instrument phrases combo, Single phrases mapped to the entire keyboard for easy transposition (bass, fx, guitar, hits, keys, synth), vinyl sounds, basses (phat, R n B), Keyboards, Guitars, Synths, bass/synth Splits, vinyl fx, Drum kits, and sorted Drum presets. This last section features the most powerful drum selection on the planet in the R n B flavor. A most inspired toolkit: this is the real heavy stuff!

There is only 1 folder after extraction, just drop that folder inside your VSTPlugins folder. Open the plugin in your host sequencer (Cubase, FL) and use the Keygen for authorization. Do not forget to select the correct plugin in the keygen window, which is, in this case, PS Vol. 4 Hip Hop Toolkits BEFORE you click "Generate"

That should be all. For those who experience sounds being "out-of-time" or "offbeat" when they export in FL, use the proxy dll plugin instead for a flawless export (Cubase doesn't need this, only FL). Enjoy.

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Gepost door melle op maandag 31-12-2007 om 11:55:43
Altiverb 6
Steinberg Magneto VST v 1.5
Zero-G Sounds of the 70s VSTi

Deze zou ik gerne eens willen checken..
Gepost door Beatzcollective op maandag 31-12-2007 om 12:02:40
melle schreef op 31-12-2007 @ 11:55
Altiverb 6
Steinberg Magneto VST v 1.5
Zero-G Sounds of the 70s VSTi

Deze zou ik gerne eens willen checken..

zie je inbox!

Ultimate Soundbank Plugsound vol. 2 - Fretted Instruments

Akoestische gitaren en basjes voor de liefhebber!

Fretted Instruments kicks off with an acoustic guitar section. It includes a Nylon guitar custom-made by acclaimed maker Gerome, and a wonderful “spanish-style” nylon guitar. Moving on to steel strings, a 12 strings and several 6 strings acoustics (from prestigious makers like Guild™, Martin™, Gerome and Maruha) are featured. Many Dobro and Bottleneck presets add their unique color to the acoustic section. The electric guitar section packs several clean Strat’ sounds through D.I. or amps like Jazz Chorus or Twin reverb. The D.I. are especially handy if you own an amp modeling effect plug-in. Distorted Strat’ is included too, captured with the ubiquitous SM57. The legendary Gibson Les Paul™ is next, sampled through several different amps. The electric section then provides the Gibson 335, Jazz guitars, muted playing style guitars, etc.

The bass section starts with an awesome selection of Double Basses. Then a wide range of electric bass is covered, both fretted and fretless, including all the classic instruments like Jazz Bass, and many others, covering all current styles. And it’s not all: volume two include many more sounds like some superb Harp presets and many “ethnic” sounds.

The Ethnic section includes a great selection of usually very rare multisamples like Banjo, Mandolin, Celtic guitar, Lute, Sitar (and electric Sitar), Baglamas, Bozouki, Jubus, Oud, Lute from Morocco, Saz and Tzouras.

Requires 670 MB of HD Space

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[ Dit bericht is gewijzigd door op 31-12-2007 @ 12:14:23 ]
if you hustlin and get it walk about and dont spit
Gepost door LAUWESHIT op maandag 31-12-2007 om 12:44:50
yo BC/CB heeft een van jullie die orange vocoder voor mij in m'n inbox?
Wise men talk because they have something to say; fools, because they have to say something. - Plato
Gepost door Beatzcollective op maandag 31-12-2007 om 13:35:35
zie je inbox!
Gepost door Beatzcollective op maandag 31-12-2007 om 14:44:55
Loopmaster Drum and Bass Producer (Samples & Kits)

A Killa collection of the freshest drum and bass samples, drumloops, jungle basslines, aggressive synths, special fx, quality pads and sound bytes from one of the hottest production teams of the current crop maintaining Drum and Bass as a music that's here to stay!

Drum Loops: Using 4 tempo variations of 155, 160, 165 and 170 bpm.
155bpm: 29 loops in wav/rx2.
160bpm: 81 loops in wav/rx2.
165bpm: 70 loops in wav/rx2.
170bpm: 64 loops in wav/rx2.
Total number of wav loops 244
Total number of rx2 loops 244

Drum Kits:
A total of 31 kits, 5 kits at 155bpm, 8 kits at 160 and 165bpm, and 10 kits at 170bpm. WAV format.

