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if you cant stand the heat, get out of the kitchen
Gepost door NoJoke op maandag 21-11-2016 om 12:12:27
K-Rino Rapper uit Texas waar ik een groot fan van ben. dropt in een kort tijdsbestek 7 albums.
hier is een interview over het Project:

Dit hier is de Album Sampler:

En dit is zijn tracks van het eerst geuploade Album "Universal Curriculum" door
K rino's vaste album uploader op Youtube,


Alle album Titels
[ Dit bericht is gewijzigd door op 21-11-2016 @ 12:15:10 ]

I shall look for you, Lord by praying to you and as I pray I shall believe in you, because we have had preachers to tell us about you. It is my faith that calls to you, Lord the faith such you gave me and made to live in me through the merits of your Son,
if you cant stand the heat, get out of the kitchen
Gepost door NoJoke op zondag 27-11-2016 om 23:49:33
Van Album#2 Conception of Concept.

I shall look for you, Lord by praying to you and as I pray I shall believe in you, because we have had preachers to tell us about you. It is my faith that calls to you, Lord the faith such you gave me and made to live in me through the merits of your Son,
if you cant stand the heat, get out of the kitchen
Gepost door NoJoke op dinsdag 06-12-2016 om 02:25:24

I shall look for you, Lord by praying to you and as I pray I shall believe in you, because we have had preachers to tell us about you. It is my faith that calls to you, Lord the faith such you gave me and made to live in me through the merits of your Son,
if you cant stand the heat, get out of the kitchen
Gepost door NoJoke op dinsdag 13-12-2016 om 01:02:46
Van album#4 Wizard''s Ransom

Deze track is zo ziek en de beat is tight.

Deze track is zo ziek. Kan het genoeg niet gezegd hebben.

I shall look for you, Lord by praying to you and as I pray I shall believe in you, because we have had preachers to tell us about you. It is my faith that calls to you, Lord the faith such you gave me and made to live in me through the merits of your Son,
if you cant stand the heat, get out of the kitchen
Gepost door NoJoke op zondag 01-01-2017 om 21:38:49
Van album#5 American Heroes

I shall look for you, Lord by praying to you and as I pray I shall believe in you, because we have had preachers to tell us about you. It is my faith that calls to you, Lord the faith such you gave me and made to live in me through the merits of your Son,
if you cant stand the heat, get out of the kitchen
Gepost door NoJoke op dinsdag 03-01-2017 om 23:14:37
Van album#6 Welcome to Life

I shall look for you, Lord by praying to you and as I pray I shall believe in you, because we have had preachers to tell us about you. It is my faith that calls to you, Lord the faith such you gave me and made to live in me through the merits of your Son,
if you cant stand the heat, get out of the kitchen
Gepost door NoJoke op zondag 15-01-2017 om 02:39:51
De laatste #7 van 7

Ik respecteer K-Rino een van de reallest MC
Altijd duidelijk altijd een pad volgend
Real shit voor echte mensen.

K-Rino S.P.C.(South Park Coalition) zijn groep.
Alleen maar echtheid en liefde voor het leven met respect voor mensen en religie. En Respect voor de kunst wat Hiphop/Rap
Is of ooit was.
Never Sell Out
Keep it Real.
En abonneer op het kanaal van TheHipHopSpot.

One Love
En groetjes aan iedereen die dit leest

I shall look for you, Lord by praying to you and as I pray I shall believe in you, because we have had preachers to tell us about you. It is my faith that calls to you, Lord the faith such you gave me and made to live in me through the merits of your Son,
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