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Gepost door Eleonore op dinsdag 06-01-2009 om 18:52:29
ja maar die iphone's zuigen echt hard hoor, kan je beter een ipod touch hebben en daarnaast nog een telefoon. vind ik, want als ik met die ipod touch op msn zit ofzo ben ik al kk lang bezig met typen enzo laat staan als je even snel een smsje wilt versturen.

Gepost door Jspr op dinsdag 06-01-2009 om 18:53:13
hmm ok ik kan iemand zn touch overkopen voor 150, doen?

ik bedoel meer is dat een redelijke prijs, niet dat ik nu direct naar hem toe fiets omdat je ja zegt hehe
[ Dit bericht is gewijzigd door op 06-01-2009 @ 18:54:18 ]

Gepost door Eleonore op dinsdag 06-01-2009 om 18:54:04
ik heb er 230 voor 8G betaald geloof ik , hoeveel G is die?

als die 8 is of meer en er nog goed uit ziet, vind ik eht wel een redelijke prijs.
[ Dit bericht is gewijzigd door op 06-01-2009 @ 18:55:44 ]

Gepost door cml.exe op dinsdag 06-01-2009 om 18:55:42
Ik snap niet waarom mensen een Ipod Touch kopen terwijl ze op een Iphone hetzelfde en meer kunnen doen. En op eBay zijn iphones te krijgen voor 290 euros
Nooit geschoten is altijd mis
Gepost door Jspr op dinsdag 06-01-2009 om 18:58:03
hmm ik moet ff navragen, hij is er nu niet. dat wat jij zegt had ik dus ook cml, en ik heb nu sim only dus wie weet. nog even wachten en dan goedkoop zo'nm dingetje scoren lijkt me een betere optie idd
1988 Editie
Gepost door Twister op dinsdag 06-01-2009 om 19:01:20
dap schreef op 06-01-2009 @ 11:17
Apple Introduces Revolutionary New Laptop With No Keyboard

Ik zie ze het zo doen. Die "intuïtive product" stuff gebruiken ze in elk promotiefilmpje, terwijl ik die functies persoonlijk kk onlogisch vind.

Gelukkig is het nep.
Gepost door Osmo op dinsdag 06-01-2009 om 19:02:19
iphones kan je tegenwoordig gewoon simvrij maken met wat software

wacht maar ff tot die nieuwe iphone die straks of al geweest is op die mac event
en de ouwe dalen als een malle in prijs

vista vind ik de bom trouwens, nog nooit vast loper of problemen gehad...
[ Dit bericht is gewijzigd door op 06-01-2009 @ 19:02:56 ]

hijacking topics since ipi muu!
Gepost door Jspr op dinsdag 06-01-2009 om 19:03:20
ja dat is t probleem ook niet, wil gewoon lekker cheap zo'n ding scoren, want ik ga gen honderden euro's meer betalen voor apple shit, mn ipod video mocht ook 4 x terug naar de fabriek in het 1e jaar.
Unexplained Gepost door Unexplained op dinsdag 06-01-2009 om 19:14:12
17" MacBook Pro
0,98 inch dik
's werelds dunste 17" notebook
LED display 1920 x 1200 pixels

1988 Editie
Gepost door Twister op dinsdag 06-01-2009 om 19:15:58
Boeiend hoe dun die shit is. Als het maar geen fokking schoenendoos is vind ik het goed.
Unexplained Gepost door Unexplained op dinsdag 06-01-2009 om 19:18:03
Misschien dit:

tot 8GB ram, 2 videokaarten, standaard 320 GB hard disk (256 SSD optioneel).
Gepost door dap op dinsdag 06-01-2009 om 19:29:45
10:28AM "The third new thing happening with iTunes has to do with the iPhone."

10:28AM Ha! "All songs DRM-free"

10:28AM "By the end of this quarter, all 10 million songs will be DRM free." About time!

