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WORM Gepost door WORM op donderdag 08-01-2009 om 16:46:39
LOWRIDERS 7 – invites Conflict: Starkey (us) + Kanji Kinetic (uk) + more
- bailefunk / avant hiphop / baltimore / grime / dubstep
door opens 22:00 / € 10

Lowriders is bass-philia taken to the max, seeking out hidden treasures in all musical horizons. Lowriders consists of VUIG, Dstruct, SIM-central and WORM. They love a good challenge and never settle for the easy way. For the 7th edition Lowriders invites the Conflict crew from Amsterdam. Hosted by Mike Redman (nl). With: STARKEY (us) + KANJI KINTETIC (uk) + ANKFORCE 1 (nl) + VAHID (nl) + BRUTUZZ (nl) + AKKACHAR (nl) + Co2RO (nl) + RUWEDATA (nl) and BEATNOLOGIC (nl).

Achterhaven 148, Rotterdam
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