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FinD Gepost door FinD op zaterdag 07-02-2009 om 18:58:31
Quote DZK van

'' In addition to working on the Kreepshow record, I'm now officially working on a solo album. It will contain a few old songs (some re-written and re-recorded) but mostly new material. I signed a deal with M-Eighty ( ) to have him A&R my indepedent record. This means he will be hooking up some collabs with more established industry artists, helping me find beats and put the record together, and shopping it to labels that he works for/has contacts at. M-Eighty is an artist from the Wu-Tang group "The Almighty" -- but he's also a lawyer. Props to M-Law for hooking the whole thing up as well. The album will feature many War League members, Canibus, and more... I'll holler with more updates when they become available.

Edit: Furthermore if you guys have any ideas of what old songs you think should go on it, what old lyrics / verses I should use, any of that shit -- anything you wanna hear on this record post it here. I'd like the input. Like I said, it'll be mostly new material, but I'd like to put a couple fan-favorites on that shit. No Torcher, though, I don't own that beat. Torcher III will definately be on the record though. ''


Ik weet niet precies wat jullie van DZK denken maar ik vind die gast altijd fucking vet komen.. Laatste jaar iets minder muziek van hem uitgekomen maar ik denk dat het dit jaar helemaal gaat goedkomen met zjin solo album en Kreepshow album (kreepshow = dzk en warbux )

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Sigs cause cancer.
- 038 -
Gepost door Z-W-O-L-L-E op zaterdag 07-02-2009 om 19:19:49
Word!, die gast is inderdaad goed, check hem al een aantal jaar, ben benieuwd
FinD Gepost door FinD op zaterdag 07-02-2009 om 22:00:56
Inderdaad, ik ook. Vind het wel vet dat hij ook een track heeft met Canibus.. DZK kreeg zijn vocalen en ipv 16 waren het 36 regels.. dus ik verwacht veel van die track.
Sigs cause cancer.
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