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carljla Gepost door carljla op dinsdag 28-06-2005 om 14:42:21
i`ll be in Netterlands(especially in rotterdam) from 10th of july. it`s quite hard to find netherland`s hip hop news/www. in english that `s why i`m here.
anybody want to recommend me good hip hop events/places etc. in rotterdam and not only?? please mail me :
"...I didn't and still don't see the point in doing anything if you aren't in it to progress to a higher level..."
Gepost door Brandt op maandag 04-07-2005 om 12:11:54
there is plenty of hip hop in rotterdam in july,
to bad you're here from the 10th of july because july the 8th there a release party from 2 dutch hip hop artist in rotterdam night town, i'll look around for you to find party's in rotterdam (i'm from rotterdam so thats no problem)
just remember to check back here every now and then
Gepost door dap op maandag 04-07-2005 om 12:22:39
hi carljla, we mailed and you missed KRS
carljla Gepost door carljla op maandag 04-07-2005 om 13:51:39
i know i regret but hope to see Little Brother on 19th
[ Dit bericht is gewijzigd door op 04-07-2005 @ 13:59:14 ]

"...I didn't and still don't see the point in doing anything if you aren't in it to progress to a higher level..."
Gepost door Vent op dinsdag 05-07-2005 om 13:34:05
carljla schreef op 04-07-2005 @ 13:51:39
i know i regret

Hahaha I thought you were talking about the mailing with Dap.
[ Dit bericht is gewijzigd door op 05-07-2005 @ 13:34:29 ]
California dreamin'
Gepost door V.I.P. op dinsdag 05-07-2005 om 13:37:05

I've tried Shakespeare, respect due dere
But did is de stuff I like
carljla Gepost door carljla op woensdag 06-07-2005 om 11:48:48
of course big misunderstanding! i rregret to miss KRS ONE...never mind..there will be other chance, other place, other time...
"...I didn't and still don't see the point in doing anything if you aren't in it to progress to a higher level..."
Gepost door dap op woensdag 06-07-2005 om 11:54:04
carljla is our special foreign NLhiphop reportster this month
carljla Gepost door carljla op woensdag 06-07-2005 om 11:55:52
"...I didn't and still don't see the point in doing anything if you aren't in it to progress to a higher level..."
Gepost door Hyreme op woensdag 06-07-2005 om 11:58:07
Me 2 I'm from Austria From Vienna
Pupils dilate like columbine killers with slow watches
Gepost door dap op woensdag 06-07-2005 om 12:00:03
riiite... liar liar
Gepost door Hyreme op woensdag 06-07-2005 om 12:06:47
Ik kom echt uit oostenrijk ik zweer het je.. als ik dat niet ben mag je me voor altijd bannen
Pupils dilate like columbine killers with slow watches
Gepost door livio op woensdag 06-07-2005 om 12:07:40
hé wat vet man !!
Gepost door dap op woensdag 06-07-2005 om 12:08:14
but you live here so that doesn't count. carljla is coming here from poland this month.
Gepost door Hyreme op woensdag 06-07-2005 om 12:09:41
Yeah but i'm from weesp that's also a country with it's one culture language and bitches
Pupils dilate like columbine killers with slow watches
carljla Gepost door carljla op woensdag 06-07-2005 om 14:46:45
.....if u have ur own bitches...what else do u want from our world.???...
"...I didn't and still don't see the point in doing anything if you aren't in it to progress to a higher level..."
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