10:27AM "Next, iTunes Plus -- it's DRM free, and much higher quality. We've worked with all the major companies... starting today, 8 million songs will be DRM free." Huge cheers.

hee hee eindelijk, stel dat je legaal muziek zou kopen dan kan je het nu eindelijk normaal copieren naar al je andere apparaten.
1988 Editie
Gepost door Twister op dinsdag 06-01-2009 om 19:35:10
Wat heb je aan 2 videokaarten als je het meerendeel van de games niet eens op je macje kan draaien? Of heb ik iets gemist?
[ Dit bericht is gewijzigd door op 06-01-2009 @ 19:35:21 ]

Gepost door dap op dinsdag 06-01-2009 om 19:38:41
10:36AM Thanks for reading!

10:34AM Well that's it folks -- no Steve, no iPhone nano, no new Mini, no new iMac, no shockers, no surprises. We're off to the floor... but hey, Tony Bennett is incredibly smooth. And that's something, right?

en jawel man je kan ondertussen al redelijk wat op de mac draaien. Een is voor normale dingen (dus langere battery duur) en 1 voor harde gfx
1988 Editie
Gepost door Twister op dinsdag 06-01-2009 om 19:51:18
Oke man. Ik kom echt over als een hater hé

Kheb niks tegen mensen met macs of zo, maar wel tegen Apple producten. Ze laten het bij mij altijd afweten.
Marsman Gepost door Marsman op woensdag 07-01-2009 om 23:47:04
Dan doe je toch iets niet goed.
Gepost door livio op vrijdag 22-05-2009 om 10:55:20

Ik heb dus Airtunes, maar dat werkt alleen met iTunes. Is er een mogelijkheid om alle audio via airtunes af te spelen?

Gepost door Kadee op vrijdag 22-05-2009 om 11:46:51
ik spaar al een miljoen jaar voor een macbook pro
(was eerst imac)
Gepost door Tjappies op vrijdag 22-05-2009 om 12:17:38
haha werk zoeken helpt wel ... maare die ipod touch is me nog te duur... k wil die 32 gig hebbe maar die s dik over de 300 eu
Stalin's Madism
Gepost door daano1 op zaterdag 23-05-2009 om 21:40:00
Mn vader gaat zo'n Mac PC kopen, want daar schijn je ziek goed muziek mee te kunnen maken
Only Built 4 Cuban Linx Pt. II voor zaterdag binnen!
Gepost door Nickert op zaterdag 23-05-2009 om 21:52:17
Talent blijft belangrijker. Als het op windows niet lukt krijg je hetzelfde resultaat met een mac.
Stalin's Madism
Gepost door daano1 op zaterdag 23-05-2009 om 21:59:00
Nickert schreef op 23-05-2009 @ 21:52
Talent blijft belangrijker. Als het op windows niet lukt krijg je hetzelfde resultaat met een mac.

Tuurlijk is talent belangrijker maar hij wil graag een programma (GarageBand volgens mij) gebruiken en dat kan alleen op de Mac. Je kan niet ontkennen dat een beter programma gwn chill is erbij
Only Built 4 Cuban Linx Pt. II voor zaterdag binnen!
Gepost door Nickert op zaterdag 23-05-2009 om 22:01:59
Gepost door aprofourz op zaterdag 23-05-2009 om 22:14:46
Ja joepie fijn loops achter elkaar zetten met garageband.
Gepost door ChillingSkills op maandag 25-05-2009 om 10:02:34
Hehe ja als ie daarvoor een mac koopt. Geef die man dan logic...
Gepost door livio op maandag 25-05-2009 om 16:19:18
Hahaha garageband is echt te gay.




Ik heb dus Airtunes, maar dat werkt alleen met iTunes. Is er een mogelijkheid om alle audio via airtunes af te spelen?

Gepost door dap op maandag 08-06-2009 om 18:47:35

live coverage of the WWDC 2009 keynote, vanaf 19:00
[ Dit bericht is gewijzigd door op 08-06-2009 @ 18:50:04 ]
Gepost door Nickert op maandag 08-06-2009 om 18:48:24
Even kijken voor de nieuwe iPhone

