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Snacky Gepost door Snacky op vrijdag 05-12-2008 om 11:57:05
klein stukje van wat ik aan t pennen ben, was benieuwd wat de meningen waren.

Power is corrupt and so my poetry clences
the devoured that must be stopped, I must end this
why... yes, you are all about to loose
the last push over the edge is what I'm bount to do
it is the artist within that seem to harden my grin
for all the fallen widnesses within the harvesting of sin
please, I bid you to contemplate every word that I curve
before the content breaks into a superb surge of verbs
and the essence of my message remains unheard..
I'll piss on your mpc, give you a urine sample
Gepost door aapje op zondag 07-12-2008 om 18:59:53
ziet er goed uit. gaat lekker klinken volgens mij.
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