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Gepost door dap op zondag 22-08-2004 om 11:01:32

Trey Parker and Matt Stone are back to filmmaking again. No, it is not a South Park movie and no they are not acting. In fact, it is a totally different media... marionettes. Yep! Puppets folks. They are making Team America:World Police. If you liked the original Thunderbirds and hate the live action remake but also love comedy sticking it to our current government then you are going to love Matt and Trey's new project. Trailer and more info at the movie's site.

trailer (Quicktime)

hehe lijkt me koel worden
[ Dit bericht is gewijzigd door op 22-08-2004 @ 11:01:59 ]
Gepost door Mip op zondag 22-08-2004 om 14:31:31
Gepost door dap op zondag 22-08-2004 om 14:35:36
oeps... ok niet gezien.
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