Klik op dit plaatje om op ware grootte te zien.
[ Dit bericht is gewijzigd door op 08-06-2009 @ 18:49:00 ]
Gepost door dap op maandag 08-06-2009 om 21:10:52
12:07 pm Thanks everyone. will be up shortly with all the news updates for your review and discussion. See you next time. - arn
12:05 pm The keynote has concluded.
12:04 pm Phil is thanking all of the teams at Apple for their hard work.
12:04 pm All of this is just the start of WWDC -- tons of sessions and Apple employees on-hand.
12:03 pm Phil is reviewing everything announced today.
12:02 pm A robot camera thinks the iPhone is the same as before, but then the new features are briefly highlighted (mainly video capture).
12:02 pm Showing a new ad.
12:01 pm In the US, Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Spain, Switzerland, UK. A week later, 6 more countries. Many more to come this summer
12:01 pm The iPhone 3GS will be available on June 19th.
12:01 pm The iPhone 3G 8GB will be available for $99 today.
12:00 pm Apple wants the iPhone to be more affordable. The existing 8GB iPhone 3G will remain -- for $99.
12:00 pm Those are AT&T prices for new and qualifying customers; may vary elsewhere. Comes in black and white, as before.
11:59 am $199 for 16GB, $299 for 32GB.
11:59 am Ships with iPhone OS 3.0 for $199.
11:58 am Most eco-friendly iPhone yet -- arsenic-free glass, BRF-free, mercury-free LCD, etc.
11:58 am Improved battery life. Now up to 9 hours of internet surfing, 10 hours of video, 30 hours of audio, 12 hours of 2g talk-time, 5 hours of 3g talk-time.
11:57 am Instant remote wipe, encrypted iTunes backups.
11:57 am Something business have asked for -- data encryption, which iPhone 3GS supports.
11:56 am Support for Nike+
11:56 am New accessibility options -- VoiceOver for content and controls, zooming, color inversion, mono audio, etc.
11:55 am New compass app shows your orientation, integration with Maps -- if you double click, the map will reorientate itself.
11:55 am Also -- a digital compass.
11:55 am You can also ask "what's playing now?" and it will tell you. Or say "play more songs like this" and a genius playlist will be built.
11:54 am With the iPhone 3GS, you hold down the home button for a second and a voice control interface is brought up. Simply say things like "Call Scott Forstall" -- if there are more than one entries, it will ask which one you wanted (i.e. home, office, etc) -- or "play The Killers"
11:53 am There is an API for video too, which allows developers to integrate video capture into their apps. Next -- voice control.
11:52 am The videos live alongside photos in the same application. You can scrub a video and edit it too. You can share the video right from your iPhone 3GS to YouTube, MobileMe, MMS, and email.
11:51 am The camera application has a switch that lets you swap between still photo and video mode. 30FPS, VGA with audio, auto-focus, auto-white balance, auto-exposure.
11:50 am Developers can take advantage of the camera too. But the best thing is -- it also captures video.
11:50 am Also features tap-to-focus. Tap on the part of the photo you want to focus, and it automatically does so. Automatically handles exposure and white balance. Better low-light sensitivity as well. Also, auto-macro -- as close as 10cm away.
11:49 am Vastly more pictures on Flickr from iPhones than any other phone. Now featuers 3MP auto-focus camera.
11:48 am Also has amazing features -- brand new camera.
11:48 am Supports OpenGL|ES 2.0 -- great for games. Supports 7.2Mbps HSPDA.
11:47 am 2.1x faster to launch Messages, 2.4x to load SimCity, 3.6x faster to load an Excel attachment, 2.9x faster to load a large website.
11:47 am No front-facing video camera. The insides are entirely new, but the outside appears the same.
11:46 am He's now ready to tell us about a new version of the iPhone -- iPhone 3GS. S stands for speed.
11:46 am 50,000 apps on iPhone, 4,900 for Android, 1,088 for Nokia (total), Blackberry (1,030), Palm (1. He makes a joke about not being able to see the last company name (Palm).
11:45 am Reviewing how successful the iPhone has been -- iPhone makes up of 65% of all mobile web usage.
11:44 am That is iPhone OS 3.0. Phil Schiller has retaken the stage.
11:43 am Urging developers to re-test their apps and set parental ratings.
11:43 am For all paid developers, the GM seed is available today.
11:42 am Scott Forstall back on stage. "Our job is to make developers successful." iPhone OS 3.0 will be available for free to all iPhone users (3G and original). $9.99 for iTouch users. Available worldwide on June 17th.
11:41 am Can adjust guitar tuning without actually physically changing anything -- nothing can be demoed however, as the hardware accessory isn't communicating with the iPhone.
11:39 am More demo technical difficulties -- trying to show how easy it is to switch between settings on an amp and guitar.
11:37 am Final demo -- Line6 and Planet Waves. Together they are working on a solution to control your guitar and amp from your iPhone.
11:36 am Once at the lot to pickup your car, you can tap the horn icon and the actual car horn will honk so you can easily find it. The car can be unlocked this way too.
11:35 am The Zipcar app lets you immediately find and reserve a nearby Zipcar. With the iPhone OS 3.0 MapKit, the app embeds a user-friendly Google map.
11:33 am Zipcar is the leading car sharing services with over 300,000 members and cars all over the US and UK.
11:33 am Available in the App store this fall. Next up, Zipcar.
11:32 am The app charts the sensor data in real-time. The demo didn't work though -- nothing was sensed. Playing a pre-recorded demo.
11:31 am Using hardware accessory support in iPhone OS 3.0, users can hook up sensors to the app to perform experiments.
11:30 am Next, Pasco -- formed 45 years ago, now focuses on teaching sciences to children.
