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EA94 Gepost door EA94 op maandag 06-08-2012 om 01:12:08
My mind is on the game something that Michael Jordan not got, I shot cops.
I break bitches, snitches, drugsdealers and killers in their spot.
I'm shocked that the most people dare to take a step in my zone.
I love peace, but when you search for the beef, you released the beast in your own.
My life is full of stone, I believe my life is like Al Capone, bringing fire alone.
Killing careers in seconds, your life is retired and quick gone.
You like it rough, I strike it tough put damage even when you pick up the phone.
Come and get me, I kill in sight and break your fucking bones.
if you cant stand the heat, get out of the kitchen
Gepost door NoJoke op maandag 06-08-2012 om 02:27:59
Whats that bullshit all about

Learn from "The wizard"

[ Dit bericht is gewijzigd door op 06-08-2012 @ 02:31:16 ]

I shall look for you, Lord by praying to you and as I pray I shall believe in you, because we have had preachers to tell us about you. It is my faith that calls to you, Lord the faith such you gave me and made to live in me through the merits of your Son,
EA94 Gepost door EA94 op maandag 06-08-2012 om 13:22:23
What you trying to say, that this is wack ?
if you cant stand the heat, get out of the kitchen
Gepost door NoJoke op maandag 06-08-2012 om 19:08:26
Yes, it is/ja het is wack.
[ Dit bericht is gewijzigd door op 06-08-2012 @ 19:10:01 ]

I shall look for you, Lord by praying to you and as I pray I shall believe in you, because we have had preachers to tell us about you. It is my faith that calls to you, Lord the faith such you gave me and made to live in me through the merits of your Son,
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