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Gepost door Damn-Star op woensdag 26-03-2008 om 18:00:12
Sinds vandaag is er een demo van FL 8:
Gepost door Beatzcollective op vrijdag 28-03-2008 om 14:39:30
Man, ik gebruik momenteel een werkende FL8 XXL versie.. hoezo demo?
Gepost door aprofourz op vrijdag 28-03-2008 om 14:41:35
Ik denk dat hij bedoeld zon introduktie filmpie..

Kuch link?
Gepost door Beatzcollective op vrijdag 28-03-2008 om 14:44:17
Kuch link? haha.. ik up em wel ff en paas je de link via pm zoals vanouds
Gepost door aprofourz op vrijdag 28-03-2008 om 14:45:21
Thx Mate..
Gepost door Iminic op vrijdag 28-03-2008 om 16:26:59
EDIT: Keelsnoepjes.
[ Dit bericht is gewijzigd door op 28-03-2008 @ 16:29:47 ]

It's a celebration, bitches, I just got back.
Mistletoe in my backpocket: kiss my ass. - Rocknesssss
Gepost door Beatzcollective op vrijdag 28-03-2008 om 16:29:10
zie inbox man
Gepost door aprofourz op vrijdag 28-03-2008 om 16:30:18
te laat BC
Gepost door Beatzcollective op vrijdag 28-03-2008 om 16:31:34
ja hoorde al zoiets...zie ook ille plugin topic... voor de rest.. Seizoen is weer geopend denk ik...
Big Pimpin'
Gepost door Skiz op zondag 30-03-2008 om 16:35:47
ik blijf eht jammer vinden dat ze die FL plugins niet blijven verbeteren, zoals bijvoorbeeld meerdere filter modes (tussen smerig analoog klinkend of compleet steriel) en ipv 12dB/oct en 24 dB/oct ook van die onmogelijke dingen zetten die digitaal prima mogelijk zijn, zoals 128dB/oct, kan je je mix prima geheel clean mee laten klinken.

het enige wat er veranderd is dat je reverb 2 en andere softsynthjes krijgt. die ook gewoon kut klinken.

maar toch ben ik benieuwd wat er veranderd is, zijn er nog belangrijke verbeteringen? is fruity inmiddels dual/quadcore vriendelijk geworden?
FinD Gepost door FinD op zondag 30-03-2008 om 18:04:27
[ Dit bericht is gewijzigd door op 30-03-2008 @ 18:07:06 ]

Sigs cause cancer.
Gepost door MerlijndeDopenaar op zondag 30-03-2008 om 18:15:08
in FL7 had je wel dat je in pianoroll die vakjes gewoon kon zetten waar je wilde en dan kon je m ook uit de maat late valle maar nu is het allemaal vast ofzo.. hoe wijzig ik dat.?
Gepost door aprofourz op zondag 30-03-2008 om 18:21:05
van line afzetten,ik weet alleen ff niet waar dat stond..rechtsboven..
Gepost door sPace op zondag 30-03-2008 om 20:36:44
Wat is er allemaal nieuw?
sPace, geen spatie!
DeEkte Gepost door DeEkte op dinsdag 01-04-2008 om 09:45:44
New Slicex drumloop slicing generator plugin.

New SynthMaker modular environment.

FL finally supports MIDI SysEx input, and handles basic MMC functions.

Added error message at startup when MMX or SSE1 is not found.

Cleartype not forced on anymore for mixer labels for Win9X platforms.

Right-clicking splitters (browser, piano roll, playlist) for spare position.

Project browser: can show/hide plugin editors from the generators/effects folders.

Generator smart disable is now compatible with threaded rendering.

Added mouse wheel support to popup menus & combo selectors.

Added some extra mouse buttons support.

Added (manual) plugin editor thumbnails to project browser.

Sinc interpolator now faster (64point sinc now usable realtime).

New slope modes for LP/HP/LS/Peak/HS bands in Parametric EQ 2 plugin.

