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Son of the soul
Gepost door Quisha op maandag 18-02-2008 om 08:16:48
I'm so wasted that I don't remember the taste of weed
Had too many beers in the morning so I can't proceed
Can't walk can't talk, the only thing I can do is rhyme
Even though the word doesn't flow it sure does feel fine
Feel my heart and soul, a euphoric sting of adrenaline
As if something's crawling in my body making me spin
Started to begin the lyrical rappin as I am all fucked up
Losing the ability to see what’s reality and what’s not
What the hell is happening, my lips keep on trembling
As if the alcohol brought me the thing I always wanted
A tight flow with no worries about all my problems!
Don’t wanna wake up with a hard hangover in bed again
Or on the couch surrounded by friends biting crack man
No, I want to keep that thing going on I’d been busy with
The whole night long ending up in bed with my kissy miss

edit: O yeah, let me know what you think
[ Dit bericht is gewijzigd door op 18-02-2008 @ 10:49:44 ]

"Don't mind your competitiors, just do what you wanna do and what feels good!"
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