11:29 am Also adding "Plus Network" -- head-to-head play anytime, anywhere. The game is launching today for $5.99; 3.0 features available around when iPhone 3.0 OS is released.
11:28 am Demoing their new game, Star Defense. An amazing tower defense game, 3D with multi-touch support, expansions sold through in-app purchases.
11:26 am Next up, ngmoc -- founded exclusively to bring games to the iPhone.
11:26 am Available this summer. Will be released with national and international maps.
11:26 am Thanks to the iPhone 3.0 accessory framework, it provides more accurate GPS, speakerphone, plays iPhone media on car stereo, and even charges it.
11:25 am Delivers all expected TomTom features in an iPhone interface. Includes text-to-speech to announce directions. They will sell an optional accessory that safely attaches an iPhone to a car.
11:23 am Next up -- TomTom. Showing turn-by-turn directions app.
11:22 am Great for students -- bringing a large number of textbooks to the store. Coming to the App Store soon.
11:22 am The book downloads directly through the app. Lets users copy a part of the book and email it without ever leaving the app.
11:21 am Uses in-app purchases to let customers buy books directly through the app. Made deals to bring 50 magazines, 70 newspapers, 1 million books. Showing in-app purchase.
11:20 am Next demo, ScrollMotion -- creates digital books for the App Store.
11:18 am App supports custom Push notifications based on parameters you define. Shows a live monitor of the patient's vitals from anywhere.
11:17 am Airstrip lets medical professionals monitor patient medical data. The medical community is flocking to the iPhone because of apps like this. Showing their next app, Critical Care.
11:16 am Mark Hickey from Gameloft is unveiling a new game, Asphalt 5, which he claims will be the best racing game on iPhone. Lets you play music from your library while you drive, advanced lighting and graphics -- fully pushing the hardware, Peer to Peer multiplayer over Bluetooth, worldwide multiplayer over wifi in-game voicechat, content packs for sale (1 racktrack and 3 new cars for 99 cents). Next demo, Airstrip.
11:13 am Bringing up several developers to show what they've been able to accomplish with iPhone OS 3.0. First, Gameloft.
11:13 am Push notifications can include pop-up alerts, sounds, and App icon badges.
11:12 am Developers can embed Google Maps easily into their applications (including custom annotations, geocoding, etc). Turn-by-turn direction apps supported. Next, Push notifications.
11:11 am Accessories can work through the Dock connector or Bluetooth. Can use standard protocols or build custom protocols. Next, Maps.
11:10 am Those are only a few of the 100+ features of iPhone OS 3.0. It is a great developer release too -- 100+ new APIs: in-app purchases (same business terms as app sales), Peer to Peer connectivity (easy multiplayer gaming -- Bluetooth, not Wifi), opening up support for hardware accessories that can talk to the software.
11:08 am If your phone really is lost or stolen, you can send it a remote wipe command that will delete all of your data (mail, contacts, etc). If you do find the phone, it will be restored from a backup.
11:07 am Lets you send your phone a message -- a special alert sound will play, regardless if your phone is on silent or not.
11:06 am Showing a 30 Rock clip of Liz losing her phone. Find My iPhone is available to MobileMe customers -- it's a service. You can login to MobileMe on any browser and see where your phone is on a Google Map.
11:05 am HTML5 support as well -- Apple has been pushing the standard. Now, Languages -- even more languages (Hebrew, Arabic, Greek, Korean, Thai) -- users can easily switch between languages thanks to the software-based keyboard. All supported on both portrait and landscape keyboard layouts. Now talking about "Find My iPhone"
11:03 am Now, Safari on iPhone. JavaScript benchmark performed on current iPhone OS in 126 seconds. 3X on iPhone OS 3. Support for HTTP streaming audio and video -- automatically determines best quality for your connection. Auto-fill support for usernames, passwords, and contact information (contact info comes from Address Book).
11:02 am Tethering is a seamless experience -- once it's on, you don't have to run any additional software. Requires carrier support -- 22 supported carriers when launched -- AT&T was not included.
11:01 am iTunes U is now supported in the iTMS on iPhone as well. Parental controls -- especially fine-grain over movies -- even over apps from the App Store. Internet tethering -- can use your phone's internet connection on your computer (Mac or PC) using USB or Bluetooth.
10:59 am Enhancements to iTunes -- rent and purchase movies right from your phone. Can also purchase TV shows, music, and audiobooks.
10:59 am Cut/copy/paste/undo (works across all apps), landscape mode in Mail/Notes/Messages, MMS support (send and receive photos/contacts/audio files/locations) in Messages app (29 carriers in 76 countries will support MMS at launch -- AT&T not until later this summer), search (mail -- even on server, calendars, media, notes), spotlight (search everything in one place -- first page of the home screen).
10:56 am Now talking about iPhone OS 3.0. Major update -- 100 new features.
10:55 am Switching between lots of customers quickly naming their favorite app. The video has ended.
10:53 am Developers (Airstrip, EA, Igloo Games,, etc) talking about how the iPhone / App Store has changed their businesses and lives.
10:50 am Playing a video of developers telling their story.
10:49 am It has been an incredible year for the iPhone -- 1,000,000 SDK downloads, 50,000 Apps on the App Store, 40M iPhones/iPod Touches sold, 1B+ apps downloaded.
10:47 am Now shifting to the iPhone -- bringing up Scott Forstall.

