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Infernus Gepost door Infernus op zaterdag 29-05-2010 om 19:39:47
I am a God of war like Kratos. I take hope away and slay those who dare to oppose me. I am a morbid freak performing sorcery, you be scared if you know me. Death whispered to me and it felt like a cold breeze. I,m trapped in a lonely prison, no way to escape, i,m fading away and blackness controls me. Hope is leaving me and the devil is fiending to capture my soul, please i,m begging you, my only wish is to die in serinity. I beg you Christ, an angel came to my bed at night and gave a kiss to me and said: come visit me in paradise you wil get to see what's heaven like. And then she said goodbye. And i realised i tasted the love from a angel above. She awakened my heart and showed me the greatness of God. I,m praying for a place and a spot in heaven. I,m waiting to come forever to spend an eternity in everlasting peach. It has to be purely and naturally. But the Devil fiends to curse me but i reject the beast and with all my breath i scream: you can never hurt me or capture me. The only place i will ever burn is your fantasy. You will never be my higheness i,m on the righteous path so i returned to my majesty.
Coneijn, Kip & Dirk zijn bazen!
Gepost door Nieroth op zaterdag 29-05-2010 om 21:52:20
Doutzen Kroes naakt.
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