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Pimm Gepost door Pimm op vrijdag 03-10-2008 om 20:31:20
Eerste Engelse tekst... graag wat feed enzo.

I spread wisdom, using knowledge and lyricism
All problems are fixed and skills are now in the best condition
Ignoring any kind of criticism, I live a vision
From a distance I oversee my future and make the difference
My greatest mission will be to bring it back to the basics
Fighting for honour I’ll grow as the best of the nation
A lack of probation keeps me away from jail
The gaze in my eyes makes people think I’ve escaped from hell
But history explains they really are contradicting themselves
And makes me think most of them weren’t listening well
So that makes clear that out of hate they’re talking fiction
From the shit I’ve heard I could give you a small prediction
People’ll figure I’m lethal and I’ll cause frustration
They’ll struggle and eventually crawl back to their basement
Them faggots is wasting a lot of time to try wasting mine
Do yourself a favour, shut the fuck up and stay in line
California dreamin'
Gepost door V.I.P. op vrijdag 03-10-2008 om 20:37:42
Wel netjes, maar ik vind het niet heel bijzonder verder. Voor brag & boast staan er wat te weinig harde lines in (helemaal geen eigenlijk, het zijn vooral fillers). Beetje standaard dingen, da's wel zonde. Ben wel benieuwd naar andere dingen van je.

'Difference' rijmt btw erg lelijk in de vierde regel
I've tried Shakespeare, respect due dere
But did is de stuff I like
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