New 'multilink' option for quicker remote control assignment & creation of multiple automation clips.

Added 'Edit whole mapping' to Remote control part of the project browser.

Optional stereo waveform display in playlist.

Re-implemented CME UF keyboard support (although MIDI feedback sometimes makes no sense).

Parameter smoothing now works for relative knobs or other incremental MIDI controls too.

Improved parameter smoothing.

Can now define absolute increment steps in MIDI remote control window.

Playlist->Edit->Shift left/right now works for audio clips too (including using control surface jogs).

Added full support for the Mackie Control Universal.

Improved support for some controllers.

Improved 'undo knob tweaks' to support tweaking several parameters at once without slowing down.

Love Philter: piano keys assigned to patterns.

Tweaking controls on VST(i)s now show a hint message in FL's hint bar (when possible).

Wave Candy: fixed some bugs & added Vista window background blur.

Updated to LAME 3.97.

Improved latency compensation 'Set from' option.

Rendering with latency compensation.

Added slip editing in playlist clips, as well as little changes in resizing tools.

Improved accuracy of MIDI input recording under high GUI CPU load.

Can now move effect slots around using the mouse wheel.

FL (& some FL plugins) now support .ogg format.

Introducing 'Selected' mixer track, to which the selected mixer track is routed, and in which you

place visual effects or a recording Edison.

Ctrl+E to quickly open an audio editor in a mixer track, or Shift+E to open an audio logger.

Added score logging feature, not to miss scored played while testing.

Piano roll: added 'Select at random' to select 10% random notes, for variations.

Playlist: clip source selection now in titlebar, and clips panel now on top by default.

One-click audio recording now prompts to record in Edison.

Improved RAM usage meter for some systems.

Can now resize multiple playlist clips at once.

Caps lock function changed to allow resizing of notes from left side in piano roll.

Added recording filter (right-click record button).

Newbie enhancement: snapping is on by default.

Newbie enhancement: browser snapshot now defaults to slot 1.

Newbie enhancement: window menu icons replaced by holly down arrows.

New spectral view in monitor panel.

DrumSynth: added call to SendPatchToEngine to Voice_Release, to temporarily fix a release

problem when multiple voices are active

Automation now displayed in pattern clips, improved event editor display.

Channels in piano roll channel selector are now sorted by channel group.

New list of available patterns when right-clicking the pattern selector.

Patterns named '-pattern name' now act as separators in lists.

Added OGG Vorbis rendering target.

Added randomize & humanize to multilink menu.

Default audio device changed to ASIO4ALL.

Newly-recorded patterns now added as pattern clips (when in song mode).

Fruity DX10: mod init and sustain calculations now also take samplerate into account

Changed piano roll keyboard modifiers a little (see help file) to add a new SHIFT+click to add note in resize mode.

Added 'Send previous/next to selected channel' option in browser. Works well with extra mouse buttons too.

Default peak meters scale bottom changed to -70dB, alternate scale down to -50dB.

Introducing FL-chan in wallpapers.

Newbie enhancement: 'save as' icon blinks once 5min after the last save, then each 30sec after 10min.

Changed generator multithreaded processing method a little.

Adapted wav file loader for more bad interpretations of a bad format.

Mapped incoming "all notes off" MIDI message to panic.

Removed obsolete '16.8' version of the 32Bit wav rendering.


EQ, blur & reverb tools now remember their envelope editor settings.

unselects when live selection is too short (<150ms), and added live selection as published parameter.

new fancy waveform display mode, and option to export display to bitmap file.

added stereo waveform display.

new slave sync, pause button, transport active when not playing, support for control surfaces and keyboard

input (to slice or for sampler preview).

can now link notes to markers/regions (for use in Fruity Slicer).

added "Undo mix (spectral)" and "Paste mix (spectral)" features.

added keyboard (to note or to slice) preview.

added 'quick rename (all)' option to rename all regions to drum names.

