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De Ranzige...
Gepost door Razor op woensdag 24-04-2002 om 19:06:00
Dit vond ik op

MODPlug Central is now - Unplugged.

Due to various circumstances, the webmaster can no longer continue to work on, update, maintain and improve upon this site.

Six years of dedication and hard work are now drawn to a close. The site had morphed from a personal home page to a fully developed portal for a special group of musicians, and as such, the site's demands on the webmaster's time, attention and finances continued to grow as well.

When making big decisions, one typically will examine the "pros" and "cons" of each of the options, place them on a mental scale to weigh them, and see how it all pans out. Unfortunately, the "cons" of keeping the site alive in its complete form have outweighed the "pros".

What about the software?

The software should continue to be updated when the author, Olivier Lapique, has time to update it. You can follow the progress of the software on his home page. The actual software downloads will not be "processed" as they have been in the past - there will be no EXE self-installing versions, and other extras that were added before. (Unless someone else can step up to the plate for that.) Software mirrors may continue to operate as well, it's up to the owners of those mirrors. Here are links to the most current mirrors:

RONCLI.COM (USA): Plugin | Player | Tracker

TELIA.COM (SWEDEN): Plugin | Player | Tracker

I can no longer support software downloads from this server, as it will consume too much of the bandwidth. There have been offers to host the site, however, another factor is my time available to maintain the site, and that cannot be so easily fixed.

What about the site?

The page that you are reading now will be one of the few still available at MODPlug Central. The MOD FAQ will stay online, as will the forums and the Tracker's Handbook, but the rest of the site will eventually be removed from the server. Other sites such as MODPlug Central Russia may continue, it's completely up to the webmasters.

Thanks to everyone who supported me, and my passion for music - you know who you are. Very special thanks to Olivier Lapicque for his dedication with the software, his friendship, and his allowing me to share in his gifts to the scene. I am now off to other projects.

Mister X aka Kim

P.S. A special thank-you to everyone who took the time to e-mail me and say how much the site meant to them. I appreciate it immensely.

Dit is wel ruk!
[ Dit bericht is gewijzigd door op 24-04-2002 @ 19:07:55 ]
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