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Gepost door LRF op maandag 16-02-2004 om 17:35:21

check dan! Jay-Z Black Album samen met Beatles White Album geeft the grey album!

dope shit
Gepost door dap op maandag 16-02-2004 om 17:45:34
yea had dr al van gehoord, schijnt ook dat ze aan gaan klagen
Gepost door LRF op maandag 16-02-2004 om 17:46:57
check die link: staat er allemaal bij.
maar klinkt wel dope, dus check maar (als je thuis bent)
Gepost door dap op maandag 16-02-2004 om 17:54:16
link werkt niet .. loading ....
Gepost door LRF op maandag 16-02-2004 om 17:55:42
hier werkt ie:
DJ Danger Mouse's recent Grey Album, which remixes Jay-Z's The Black Album and the Beatles White Album, has been hailed as a innovative hip-hop triumph. Despite that and the fact that only 3,000 copies of the album are in circulation, EMI sent cease and desist letters yesterday to Danger Mouse and the handful of stores that were selling the album, demanding that the album be destroyed.
"EMI isn't looking for compensation, they're trying to ban a work of art," said Downhill Battle's Rebecca Laurie.

"Special interests, including the major labels, have turned copyright law into a weapon," said Downhill Battle co-founder Holmes Wilson. "If Danger Mouse had requested permission and offered to pay royalties, EMI still would have said no and the public would never have been able to enjoy this critically acclaimed work. Artists are being forced to break the law to innovate."

The Grey Album has been widely shared on file sharing networks such as Kazaa and Soulseek, and has garnered critical acclaim in Rolling Stone (which called it "the ultimate remix record" and "an ingenious hip-hop record that sounds oddly ahead of its time", the Boston Globe (which called it the "most creatively captivating" album of the year), and other major news outlets.


01 Public Service Announcement
02 What More Can I Say
03 Encore
04 December 4th
05 99 Problems
06 Dirt Off Your Shoulder
07 Moment of Clarity
08 Change Clothes
09 Allure
10 Justify My Thug
11 Interlude
12 My 1st Song

Gepost door dap op maandag 16-02-2004 om 18:03:59
ah eindelijk .. downloading
Gepost door Mip op maandag 16-02-2004 om 18:06:14
werk hier normaal..downing
Gepost door Mizou op dinsdag 17-02-2004 om 00:43:35
danger mouse is te dope ik heb een andere cd van ze
Mightymiel Gepost door Mightymiel op dinsdag 17-02-2004 om 12:11:50
Wat een klote cd...niet om aan te horen.

vink dan
He was Dying To Get Famous But Never Sold Out
Gepost door LRF op dinsdag 17-02-2004 om 16:55:25
ik vind m zeer dope, maar heb originele cd nooit gehoord..
Gepost door dap op zaterdag 21-02-2004 om 16:02:37
"Dj Danger Mouse heeft een remix gemaakt van Jay-Z’s Black Album daarbij alleen samples van The White Album van The Beatles gebruikend. Het resultaat: The Grey Album. Hoewel ik van beide artiesten niet echt fan ben, is dit een bijzonder intrigerende en orinele plaat geworden.

Platenmaatschappij EMI vindt echter dat zij het eigendomsrecht op de sampellen van the Beatles heeft, en eisen de vernietiging van Danger Mouse’s remix. Downhill Battle organiseert aanstaande dinsdag Grey Tuesday:

“ONE THING THAT’S GREAT about the Grey Album is that it makes our arguments for us: as soon as people hear it, they know that it’s real art. So as EMI’s lawyers try to censor this record, everyone can see that they’re not trying to protect music, they’re just trying to control it. EMI is part of the major label monopoly: for decades they’ve controlled musicians, distribution, and the songs people hear on the radio.”

Roy wears Casio watches! Be like Roy, wear Casio!
Gepost door N8 op zondag 22-02-2004 om 14:00:56
ik ben niet echt into jay z
maar dit is madwack

dope lrf
take the baton, drop it on to the head,
and now she's dead
killin' baby seals, keepin' it real
you wanna chew the beef, but you'd rather chew the veal
coz killin' babies, for you has mass appeal
Gepost door dap op zondag 22-02-2004 om 14:21:35
Gepost door SpooK! op zondag 22-02-2004 om 20:38:30
"hee dit is van de beatles" schreeuwde mijn pa zojuist naar boven

Geluidskwaliteit is niet zo, maar het is wel super knap gemixt vind ik, leuk gedaan.
Gepost door dap op dinsdag 24-02-2004 om 10:42:19
grey tuesday ..

merk er niks van
Gepost door Mip op dinsdag 24-02-2004 om 12:06:59
check hijs maar eens
Gepost door dap op dinsdag 24-02-2004 om 13:41:30
alsof dat helpt ...
Roy wears Casio watches! Be like Roy, wear Casio!
Gepost door N8 op woensdag 25-02-2004 om 09:52:24
ik luister hem nu op m'n cd walkman (zo heten discmans tegenwoordig)
hij is echwel chill
take the baton, drop it on to the head,
and now she's dead
killin' baby seals, keepin' it real
you wanna chew the beef, but you'd rather chew the veal
coz killin' babies, for you has mass appeal
Gepost door dap op woensdag 25-02-2004 om 10:19:29
mjaaah mjaah beetje cheape mix opzich
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