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  Index / Misc. / Actieve onderwerpen van wickedspecialist
  OnderwerpGestart doorReactiesBekekenLaatste reactie
ALGGezocht: Straatremixes deel 1 2 en 3
wickedspecialist221598 20-01-2008 @ 20:04 (Hyreme)
AUDNr van wicked
wickedspecialist15991 22-12-2007 @ 16:29 (Xflipit)
AUD[BEAT] Beatzcollective - Guitars in Winter
Beatzcollective171082 21-12-2007 @ 18:15 (Beatzcollective)
AUD[BEAT] Escape From Routine
Hof van Jaeden231117 21-12-2007 @ 16:41 (Hof van Jaeden)
AUDLooking back (new instrumental track)
SirFiets10892 20-12-2007 @ 22:46 (wickedspecialist)
AUDAudio Wickedspecialist
wickedspecialist3745 17-12-2007 @ 18:27 (Xflipit)
BTLja-ejaculatieopje-ma (puk van de petteflet) VS rvdb (swiebertje)
ja-ejaculatieopje-ma91432 22-03-2007 @ 03:11 (SLM040)
C&TWelke strips lees jij nog steeds ?
SBU422507 09-07-2006 @ 22:32 (Sloothaak)
BTLHuussuh vs Wickedspecialist
wickedspecialist131211 18-06-2006 @ 20:11 (The_TJ)
BTL[Uitdagingen Topic]
[Pagina: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 ]
Hnery50021181 31-05-2006 @ 22:22 (D-on)
BTLWigger De Kikker vs leipuh davey
Wigger_De_Kikker321687 14-05-2006 @ 15:05 (SimonS)
BTLlelijk vs. wickedspecialist
lelijk221048 14-05-2006 @ 12:32 (Gifito)
BTLMc-Buckz battle Lay-on
Mc-Buckz11889 11-05-2006 @ 11:54 (lay-on)
BTLFonzo vs. Flair
Fonzo151136 08-05-2006 @ 19:40 (Lil-Chino)
BTLSloothaak vs. Fonzo
Fonzo121064 08-05-2006 @ 14:26 (wickedspecialist)
BTLUitdagingen - 2nd level
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Lumi-Fizzle1905181 10-04-2006 @ 19:36 (MC Notorious)
BTLMulti's cypheren
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The_TJ5008835 06-02-2006 @ 19:53 (Dopoloog)
BTLSecond level praat hoek!
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Angelix3296852 20-01-2006 @ 10:13 (Angelix)
AUDLange zwans en baas gay
wickedspecialist151308 18-01-2006 @ 12:09 (d-reks)
AUDLange zwans en baas gay - Mee naar diemen zuid
wickedspecialist311333 13-01-2006 @ 18:36 (livio)
AUDGlashelder trackmix
Glashelder7943 02-09-2005 @ 03:15 (Glashelder)
AUD[ audio ] Zieke geest
JF project271161 28-08-2005 @ 16:10 (Monn-E)
BTLUitdagingen topic
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Crunx3497581 26-08-2005 @ 21:37 (D-Assasin)
AUD(audio) onderDelft - Slagerij
Mx Fortune371437 26-08-2005 @ 14:30 (MC Notorious)
BTL26ste drop je shit in 4 lines
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Dvince3497830 15-08-2005 @ 22:21 (Dvince)
BTLasbezt vs. wickedspecialist
AsbezT15836 11-08-2005 @ 15:29 (AsbezT)
AUD[Audio] OnderDelft - Doordacht Gebracht
chester431284 04-08-2005 @ 11:37 (chester)
AUD[Audio]Wickedspecialist - Job for me
wickedspecialist7761 02-08-2005 @ 19:18 (wickedspecialist)
AUD[ Audio ] Juan D - Nieuw? (forummember)
juan d21864 02-08-2005 @ 14:08 (De Gevallen Engel)
AUDTrack: De Krachten
R_o_H111124 01-08-2005 @ 22:38 (FreakyFreek)
CMP[Pronostiek] Audio Battle Toernooi '05
[Pagina: 1 2 3 ]
De Gevallen Engel1192759 04-07-2005 @ 12:03 (Verantwoord)
BTLUitdagingen topic
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Schaduw2556186 01-07-2005 @ 12:42 (De Gevallen Engel)
AUD[AUDIO] Wicked - Rapnr voor een speciaal meisje
wickedspecialist11828 10-06-2005 @ 19:15 (shaekwon)
AUD(Audio ) Groeten uit de Hel ! (jf diss )
Mx Fortune29996 04-06-2005 @ 10:26 (lilboss)
AUDVideo clip-------Ferry-liefde en woede
[Pagina: 1 2 ]
JF project532490 20-05-2005 @ 12:43 (Veelpleger)
BTL[Text] Uitdagingen Topic
[Pagina: 1 2 3 4 5 6 ]
Capone2556554 14-05-2005 @ 18:19 (DopeR)
BTLR.Anthony vs Wickedspecialist (0 - 3)
wickedspecialist22866 10-05-2005 @ 22:29 (Angelix)
BTL[Topical]Angelix Vs V.I.P.