Edison & Sytrus now captionize themselves when starting a sample drag.

new Tools->Send to playlist as audio clip, to send the clip to the playlist at selection, linked to the same

mixer track as Edison.

new drum(loop) stretching tool (& paste replace (drum)), with improved gaps filling.

CTRL+DRAG drums from one instance to another, to replace drums in a loop with drums from another loop.

slide option now works on markers/regions too.

hold right-shift to move markers more accurately (temporary zoom).

New phase editing feature in Edison's EQ.

Added middle note & score detection

Improved smoothness when recording for several minutes

new 'dual view' mode showing both waveform & spectrum.

added tools->sequencing->send to selected channel, to quickly send audio to the selected channel

without dragging (mainly for Fruity Slicer).

Changed spectral display's windowing to Kaiser.

new support for region types, and grid aligned to first downbeat marker.

new tempo detector that gives better results for fixed-tempo songs.

added 'Time format' menu to display time regardless of the grid mode.


fixed scroller freeze issue

edit string dialog now pops up on correct screen

"send value" for patch control no longer generates an exception

messages are no longer added to a buffer to be sent during processing


invalidate synthpanel on resize, to avoid graphical glitch when resizing the editor with "Show window

contents while dragging" off in Windows

mouse wheel now changes pad

some cosmetic changes

pan envelope is now bipolar

fixed some save dialog glitches.

fixed envelope handling.

added wave preview in open dialog.

small UI changes

better behaviour when samples are missing

changed direction for changing pads from mouse wheel

fixed midi loop loading, it now takes into accounts the steps per beat

Video Player:

do nothing in TVideoViewer.AcceptMediaSample to prevent creeping cpu usage

moved position updates from Process to Idle function, to save some cpu usage

detached video will now keep playing if the plugin editor window is hidden

added "Ignore tempo changes" option

fix to prevent rising cpu usage.

"render fast" is now the default

Fruity Wrapper:

"Export all programs as Cubase presets" saved the current program in every file

fixed new implementation of ProcessParam to avoid "integer overflow" exception when adding an

automation clip

added hint when plugin parameter changes

some fixes in ProcessParam

now flushes plugin (inactive/active) in the PlugIOChanged callback

don't send "all note off" message for effects

the fixed size output buffer for effects are now initialized to zero before processing

now call AllocBuffers when the blocksize changes

renamed menu items for saving/loading fst and fxb files to "VST" instead of "Cubase"

added "Send note off velocity" option

implemented support for sysex messages sent by the plugin (untested)

let FL re-read key names when updateDisplay message is received from VST plugin


fixed bug showing save program dialogs

added file compatibility options to (global) options dialog

"gain" control on zone tab now defaults to 0.0dB again

"gain" control on zone tab is now multiplied to the volume instead of added

updated downloader implementation

double-click on zone (or zone index) now opens sample tab

now need to right-click on sample scroll bar to zoom

fixed drag&drop crash

made library scan (for popup menu) a lot faster

fixed browser resizing from config dlg

fixed behaviour of browser expansion with multiple instances

changed volume and velocity implementation

re-implemented soundfont support, now supports 24bit soundfonts

fixed resizing in FL version, made it more spec-compliant in VSTi version

some VST specific improvements

fixed crash in VSTi when opening/closing browser because of incorrect FL version check

effect switches on the zone page now also act according to the "global" switch

improved demo mode save/restore for VSTi version

fixed window size bug (browser open/closed) when opening editor

fixed ogg import, made it use 32bit float samples instead of 16bit int

restructured files, recompiled

fixed "full range" behaviour for selectors

(Bug)fixes :

Bugfix in envelope point snapping.

Bugfix in Sytrus unison sub.

Bugfix: quick quantize no longer resizes playlist clips.

Bugfix in stretching engine.

Bugfix in monophonic mode combined with Fruity Slicer plugin.

Little bugfix in Edison's looping tool & trimming option.

Little bugfix in Sytrus envelope release combined with sustain level.

Fixed weird bug importing corrupted playlist data from FL6 projects.

Fixed keystrokes not getting to FL when mixer was detached & focused.

