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acida Gepost door acida op woensdag 08-10-2003 om 18:58:42
Why don't you have another topic where you can post rhymes that aint for battling? For those of us that has come a bit further than that... I also think it would be a good idea that "English" and "Dutch" could be separated so those of us that doesn't speak dutch as well as the rest of you can get an idea about what dutch rappers represent without searching for hours...
Schaduw Gepost door Schaduw op woensdag 08-10-2003 om 20:27:20
Maybe it's all in one because the Battle Corner almost dead is...
Gepost door dap op woensdag 08-10-2003 om 20:31:39
Check the audio battle in progress of planning.
acida Gepost door acida op donderdag 09-10-2003 om 12:17:16
Audio battling is still battling aint it? If there isn't people rhyming/battling, than get people to rhyme/battle! I meant somewhere to put rhymes like the one I posted at "A rhyme" for feedback...
Limited Edition
Gepost door creech op vrijdag 10-10-2003 om 14:48:28
If you force people to rhyme/battle the result probably isn't worth paying attention to anyway.
Sit jou kop in die koei se kont en wag tot die bull jou kom holnaai.
Roy wears Casio watches! Be like Roy, wear Casio!
Gepost door N8 op vrijdag 10-10-2003 om 17:55:02
take the baton, drop it on to the head,
and now she's dead
killin' baby seals, keepin' it real
you wanna chew the beef, but you'd rather chew the veal
coz killin' babies, for you has mass appeal
Until The End of Time I Rhyme
Gepost door WANDOG op maandag 05-01-2004 om 07:06:38
when I was youth I smoked weed out
am a type of mothafucka that you read
takin a life for two that's what the hell I do
you don't like how am livin well FUCK YOU!!
''Wandog is just excist
he steal ya fucking fans
to make a couple of hits''
De Topfokker - 0416
Gepost door Mc_sKiTtLeS op maandag 05-01-2004 om 08:44:34
yo acida,

Post it in this topic... We give you the feedback...

Peace skittles...
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