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MiSSy-Y Whatev!! |
Gepost door MiSSy-Y op donderdag 29-01-2009 om 15:00:57 | |
Yeaa.. Daar was ik weer.. Met een liedje..
Samen met mn meid ChilleTanga 
Uhm achteraan ergens zit een lelijk kut stukje..
Maar kon het niet meer fixen dus heb het zo gelaten..
Ben benieuwd wat jullie vinden verder.. Thank'Z alvast 
[Intro :: MiSSy.Y (ChilleTanga in back)]
It's so hard knowin' that
You're so far away from me now
I just wish it didn't have to
Be like this...
Cuz I need you right here
I need you right next to me
But I know I got to be strong
Just know I'm doin' it all for you babe
I love you...
[Verse 1 :: MiSSy.Y]
It seems like a few seconds ago / You
Was right here holdin' me / But then
You got your orders & had to go overseas
Why'd you have to go that far? / Why
Couldn't you just stay? / I know I'm
Just bein' selfish but it's cuz I
Love you babe / My days have gotten
Darker ever since you left / I'm
Missin' the way they used to be before
You let the sun set / My vision's
All blurry cuz of all the tears that
I've cried / My mind is goin' crazy
Cuz baby you ain't in my sight / No
[Chorus :: ChilleTanga]
I miss you
Wish you were here to hold me
And I love you
Babe you mean everything to me
I wouldn't be cryin'
Wouldn't be lonely
Baby can't you see that bein' apart
Is straight up killin' me?
But I just keep goin' on
Cuz I know for sure
We'll be together soon
Won't have to hurt no more
[Verse 2 :: MiSSy.Y]
Lately I've been questionin' if you
Still love me / I can't help but to
Think cuz I've got insecurities
Wonderin' what you be doin' / Where
You at everyday / Wishin' you was
With me to take all of these worries
Away / See all I got is your picture
Together with that dead rose
Crispy petals fallin' off but that
Don't mean what it shows / I ain't
Fallin' apart / Just want to be with
You boo / Our distance is a test / We
Gots a lot of lovin' to prove / C'mon
[Bridge :: ChilleTanga]
Don't mind me
I'm just missin' my one & only
Just hope the same is for you to me
[Verse 3 :: MiSSy.Y]
Yo / I gots all these guys try'na get
Me & I tell them / (No, this ain't for
You) / Cuz I'm deep in love with this
Wonderful man & it's true / (C'mon
C'mon / C'mon) / Now if you know what
Love is get your (hands up) / That's
Right cuz y'all know that that's what's
Up / C'mon / If you're goin' through
What I'm goin' through get your
(Hands up) / That's right cuz y'all
Understand that dealin' with this stuff
Is tough & pullin' through is love
[Outro :: MiSSy.Y]
I love you so much babe
You know I wouldn't be
Goin' through this if I didn't
And I know you're doin' the same for me
Cuz what we got is real right?
I can't wait to have you back in my arms
Cuz this is where you belong hun
It'll all be worth it in the end
I miss you...
---------------------------------------- Just Dust It Off.. |
L2N twezus |
Gepost door L2N op donderdag 29-01-2009 om 15:09:35 | |
---------------------------------------- L2's bradda's en bradderinnen: zix finger dax freakyfreek kadee livio dge xflipit jspr thomas bigsam mofo ozcan muss maffedodo sjaakie brandt bj iminic rvr gizzle freshss melle ouweschoolgast aprofourz gaucho saku/angelix ottogast deekte g0ldfinger leyla |
mixxman |
Gepost door mixxman op donderdag 29-01-2009 om 16:17:13 | |
dope miss, klinkt weer smooth!
---------------------------------------- HEIDI, HEIDi, HEIDI, HEIDi, Ho |
getinspired |
Gepost door getinspired op donderdag 29-01-2009 om 16:26:36 | |
Ik vind deze iets minder, vond die andere tracks van jullie lekkerder weg luisteren Missy Y.
---------------------------------------- je wilt wat lekkers op je bord, maar geen spetters op je schort. voorgerecht, nagerecht, complimenten van de kok. |
Stoeprand WHITE TRASH! |
Gepost door Stoeprand op donderdag 29-01-2009 om 16:28:28 | |
Netjes netjes
---------------------------------------- Door de razernij voel ik haast geen pijn
Als ik langzaam met een mes door mijn aders snij |
Kadee |
Gepost door Kadee op donderdag 29-01-2009 om 19:02:25 | |
Quote: L2N schreef op 29-01-2009 @ 15:09
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