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Rijmelijm Gepost door Rijmelijm op zondag 27-12-2009 om 19:08:23
As time comes to rise Trisha is nine years old,
An innocent girl, a hearth full of gold.
At day playing with her friends at school,
games, painting, writing, just being cool.
She's Trish, just your average girl on the block,
but everyday her life changes around five o'clock.
Back to her parent who can't seem to stop,
fighting each other, screaming and such.
If she was nicer, would her parents find,
love for each other, a passion combined?
Thinking about this, starting to feel cold,
a clear mind shows, it was all her fault.
Maybe if she always made her bed,
love would've grown between mom and dad.
She folds her trembling hands in prayer,
hoping to find light in all despair.
She believes by now, she's the burden,
why her mom is fighting, and pops is hurting.
Hearing voices argue, now she's sure,
soon her parents love can turn to pure.
The last drop drops, she shows a small grin,
ofcourse it was her fault it had always been.
In the next room the fighting fades,
faith shivers their skin like nightly shade.
Mom looks at dad and silence sets in,
they don't know why, feeling doubt within.
She finds peace as the voices fade, smiling wide,
breaths her last breath and steps into the light.
De frisse
Gepost door FreshS (1.000.000ste bericht postert) op zondag 27-12-2009 om 19:22:01
ik vind het wel dope man. rijm mag wel beter, maar de verhaallijn en inhoud is dope. Jammer van je naam
Yo momma so poor she can't afford to pay attention
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