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sjaakcl Gepost door sjaakcl op dinsdag 19-05-2009 om 20:06:57
heeft wel housey feeling denk ik.
en engelse taal...

p.s. wie kan vertalen krijgt plusje/ op en aanmerkingen worden gewaardeerd

that that sythem like therr cuts izz made!
happy tabs: them spitted/ stay wit mae
the fine trans flat lands fire she.. dots em nl/
stay! like well like jeeej! freak all well, well well

baby: 'thuzz is you n me
that left to be: whush and me
she does ahs unity /energie
past uppen see like future see
miss judy d'oew-be what! we from
Hopping dance on. I whammies wonder done it
fair star runner.. over dat... deep thuzz ax..
'n women on the left say heej hannie
microfone combustion say heej pappie
we bring a lot of summinn: boss alone the jaques/
like catch er roller/ dime-ing bettah
holds controler holezz spun.. spin the
liger/ tighter like em come combined
derr heads sha freak uhm
hard beats harder: pump! it UppAh/
donnie, hers yah center space

that that that sythem like therr cuts izz made!
happy tabs: them spitted/ stay wit mae
the fine trans flat lands fire she.. dots em nl/
stay! like well like jeeej! freak all well, well well

yah center space
man trip the day some far away.
like all get here, in anydays airr waves
hers is set: mark on der fact
a minds in love/ house paid! that weighz.
'n cooler eight, enduring may/ the darker
post a method raves n snow glow
good light spark. a touch
us put you into motion!
zz living; through the path.
that ya wit it/ the drum bass..
luck derr facey spheres all outta leaves
sha draws us swinging never illin willy fealinz
nights is falling bang those hips
en get within shit got all that: vehr/ flowing
party on the set. consistendly rep rep

sythem like therr cuts izz made!
happy tabs: them spitted/ stay wit mae
the fine trans flat lands fire she.. dots em nl/
stay! like well like jeeej! freak all well, well well

[ Dit bericht is gewijzigd door op 21-05-2009 @ 13:35:50 ]

sjaakcl Gepost door sjaakcl op woensdag 20-05-2009 om 14:19:32
op of aanmerkingen hoor ik graag.
tekst gerelateerd graag pies..
Gepost door Dnamiek op woensdag 20-05-2009 om 14:29:25
Hmm..Zoals altijd snap ik er geen sars van en dan heb ik nog niet eens langer als 3 bars gelezen. Je doet maar wat, forget about it.
Wise like that guy, that walked out of Nazareth
High as Silent Bob on top of the Everest
sjaakcl Gepost door sjaakcl op woensdag 20-05-2009 om 14:34:46
i ll house you!
Gepost door Dnamiek op woensdag 20-05-2009 om 14:42:14
sjaakcl schreef op 20-05-2009 @ 14:34
i ll house you!

Beter ga je house maken
Wise like that guy, that walked out of Nazareth
High as Silent Bob on top of the Everest
sjaakcl Gepost door sjaakcl op woensdag 20-05-2009 om 14:44:57
beter blijf je braaf in scool
tot dan opkenkeren dawg
cause i ll house you..for real
[ Dit bericht is gewijzigd door op 20-05-2009 @ 14:45:35 ]

Gepost door Dnamiek op woensdag 20-05-2009 om 15:09:57
sjaakcl schreef op 20-05-2009 @ 14:44
beter blijf je braaf in scool
tot dan opkenkeren dawg
cause i ll house you..for real

Ik ben een baas in de club. Jij draait plaatjes.
Wise like that guy, that walked out of Nazareth
High as Silent Bob on top of the Everest
sjaakcl Gepost door sjaakcl op woensdag 20-05-2009 om 20:36:50
sjaakcl Gepost door sjaakcl op donderdag 21-05-2009 om 11:35:31
sjaakcl Gepost door sjaakcl op donderdag 21-05-2009 om 13:36:23
yo ille grammer
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