Fixed strange bug with ASIO.

Fixed little bug when reordering mixer tracks.

Fixed crash when closing FL while project browser was open.

Fixed tiny browser bug.

Fixed bug in WaveShaper & Sytrus bipolar to unipolar mapping conversion.

Fixed rare arpeggiator bug.

Fixed problem loading some VST 2.4 plugins.

Fixed crash in Vista when Data Execution Prevention is on

Fixed some possible deadlocks when MIDI-controlling parameters.

Fixed little bug in Fruity Slicer's note dump.

Fixed little problem in MIDI input window.

Fixed big bug in wav file loader when regions have comments.

Fixed thread-locking issue with multiple smoothed up remote control combined with visible project

browser and knob tweak undo enabled.

7.3 (public beta on 1/10/2007)

Bugfix in envelope point snapping.

Added error message at startup when MMX or SSE1 is not found.

Bugfix in Sytrus unison sub.

Cleartype not forced on anymore for mixer labels for Win9X platforms.

Fixed little bug when reordering mixer tracks.

Little bugfix in Edison's looping tool & trimming option.

New phase editing feature in Edison's EQ.

Bugfix in stretching engine.

Bugfix in monophonic mode combined with Fruity Slicer plugin.

Fixed weird bug importing corrupted playlist data from FL6 projects.

Added middle note & score detection to Edison.

Fixed keystrokes not getting to FL when mixer was detached & focused.

Fixed strange bug with ASIO.

Right-clicking splitters (browser, piano roll, playlist) for spare position.

FL finally supports MIDI SysEx input, and handles basic MMC functions.

Fixed crash when closing FL while project browser was open.

Project browser: can show/hide plugin editors from the generators/effects folders.

Generator smart disable is now compatible with threaded rendering.

Added mouse wheel support to popup menus & combo selectors.

Added (manual) plugin editor thumbnails to project browser.

Sinc interpolator now faster (64point sinc now usable realtime).

New slope modes for LP/HP/LS/Peak/HS bands in Parametric EQ 2 plugin.

New 'multilink' option for quicker remote control assignment, creation of multiple automation clips, etc.

Added 'Edit whole mapping' to Remote control part of the project browser.

Optional stereo waveform display in playlist.

Fixed tiny browser bug.

Re-implemented CME UF keyboard support (although MIDI feedback sometimes makes no sense).

Fixed bug in WaveShaper & Sytrus bipolar to unipolar mapping conversion.

Parameter smoothing now works for relative knobs or other incremental MIDI controls too.

Improved parameter smoothing.

Can now define absolute increment steps in MIDI remote control window.

Playlist->Edit->Shift left/right now works for audio clips too (including using control surface jogs).

Added full support for the Mackie Control Universal.

Improved support for some controllers.

Fixed thread-locking issue with multiple smoothed up remote control combined with visible project browser

and knob tweak undo enabled.


- new slave sync, pause button, transport active when not playing, support for control surfaces and keyboard input

(to slice or for sampler preview).

- Can now link notes to markers/regions (for use in Fruity Slicer).

- Added "Undo mix (spectral)" and "Paste mix (spectral)" features.

- EQ, blur & reverb tools now remember their envelope editor settings.

- Added keyboard (to note or to slice) preview.

- Added 'quick rename (all)' option to rename all regions to drum names.

- Unselects when live selection is too short (<150ms), and added live selection as published parameter.

- New fancy waveform display mode, and option to export display to bitmap file.

- Added stereo waveform display.

- New Tools->Send to playlist as audio clip, to send the clip to the playlist at selection,

linked to the same mixer track as Edison.

- New drum(loop) stretching tool (& paste replace (drum)), with improved gaps filling.

- CTRL+DRAG drums from one instance to another, to replace drums in a loop with drums from another loop.

- Slide option now works on markers/regions too.

- Hold right-shift to move markers more accurately (temporary zoom).

- captionize themselves when starting a sample drag (Sytrus as well)

Improved 'undo knob tweaks' to support tweaking several parameters at once without slowing down.

