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Foreign Dog
Gepost door CstA op zaterdag 23-07-2005 om 08:28:14
eyyo whut up. diz cums out from fuckin' germany, where the foreign dogz cum from. me iz a turkish, on my side i got a pakistani and a canadian.
sry if diz has to be written in english, maar mijn nederlands is niet goed

kay da problem is, da albums almost finished and now we surch dutch labels where we can send our demo to.
now u will wonder: why a dutch label?

lemme say it like diz: Fuck Germany and doze Potatoeheadz!!!

ya know what i mean? so i'd be happy if u'd gimme sum info bout dutchlabels and linkz.

thank yu!!!

ps: its english rap we doin. fuck german rap!!!
[ Dit bericht is gewijzigd door op 23-07-2005 @ 08:44:32 ]
Foreign Dog
Gepost door CstA op zaterdag 23-07-2005 om 08:38:28
ahjeah ive fogotten to give u sum tracks hehe

i prefer to listen to "kill em all"!! fuck germany
Schaduw Gepost door Schaduw op zaterdag 23-07-2005 om 10:23:40
-Top Notch
-RAMP records
Foreign Dog
Gepost door CstA op zaterdag 23-07-2005 om 11:14:21
thx dog! anymore labels?
Schaduw Gepost door Schaduw op zaterdag 23-07-2005 om 11:16:57
check our linksection:

And then right in the top
[ Dit bericht is gewijzigd door op 24-07-2005 @ 00:52:47 ]
Foreign Dog
Gepost door CstA op zaterdag 23-07-2005 om 11:21:39
yeeee thx.
gone fuck dat german biz
Foreign Dog
Gepost door CstA op zaterdag 23-07-2005 om 11:25:23
ya can gimme any information bout english rappin in netherlands? whats da deal about?
Schaduw Gepost door Schaduw op zaterdag 23-07-2005 om 11:31:44
what kind of information do u want?
Foreign Dog
Gepost door CstA op zaterdag 23-07-2005 om 16:49:52
iz there a chance fo a good english spittin crew datz real and spits shit gainst germany, fake asses politics etc?

is there a chance fo dem in netherlands?
Teringhond & Co.
Gepost door FreakyFreek op zaterdag 23-07-2005 om 17:54:08
Gepost door Angelix op zaterdag 23-07-2005 om 17:58:29
Hmm well, dutch people pretend to not hate germans,
i don't think if you bring your hate for your own country
out in the publick will get you anywhere, try to pick
up some other subjects to rap about, that might help.

And schaduw tolled some lables, and check je nlhiphop links, that should be helpfull
Ik beschouw mezelf een held in dit,niet volgens opinie
maar omdat ik mezelf geweldig vind.
Gepost door L2N op zaterdag 23-07-2005 om 18:14:46
Angelix schreef op 23-07-2005 @ 17:58
And schaduw tolled some lables, and check je nlhiphop links, that should be helpfull

L2's bradda's en bradderinnen: zix finger dax freakyfreek kadee livio dge xflipit jspr thomas bigsam mofo ozcan muss maffedodo sjaakie brandt bj iminic rvr gizzle freshss melle ouweschoolgast aprofourz gaucho saku/angelix ottogast deekte g0ldfinger leyla
Gepost door Angelix op zaterdag 23-07-2005 om 18:17:17
sorry, to speak english is much easier than typing it, + i typed it kinda fast
[ Dit bericht is gewijzigd door op 23-07-2005 @ 18:18:32 ]

Ik beschouw mezelf een held in dit,niet volgens opinie
maar omdat ik mezelf geweldig vind.
Gepost door Angelix op zaterdag 23-07-2005 om 18:18:44
Angelix schreef op 23-07-2005 @ 18:17
sorry, it's much easyer to speak english than typing it, + i typed it kinda fast
[ Dit bericht is gewijzigd door op 23-07-2005 @ 18:28:05 ]

