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SwaggerboiiBrace |
Gepost door SwaggerboiiBrace op zaterdag 20-06-2009 om 18:40:36 | |
Eindelijk is ie er dan, het album waar de banger opstaat die hij al weer anderhalf jaar geleden liet horen in paradiso (beat madlib natuurlijk).
Haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaard: |
ChillingSkills |
Gepost door ChillingSkills op zaterdag 20-06-2009 om 18:47:40 | |
Auditorium is inderdaad kenkerhard, maar de rest van het album is wel minder dan dat, al moet ik er miss ingroeiten. History is ook lekka.
Voor die album snippets, klik!!
spelbreker No Probz |
Gepost door spelbreker op zondag 21-06-2009 om 11:11:42 | |
drugs voor tussen je oren dit |
Critical |
Gepost door Critical op zondag 21-06-2009 om 12:15:21 | |
Jammer dat die beat van Auditorium zijn exclusiviteit al helemaal verloren is doordat het ook gewoon al op dat Madlib album stond en doordat Cartes en Kleine Jay hem al gebruikt hebben enzo. Album moet ik nog ff luisteren
---------------------------------------- zelfs de sky is geen limit voor mij |
Liquid |
Gepost door Liquid op zondag 21-06-2009 om 12:49:13 | |
Erg lekker album dit
---------------------------------------- It's called the American Dream because you have to be asleep to believe it.
Re-iLL |
Gepost door Re-iLL op zondag 21-06-2009 om 14:30:19 | |
link in inbox iemand? |
Bizzy_D silly bitch |
Gepost door Bizzy_D op zondag 21-06-2009 om 16:17:33 | |
Dope dope dope, goeie opvolger van True Magic  |
strijker Van 0 tot 10 |
Gepost door strijker op zondag 21-06-2009 om 21:52:54 | |
Ik voel niet alles, maar een stuk of 5 tracks zeker wel. |
rame |
Gepost door rame op zondag 21-06-2009 om 22:23:49 | |
Mos Def Sells Album Through T-Shirt
June 19th, 2009 | Author: Andres Tardio
In an impressive move to go away from the norm, Mos Def is sellinga t-shirt as his new album. Instead of getting a disk, fans will get a shirt with cover art on the front and a track list on the back. This shirt will not come with a CD. Instead, it will feature a code for each fan to use in order to download the album off the internet for free.
The concept may just work for Mos Def's sales, which are presently approaching 40,000 units of The Ecstatic [click to read]. In a surprising move, Soundscan is said to actually count the t-shirt sales as album sales.
"It's taking an album and turning it into a t-shirt," designer Jeremy Wineberg, president of Invisible DJ told Digital Music News this week [click here]. "Each shirt comes with a digital download tag carrying a unique code and is manufactured by clothing company LnA."
How else does it help to have an artist make his album available through a site like
"You're bypassing the middleman, like iTunes," Wineberg added.
According to Wineberg, fans will start seeing this shirt next month.
UPDATE: Representatives from Nielsen, the company behind Soundscan, contacted HipHopDX Friday morning. While the spokesperson said Nielsen would reportedly like more information from Invisible DJ and like-minded companies, they have no existing knowledge, and thus have no intention of tracking or recording units sold. |
Re-iLL |
Gepost door Re-iLL op zondag 21-06-2009 om 22:45:46 | |
das best dope |
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