10:47 am Family Pack available for $49. Will be released in September. A near-final developer preview available today.
10:46 am Snow Leopard will be available for all Intel Macs -- past and present. How should it be priced? Leopard was $129 and they want all Leopard users to upgrade to Snow Leopard. Snow Leopard will be $29 for those users.
10:45 am Requires MS Exchange Server 2007 (the latest version).
10:45 am Calendar events support resource allocation -- people's schedules, room availability, etc. Demo has ended.
10:44 am Event invitations can be accepted/denied right through Mail. iCal and Address Book automatically have all appropriate data once Mail is setup. One or more contacts can be drag & dropped into iCal to automatically create a meeting.
10:43 am Now demoing Exchange support. Showing how simple it is to add an Exchange account. Auto-discovery of Exchange servers, all email/folders/to-do lists are automatically populated, Spotlight immediately searches all data. Quicklook lets you preview MS Office documents through Mail, even if Office isn't installed.
10:41 am Next, Exchange. Many people have a Mac at home that they want to take to work, but Exchange support has been missing. Mail, iCal, and Address Book now all support Exchange.
10:40 am Next, OpenCL. Over 1 teraflop power in GPUs now. The current way to use this power is with OpenGL, but it's limited to graphics and games. Apple wants to use this power for all sorts of things, and thus has built OpenCL (C stands for computing). Hardware abstraction, C-based language, automatic optimization, numerical accuracy (can be used for scientific calculations). Open standard that many companies are participating in.
10:37 am 64bit enables use of the large amounts of RAM computers now have, math calculations are 2X faster. Multi-core presents a challenge -- how to make best use of them. Current methods don't provide granular enough control over them. Grand Central Station, built into Snow Leopard, solves this problem.
10:35 am Computers now have GBs of RAM, multi-core/64-bit capable CPUs, GPUs with massive amounts of raw processing power. To take advantage of all of this, you need the right software.
10:34 am The demo has ended. Bertrand has retaken the stage. Now talking about the new powerful foundation technologies.
10:33 am Quicktime X lets you trim and share video using a visual timeline that makes it easy to select the part of the video you want. The edited clip can then be directly shared with YouTube, MobileMe, or iTunes.
10:33 am Full Spotlight search of browser history -- full-text search, not just the URL/page title. Now demoing Quicktime X -- re-built from the ground up to put content center stage. Elegant controls overlaid on the video until you mouse away -- even the titlebar hides.
10:31 am Showing how fast Safari is -- Google Maps and ESPN render immediately. Top Sites lets you preview your most visited websites all at once. Alerts you when one of those sites has been updated by placing a star over the preview. Cover-flow view of browser history.
10:30 am Can drag a file to an icon in the Dock, all of the app's windows will appear, and can drop the file in the correct window. Now talking about Safari improvements -- fastest browser on any platform.
10:30 am Now demoing Expose. Simply click and hold on a Dock icon and Expose shows all of the app's windows. Windows are better organized in Expose now. Can work within a window without closing Expose and bringing all windows back.
10:28 am Stacks handle lots of content better -- scrolling, drilling into folders. Finder lets you magnify thumbnails on the fly, similar to iPhoto. Can step through multi-page documents and play videos right through Finder.
10:27 am Craig Federighi, VP of Mac OS Engineering is on stage for the demo. He is going to cover three areas -- starting with Dock and the finder.
10:27 am Quicktime player has a brand new interface -- the content is the focus, not the application. Now demoing Snow Leopard.
10:26 am Safari is 7.8X faster at JavaScript than IE8 (Chrome is only 5X faster). Passes Acid3 test; IE8 only gets 21%. Safari 4 is included with Snow Leopard -- with some added features. Crash resistance (sandboxes plugins), 50% faster JS thanks to 64-bit, new and faster Quicktime (hardware accelerated, new streaming method that works with any webserver).
10:23 am Mail is up to 2.3X faster. Safari 4 features Top Sites -- been in beta for a couple of months -- final version is released today on all platforms (Leopard, Tiger, Windows).
10:23 am Preview is now up to 2X faster, better text selection in PDF (using a "little bit of AI". Better Chinese text input, just like on the iPhone -- uses the trackpad to draw characters.
10:21 am Built Expose into the Dock. Click and hold on an app icon, and all of its open windows appear in typical Expose style. 45% faster installation of the OS. Recover over 6GB of disk space after upgrading from Leopard.
10:21 am Refined over 90% of core OS pieces in Snow Leopard. Rewrote Finder in Cocoa, which results in lots of extra features.
10:19 am Apple has come from a different place -- they love Leopard and wanted to build upon it. They set a challenge for themselves to build a better Leopard -- lots of refinement, powerful new technologies, and Exchange support.
10:18 am Microsoft is trying to get out of the hole they're in with Windows 7. However, they have the same set of problems as before; registry, DLLs, defragmentation, etc. Windows 7 introduces even more complexity.
10:17 am OS X Leopard is the best selling software Apple has ever released. Users and press love it; best OS written for vast majority of consumers. Sharp contrast to Vista.
10:17 am Great hardware deserves great software. Bringing up Bertrand to talk about OS X.