Ik beschouw mezelf een held in dit,niet volgens opinie
maar omdat ik mezelf geweldig vind.
Gepost door livio op zaterdag 23-07-2005 om 18:21:14
Angelix schreef op 23-07-2005 @ 18:17
sorry, to speak english is much easier than typing it, + i typed it kinda fast

als je geen rekening houd met gramatica

If you don't account keep with grammar.
Gepost door dap op zaterdag 23-07-2005 om 18:22:13
*kuch* ontopic *kuch*
Gepost door L2N op zaterdag 23-07-2005 om 18:22:58
[ Dit bericht is gewijzigd door op 23-07-2005 @ 18:23:30 ]

L2's bradda's en bradderinnen: zix finger dax freakyfreek kadee livio dge xflipit jspr thomas bigsam mofo ozcan muss maffedodo sjaakie brandt bj iminic rvr gizzle freshss melle ouweschoolgast aprofourz gaucho saku/angelix ottogast deekte g0ldfinger leyla
Gepost door livio op zaterdag 23-07-2005 om 18:25:23
sorry meneer dap, wat een alleraardigst avatarredingetje heb je weer !

I don't think trying to conquer the Dutch market with raps against German politicians is a good idea. We can hardly tell who our own Prime minister is. And besides, english is wack dude

Je weet toch.
Gepost door BattleCat op zaterdag 23-07-2005 om 18:53:52
Commercially I don't think you have a chance.
But your album might be released if you get signed on a label.
Just like the other dutch guys who spitt english it's kinda underground.
[ Dit bericht is gewijzigd door op 23-07-2005 @ 18:57:57 ]
Foreign Dog
Gepost door CstA op zondag 24-07-2005 om 00:06:25
jes jes joah. da main subject aint german hate raps.
we gut deep shit and blablablablablablabla
just sumtimes ya got sth to hear bout germany.
and it aint my country. imma foreign there.
just got pissed of da soceity.

english aint whack man! its better dan da rest.
its my way to rap.
Schaduw Gepost door Schaduw op zondag 24-07-2005 om 00:11:34
If it's your way, keep it yourway. Nothing wrong with that. But i think big labels arn't interesting in another english underground group unless you bring something special. But if people find you're dope and cool the labels will come to you. Proof yourself in the scene. Make (free)tracks, perform (lowbudget) do things so that you are being seen. Dont wait, make tracks and hope the label wants you. If you get big and famous in the scene, things will come to you....

I did it, myyyyyy way
Gepost door DopeR op zondag 24-07-2005 om 00:23:41
BattleCat schreef op 23-07-2005 @ 18:53
Commercially I don't think you have a chance.
But your album might be released if you get signed on a label.
Just like the other dutch guys who spitt english it's kinda underground.

thats true.
if you want that shit, you must bust wack shit like 50 cent and g-unit. just drop your shit, maybe skiggy rapz (a dutch mc who spitt shit english, click on this link and you can listen to his track and freestyles etc) wants to spitt with you .
[ Dit bericht is gewijzigd door op 24-07-2005 @ 00:24:38 ]

Wii will brainwash you.
Gepost door SpooK! op zondag 24-07-2005 om 00:32:29
You could try walboomers, and if you are REALLY good, try epitaph
(it's not a Wall Boomers wordplay thing, the boss' family name is just Walboomers)

Verantwoord Gepost door Verantwoord op zondag 24-07-2005 om 00:52:06
I'm sorry man, you ain't gettin' a deal... Straight to the point; the raps are wack. That ain't have nothin' to do with you'r accent, but it ain't right on tempo, not smooth, know what i mean?

But keep tryin' yo, maybe you'r good over a few years.


If you are realy thinkin' about resleasing a cd, y'all realy should buy a good mic.
Limited Edition
Gepost door creech op zondag 24-07-2005 om 09:56:26
Verantwoord schreef op 24-07-2005 @ 00:52
If you are realy thinkin' about resleasing a cd, y'all realy should buy a good mic.

Maakt niks uit. Gewoon een mic van de studio gebruiken. Daarvan mag je ervan uitgaan dat ze goed zijn.
Sit jou kop in die koei se kont en wag tot die bull jou kom holnaai.
Foreign Dog
Gepost door CstA op maandag 25-07-2005 om 08:48:39
i think its hard today to get fame in the meantine bein real
ya right, ya got to be sum bitch like 50
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