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Weazel |
Gepost door Weazel op maandag 24-01-2011 om 13:47:13 | |

'' Raekwon told that he was planning on a second album in 2011. He said the album would be "DJ-oriented" and "harmony-based" and will feature production from Just Blaze and Kanye West. Also that the album, which is already half complete, is tentatively slated for an October release.
It looks as though this album could be the third volume of Only Built For Cuban Linx series. Complex is previewing Rae's upcoming Shaolin Vs. Wu-Tang and revealed that Rae broke the news on a song called "Silver Rings."
In the preview Complex states "he says he doesn't know when, but that the time is coming" and "this album definitely isn't in the same vein as the Cuban Linx series. OB4CL and its sequel had an overarching narrative, but this record is more like a series of vignettes tied together by a common theme."
Oftewel OB4CL kon wel eens een langlopende serie gaan worden
Niks mis mee.. |
Nickert boss |
Gepost door Nickert op maandag 24-01-2011 om 18:14:37 | |
Deeltje 2 had best een paar toffe tracks. Hoop dat de Wu sound wel een beetje aanwezig blijft. |
Masahiro |
Gepost door Masahiro op maandag 24-01-2011 om 18:44:03 | |
ik wil rae niet horen op een kanye of just blaze beat... |
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