Love Philter: piano keys assigned to patterns.

Tweaking controls on VST(i)s now show a hint message in FL's hint bar (when possible).

Wave Candy: fixed some bugs & added Vista window background blur.

Updated to LAME 3.97.

Improved latency compensation 'Set from' option.

Rendering with latency compensation.

Added slip editing in playlist clips, as well as little changes in resizing tools.

Improved accuracy of MIDI input recording under high GUI CPU load.

Can now move effect slots around using the mouse wheel.

FL (& some FL plugins) now support .ogg format.

Introducing 'Selected' mixer track, to which the selected mixer track is routed, and in which you place visual

effects or a recording Edison.

Ctrl+E to quickly open an audio editor in a mixer track, or Shift+E to open an audio logger.

Added score logging feature, not to miss scored played while testing.

Piano roll: added 'Select at random' to select 10% random notes, for variations.

Playlist: clip source selection now in titlebar, and clips panel now on top by default.

DrumSynth: added call to SendPatchToEngine to Voice_Release, to temporarily fix a release problem

when multiple voices are active

One-click audio recording now prompts to record in Edison.

Improved RAM usage meter for some systems.

Can now resize multiple playlist clips at once.

Caps lock function changed to allow resizing of notes from left side in piano roll.

Improved smoothness when recording for several minutes in Edison.

Bugfix: quick quantize no longer resizes playlist clips.

New spectral view in monitor panel.

Added recording filter (right-click record button).

Newbie enhancements:

- snapping is on by default.

- browser snapshot now defaults to slot 1.

- window menu icons replaced by holly down arrows.


- Fixed scroller freeze issue

- Edit string dialog now pops up on correct screen

- "send value" for patch control no longer generates an exception

- messages are no longer added to a buffer to be sent during processing


- invalidate synthpanel on resize, to avoid graphical glitch when resizing the editor with

"Show window contents while dragging" off in Windows

- mouse wheel now changes pad

- some cosmetic changes

- pan envelope is now bipolar

- fixed some save dialog glitches.

- fixed envelope handling.

- added wave preview in open dialog.

Video Player:

- do nothing in TVideoViewer.AcceptMediaSample to prevent creeping cpu usage

- moved position updates from Process to Idle function, to save some cpu usage

- detached video will now keep playing if the plugin editor window is hidden

- added "Ignore tempo changes" option

- fix to prevent rising cpu usage.

- "Export all programs as Cubase presets" saved the current program in every file

- fixed new implementation of ProcessParam to avoid "integer overflow" exception when

adding an automation clip

Fruity Wapper:

- added hint when plugin parameter changes

- some fixes in ProcessParam

- now flushes plugin (inactive/active) in the PlugIOChanged callback

- don't send "all note off" message for effects

- the fixed size output buffer for effects are now initialized to zero before processing

- now call AllocBuffers when the blocksize changes

- renamed menu items for saving/loading fst and fxb files to "VST" instead of "Cubase"

- added "Send note off velocity" option
Gepost door sPace op dinsdag 01-04-2008 om 16:58:05
sPace, geen spatie!
Gepost door Weazel op zondag 16-11-2008 om 22:29:18
Vraagje, is dit de goeie link?
Ik wil die fruity loops toch eens gaan uitproberen.

Hof van Jaeden
Koning der Armen
Gepost door Hof van Jaeden op zondag 16-11-2008 om 22:32:03
De demo kun je gewoon downlaoden van de FL site zelf, geloof ik.
[ Dit bericht is gewijzigd door op 16-11-2008 @ 22:32:33 ]

Gepost door Weazel op zondag 16-11-2008 om 22:40:57
Een maat van me is nu die 1ste aan het downen.
Ik ga morgen wel even checken hoe of wat, bedankt nog.
Gepost door NoApologies op zondag 16-11-2008 om 22:46:05
weazel ik heb eenn link voor FL 8 xxl pro edition,(geen demo
als je wilt pm me maar
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