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I Ain't Afraid To Die, I'm Afraid To Live
Gepost door E-Masta op woensdag 17-04-2013 om 19:01:27
Back in the 90's we used to live good healthy and all well
Now it is the money that changed our lives and make our life look like hell
I't aint hard to tell, facing the devil in our brains ask yourself
We must seek help, giving something to these people for our own health
Life sucks, it's all about money drugs sex and bucks
Praying and asking to Allah when this shit is gonna to stop
From gouverment to cops, from pop to hardrock
And all that brainwash communication that we suffering from the spot
[ Dit bericht is gewijzigd door op 17-04-2013 @ 19:01:49 ]

Hip Hop is dead....
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