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Roy wears Casio watches! Be like Roy, wear Casio!
Gepost door N8 op dinsdag 24-02-2004 om 09:49:18
koele alto's!
take the baton, drop it on to the head,
and now she's dead
killin' baby seals, keepin' it real
you wanna chew the beef, but you'd rather chew the veal
coz killin' babies, for you has mass appeal
Roy wears Casio watches! Be like Roy, wear Casio!
Gepost door N8 op dinsdag 24-02-2004 om 09:52:21

take the baton, drop it on to the head,
and now she's dead
killin' baby seals, keepin' it real
you wanna chew the beef, but you'd rather chew the veal
coz killin' babies, for you has mass appeal
Roy wears Casio watches! Be like Roy, wear Casio!
Gepost door N8 op dinsdag 24-02-2004 om 09:56:09

take the baton, drop it on to the head,
and now she's dead
killin' baby seals, keepin' it real
you wanna chew the beef, but you'd rather chew the veal
coz killin' babies, for you has mass appeal
Gepost door dap op dinsdag 24-02-2004 om 10:04:25
delic? waar is angeleye
Roy wears Casio watches! Be like Roy, wear Casio!
Gepost door N8 op dinsdag 24-02-2004 om 10:40:10
huh? been smoking oregano again dap?
take the baton, drop it on to the head,
and now she's dead
killin' baby seals, keepin' it real
you wanna chew the beef, but you'd rather chew the veal
coz killin' babies, for you has mass appeal
Kanye West is the best!
Gepost door Angel-eyez op dinsdag 24-02-2004 om 15:40:45
Wie is Delic??????
Roy wears Casio watches! Be like Roy, wear Casio!
Gepost door N8 op dinsdag 24-02-2004 om 16:05:24
...ik ken een turks meisje die zo heet
take the baton, drop it on to the head,
and now she's dead
killin' baby seals, keepin' it real
you wanna chew the beef, but you'd rather chew the veal
coz killin' babies, for you has mass appeal
Roy wears Casio watches! Be like Roy, wear Casio!
Gepost door N8 op dinsdag 24-02-2004 om 16:53:49
staan vette mp3tjes op die site...
take the baton, drop it on to the head,
and now she's dead
killin' baby seals, keepin' it real
you wanna chew the beef, but you'd rather chew the veal
coz killin' babies, for you has mass appeal
Gepost door dap op dinsdag 24-02-2004 om 17:21:12
ik ken een turk die seda heet, ook toevallig bietmaker
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