Bass Sounds:
Separated into Bass lines and Bass Instruments. There are 50
And Loops wav loops split into two tempo groups, 160bpm and 170bpm and in various keys. 37 of these files are copied in rx2 format. The key information is given as part of the file title.

Bass Instruments:
There are three sets of instruments available. Two of these are in Reason's Subtractor (11) and Malstrom (10) patch format. The third offers five sets of multi-patch wav files.

Instruments Loops:
Using only one tempo of 160 bpm. Separated into four sound categories with a total of 42 loops in wav format and 37 in rx2.

SFX Sounds:
60 samples designed to be used as single hit sounds in wav
And Banks. Also available as 4 sound group/patches for NN-XT and NN19 samplers.

Pads and Atmospheres:
There are three sets of instruments available in this group, offering 34 pads and atmosphere sounds.

Two are in Reasons' Subtractor and Malstrom patch format, 10 patches in each, and the third set contains 14 multi-patch sample sets. Included in each of the sample sets is the corresponding patch for use with NN19 and NN-XT samplers.

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Big Fish Audio - Downtown strings (externe mirror naast Rapid!)

Downtown Strings from PowerFX and distributed by Big Fish Audio delivers a fine collection of R 'n B and hip hop strings. This beautifully recorded collection features custom string arrangements written specifically for producers of "urban" music.

The library features string quartet construction kits, full string ensemble passages, upright bass grooves, unique and useful harp loops and riffs as well as an ample selection of multi-sampled scales.

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[ Dit bericht is gewijzigd door op 31-12-2007 @ 15:00:52 ]
Unexplained Gepost door Unexplained op maandag 31-12-2007 om 15:02:48
Echte bazen van het forum! BC, nooit gedacht aan een eigen forum ofzo? Puur voor de beatbakkerij?

CB was zoiets wel van plan, een eigen forum. Maar niet puur voor beats dacht ik.
Gepost door Beatzcollective op maandag 31-12-2007 om 15:04:58
Volgende batch

Sonic Refills Gold Bundle (alle 20 volumes!)
Let op alleen compatible met Reason 3.0!!

Aangezien het 20 volumes zijn hou rekening met een hoop rars
Misschien loont het dan toch wel om ff een premium accountje aan te maken!..

With the Sonic Refills Gold Bundle, you get volumes 1 through 20 of the stunning
Sonic Refills for Reason series. This is the ultimate collection to supercharge Reason.

The 20 volumes!

The 20 volumes you get are:
Synths 1
Synths 2
Rhythm Section
Pianos & Organs
OmniSoundz GM
Reality Drums
Monster Drums
Vintage Drums
Instruments of the 60's & 70's
Retro Keys
Acoustic Folk
World Percussion
Ethnic Instruments
Film Orchestra
Triple Bass
Triple Guitars
Synths 3
Vocal Textures

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[ Dit bericht is gewijzigd door op 31-12-2007 @ 15:18:20 ]
Big Pimpin'
Gepost door Skiz op maandag 31-12-2007 om 16:03:14
gaan jullie ook nog beginnen over de vienna sonic library?

zo ja, zouden jullie bij kunnen uitleggen hoe je die performer moet laten werken? ik krijg het niet aan de praat in Cubase, en via Kontakt is gewoon kut want die kan niet met de instrument interpretaties (de manieren van spelen) omgaan.

dus nu ben ik steeds genoodzaakt het hele midi (tig kanalen) gebeuren van cubase te gebruiken in Kontakt met alle interpretaties die ik nodig heb om tot een redelijk resultaat te komen.

Komen jullie ook nog met die Waves meuk aan bod? dat vind ik persoonlijk ook altijd erg fijn spul je kan daar super gedetailleerd in te werk gaan namelijk. behalve dat die spectrum analyser een beetje rot is omdat hij niet zo nauwkeurig is in het laag.
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