10:16 am All of Apple's laptops meet the EP Gold and Energy Star v5 standards. The world's greenest line of laptops.
10:15 am Recently updated, the white plastic MacBook. Also upgrading the Air today. Prices changing to $1,499 to $1,799 -- up to 2.13GHz CPU.
10:14 am The 13" MacBook Pro is also available today.
10:14 am The 13" MacBook is now called a MacBook Pro. Starts at $1,199. Cheaper than the MacBook it replaces. Ranges from $1,199 to $1,499 in standard configurations.
10:13 am At what point isn't this just a MacBook Pro? It can even expand to the same levels of RAM and HD as the MacBook Pros. The backlit keyboard is now standard in it as well. Also, FireWire 800.
10:12 am Updating the 13" MacBook today as well. Gets the new display, SD card slot and better battery life.
10:11 am The 17" MacBook Pro has also been updated -- 2.8GHz CPU, 500GB HD, retains ExpressCard Slot. All shipping today.
10:11 am Standard configurations range from $1,699 to $2,229.
10:10 am Starts at a lower price -- $1,699.
10:09 am But there's a lot more -- fastest notebook they have ever made. Up to 3.06 Dual Core CPU. Up to 8GB of RAM. Up to 500GB 7200RPM HD. Or, 256GB SSD.
10:08 am The new 15" has a brand new display; nicest in any of their laptops. 60% color gamut increase. Now has a SD card slot.
10:07 am Typical user will get 5 years of use before seeing diminished battery life. Most customers will never need to replace the battery. When it does need to be replaced, recycling options available at Apple stores.
10:07 am New battery, lasts up to 7 hours. More eco-friendly -- gets up to 1,000 charges.
10:06 am Customers love the unibody design. Even though Apple has a lead with the design, they want to take it further. All new 15" MacBook Pro.
10:05 am The majority of new Mac users pick a laptop over desktop. Reviewing unibody design.
10:05 am Bertrand Serlet and Scott Forstall will be assisting with the keynote. Beginning with the Mac.
10:04 am In this keynote, will discuss what Apple is working on for the Mac, OS X, and iPhone.
10:04 am 25M active OS X users in first 5 years, up until 2007. In the last two years, however, it has grown to 75M.
10:03 am Amazing week planned; 5,200 developers at WWDC, most anticipation yet.
10:02 am Phil Schiller has taken the stage.
10:02 am "PC" begging the audience for ideas, offering cash.
10:01 am The keynote has started. Showing a video of "PC" welcoming everyone to WWDC.
10:00 am The lights have dimmed.
09:57 am Asked to silence phones; the keynote will start in just a few minutes.
09:50 am Seated in the main hall; awaiting the start of the keynote.
Gepost door Nickert op maandag 08-06-2009 om 21:16:18
Ik hoop dat Nederland bij die 6 landen hoort. Ga er dan zeker één halen. Komt dus de 26ste.

