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Gepost door Teh_Jordy op woensdag 26-05-2010 om 17:42:10

1. Electric Feel
2. Do You Have A Dollar? (Coin Laundry)
3. The Ghost Inside feat. Pez
4. Starry Eyed
5. Pass Out
6. Nothing To Lose

een gratis mixtape te downloaden op:

Frisse hiphop uit australie. 360 is ook een battle papi maar tracks maken kan ie als de beste. Beats van b.o.b, justice, iets dubstepperigs, drum n bass en andere dope shit!

im like biggie smalls,
the difference is that im white, thin and tall
Ah, the Canibus Era, when men were men and rappers were nuclear warheads with twin lyrical Pentium chips. Lyrically.
-soul khan
silly bitch
Gepost door Bizzy_D op woensdag 26-05-2010 om 18:16:58
360 is dope idd, ik ga even checken
Gepost door Teh_Jordy op maandag 28-06-2010 om 15:55:15
leak van zn album

al lang uit maar ik wou dit topic bumpen [:
Ah, the Canibus Era, when men were men and rappers were nuclear warheads with twin lyrical Pentium chips. Lyrically.
-soul khan
De frisse
Gepost door FreshS (1.000.000ste bericht postert) op maandag 28-06-2010 om 19:00:01
lekkere shit zeg..
Yo momma so poor she can't afford to pay attention
Gepost door Teh_Jordy op dinsdag 14-09-2010 om 16:24:20
deel 2 staat ook online en is net zoals deel 1 keihard!
Ah, the Canibus Era, when men were men and rappers were nuclear warheads with twin lyrical Pentium chips. Lyrically.
-soul khan
Gepost door Teh_Jordy op dinsdag 01-02-2011 om 14:18:20
prrrt POW, meest catchy nummer van 2011:

en weer een leak van fallin and flying

ik ben ongelooflijk fan van deze shit!
Ah, the Canibus Era, when men were men and rappers were nuclear warheads with twin lyrical Pentium chips. Lyrically.
-soul khan
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