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Gepost door Do-P op woensdag 17-03-2010 om 09:57:09

bye bye zwaai zwaai
[ Dit bericht is gewijzigd door op 17-03-2010 @ 11:33:06 ]

L2N: "quoten is voor homo's"
Gepost door MuSS070 op woensdag 17-03-2010 om 11:33:51
Christine schreef op 16-03-2010 @ 23:14
And I who thought all dutch people had english in school... silly me....

Not all dutch people go to school I guess..
life is just life, who the hell gives a fuck
Gepost door Jspr op woensdag 17-03-2010 om 12:05:59
But we are quite good in the English language, because (at least I received them at that age) English courses start at the age of 8-9.
De frisse
Gepost door FreshS (1.000.000ste bericht postert) op woensdag 17-03-2010 om 18:11:07
I played on my Gameboy Color pokemon. That's how I learnt.. #whatapussylife

nevertheless I dont have any clue about sum hiphop partys in your area. Ede, never heard of it.. Good look with your search.

Yo momma so poor she can't afford to pay attention
Dr. Cooper
Gepost door deking op woensdag 17-03-2010 om 18:20:38
You can check for parties in Nijmegen, if you plan to go there. They have hip hop concerts etc. Have fun.
Gepost door livio op woensdag 17-03-2010 om 18:32:33
Klik op dit plaatje om op ware grootte te zien.

Some rock and cool dutch hiphop acts and foreign beggars from london,which you should know! Holla if you come to the most beautiful city in Holland.
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