Ook goed om te lezen dat Macbooks iets goedkoper worden.
[ Dit bericht is gewijzigd door op 08-06-2009 @ 21:26:20 ]
Gepost door dap op maandag 08-06-2009 om 21:43:16
Apple heeft vandaag de iPhone 3GS aangekondigd in twee capaciteiten: 16GB en 32GB. Deze zal vanaf 19 juni beschikbaar zijn in een aantal landen: VS, Canada, Frankrijk, Duitsland, Italië, Spanje, Zwitserland en het Verenigd Koninkrijk. Later volgen nog eens zes landen. Nederland zit in de tweede ronde: wij krijgen op 9 juli de nieuwe iPhone 3GS. Daarnaast blijft de 8GB iPhone op de markt.
Gepost door Nickert op maandag 08-06-2009 om 21:46:15
ow ok

een week na 19 juni is geen 9 juli in mijn boekje maarja
Geile Scheisse!
Gepost door upnorth op dinsdag 09-06-2009 om 10:24:43
Zozo, je kunt met de nieuwe iphone ook filmen op vga resolutie! Wat een revolutionaire doorbraak!
Days to come
Gepost door Nickert op dinsdag 09-06-2009 om 16:51:49
T-Mobile heeft de introductiedatum voor de nieuwe iPhone inmiddels bevestigd: op 26 juni ligt de nieuwe Apple-smartphone in de Nederlandse winkels.

Had ik dus toch gelijk.
Gepost door livio op dinsdag 09-06-2009 om 16:53:13


Ik heb dus Airtunes, maar dat werkt alleen met iTunes. Is er een mogelijkheid om alle audio via airtunes af te spelen?

Gepost door dap op woensdag 09-09-2009 om 20:02:13

Live Apple “It’s only rock and roll” event coverage
Gepost door Anima op woensdag 09-09-2009 om 20:18:13
Meh ik hou het wel bij mn Alienware desktopje. Slechte ervaring met de Macbook Pro van mn chicky.
Gepost door Skarjan op woensdag 09-09-2009 om 22:42:59
Vet, potje battlefield om het te vieren dap?
Unexplained Gepost door Unexplained op dinsdag 20-10-2009 om 18:48:41

En een nieuwe muis + nog wat kleinere shit/prijsverlagingen.


Marsman Gepost door Marsman op woensdag 21-10-2009 om 00:09:00
Kleinere shit? Naast de nieuwe iMac ook een nieuwe Mac Mini en nieuwe MacBook!
Zo klein vind ik dat niet. (behalve de mac mini dan)

Nieuwe multi-touch muis had ik zelf al voorspeld dat hij eraan kwam. Huidige muisjes
hebben toch altijd last van dat het scrollballetje vol stof komt te zitten en het half werkt.
Plus dat de multi-touch gewoon zo goed werkt dat het vanuit de iPhone ook naar de
MacBooks is gegaan, nu dus ook de muis.

iMacs nu te verkrijgen in 21,5" en 27" met LED-backlit displays. Wel jammer dat ze
de zwarte rand om het scherm doorgetrokken hebben tot aan de rand van de iMac
body zelf. En dat de zwarte achterzijde foetsie is, is ook jammer. Dat lag goed in
balans met het zwart aan de voorzijde.
[ Dit bericht is gewijzigd door op 21-10-2009 @ 01:10:33 ]
Unexplained Gepost door Unexplained op vrijdag 06-11-2009 om 21:27:45

Fix acc, druk op Get It. Vul je naam in, en wat je ervoor zou willen betalen, hoeft uiteraard niet. Is kratis.

En geniet, ofzo.

Gepost door dap op woensdag 27-01-2010 om 18:47:27
spannend! wat gaat apple zo presenteren ..
Gepost door Snaba_Dog op woensdag 27-01-2010 om 20:41:23
Mac is de fucking bom vind ik, ik werk er altijd mee op school.. draait protools en cubase vaak zonder problemen..
thuis gebruik ik dan wel windows maar dat omdat mac zo vies duur is
Ik ben kort door de bocht als Sven Kramer
Dr. Cooper
Gepost door deking op woensdag 27-01-2010 om 20:43:22
wel vet ding weer die iPad, maarja, niet iets wat ik zelf zou gaan gebruiken meen ik. En als een iPhone al 700 euro kost, moet dit toch ruim boven de 1000 euro gaan vallen. Jammer, had gehoopt op iets wat ik zelf zou kunnen kopen.
Gepost door dap op woensdag 27-01-2010 om 20:45:25
499 dollars
Dr. Cooper
Gepost door deking op woensdag 27-01-2010 om 20:47:56
Oh ik heb ook alleen megekregen wat ze bij dwdd zeiden. Dat is best betaalbaar.
Gepost door Tjappies op donderdag 28-01-2010 om 00:19:44
idd.. 499 dollar de goedkoopste.. maar schijnt geen flash te ondersteunen
Marsman Gepost door Marsman op donderdag 28-01-2010 om 19:24:41
Snaba_Dog schreef op 27-01-2010 @ 20:41
Mac is de fucking bom vind ik, ik werk er altijd mee op school.. draait protools en cubase vaak zonder problemen..
thuis gebruik ik dan wel windows maar dat omdat mac zo vies duur is

Mac zelf i vele malen goedkoper dan windows Vista of nu Windows 7. Het feit dat je het alleen kan draaien op Apple computers maakt het inderdaad duurdr. Maar er bestaat nog altijd zoiets als Hackintosh. Overal te downloaden op het net. Mac op je PC!
Gepost door Nickert op donderdag 28-01-2010 om 19:38:03
Maar een Mac systeem is toch wel iets duurder als je puur naar specs kijkt. Als je echter een Windows laptop zoekt die gemaakt is met dezelfde kwaliteit als een Macbook maakt het niet zoveel uit.

Gepost door melle op donderdag 28-01-2010 om 19:46:19

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