V.I.P.431037 09-05-2005 @ 18:33 (V.I.P.)
BTL19de drop je shit in 4 lines
[Pagina: 1 2 3 4 5 6 ]
De Gevallen Engel2556309 06-05-2005 @ 13:41 (Capone)
BTLSpliffmeister vs. R. Anthony
R. Anthony281247 21-04-2005 @ 23:17 (chamo)
CMP[ABT '05]Ronde 1: Greg Kerkwerper Vs L2n
Prow361630 19-04-2005 @ 17:25 (Prow)
CMP[ABT '05]Ronde 1: Chester vs Crunx
Prow16955 19-04-2005 @ 17:23 (Prow)
BTLAsbezT en Mx Forutne vs. Nightmare en Tim-ow
[Pagina: 1 2 ]
AsbezT601783 17-04-2005 @ 22:40 (TiM-Ow)
[Pagina: 1 2 3 4 5 6 ]
WeZel2529180 15-04-2005 @ 16:27 (chester)
BTLRasKass vs. wickedspecialist
RasKass211001 14-04-2005 @ 09:04 (RasKass)
BTLHyreme vs No_Name
Hyreme261013 12-04-2005 @ 08:06 (No_NaMe)
BTLJorisma vs Liquidz
Liquidz181015 11-04-2005 @ 15:01 (Liquidz)
BTL18e drop je shit in 4 lines
[Pagina: 1 2 3 4 5 6 ]
Schaduw2555644 08-04-2005 @ 16:06 (Verantwoord)
BTLVotes Topic!!!
Angelix3593 08-04-2005 @ 14:49 (wickedspecialist)
BTLPascool vs Wickedspecialist
wickedspecialist171539 07-04-2005 @ 16:29 (-pascool-)
BTLMx Fortune vs Xflipit
Mx Fortune29959 06-04-2005 @ 00:09 (Mx Fortune)
BTLLocutus of Borg vs. wickedspecialist
Locutus of Borg461199 04-04-2005 @ 11:07 (Locutus of Borg)
BTLHyreme vs Groninger
Hyreme5445 03-04-2005 @ 15:23 (Ummer)
BTL[Text] Uitdagingen Topic
[Pagina: 1 2 3 4 5 6 ]
Angelix2555912 09-03-2005 @ 14:14 (Crunx)
BTLWickedspecialist vs Jf prject
wickedspecialist11620 20-12-2004 @ 23:19 (wickedspecialist)
[Pagina: 1 2 3 4 5 6 ]
creative2555786 14-12-2004 @ 17:15 (BattleCat)
BTLdiablo vs Flotjaa
diablo9706 11-12-2004 @ 21:59 (diablo)
[Pagina: 1 2 3 4 5 6 ]
DopeR2556641 11-12-2004 @ 19:57 (die Lange)
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SchizoMania2556312 11-12-2004 @ 11:12 (TSP)
BTL 10e Drop je shit in 4 lines
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Prow2555284 06-12-2004 @ 17:44 (UmutErkan)
BTLJF2 vs. TopFokker
Mc_sKiTtLeS6875 02-12-2004 @ 20:58 (wickedspecialist)
BTLJf project vs. doper
JF project15631 23-11-2004 @ 16:38 (DopeR)
AUD[Audio] Saku Vs. Wicked
Angelix20982 22-11-2004 @ 23:02 (Angelix)
BTLWickedSpecialist vs R. Anthony
wickedspecialist22748 19-11-2004 @ 20:59 (DopeR)
BTLSlugger-D~ Vs. Kipman
Slugger-D27746 11-11-2004 @ 23:08 (Angelix)
BTLJF2 vs Angelix
JFproject 214594 09-11-2004 @ 17:12 (Angelix)
BTLWickedspecialist vs Creative
wickedspecialist20511 08-11-2004 @ 19:14 (wickedspecialist)
wickedspecialist8645 02-11-2004 @ 21:00 (paradox)
TSP10670 30-09-2004 @ 20:33 (JFproject 2)
BTLmultibattle: Wicked vs Para
paradox7751 28-09-2004 @ 23:25 (paradox)
BTLTSP vs. Ondeugd
TSP91008 05-09-2004 @ 10:06 (V.I.P.)
BTL7E drop je shit in 4 lines
[Pagina: 1 2 3 4 5 6 ]
Empathy2555772 24-08-2004 @ 15:11 (R-Gino)
BTLJFproject 2 vs Tilly
JFproject 2121030 21-08-2004 @ 17:36 (tilly)
BTLR-Gino vs. The Diss (Part 2)
R-Gino17977 20-08-2004 @ 15:54 (R-Gino)
BTL[Audio] Chester VS Saizen
chester27822 20-08-2004 @ 15:54 (chester)
BTLJuan d vs TiM-Ow
TiM-Ow14721 20-08-2004 @ 13:51 (TiM-Ow)
BTLXflipit Vs 8x4
Xflipit26866 19-08-2004 @ 13:46 (Xflipit)
[Pagina: 1 2 ]
SpooK!982775 19-08-2004 @ 00:33 (JOAS)
BTLAudio : DopeR vs. De Gevallen Engel
DopeR35684 18-08-2004 @ 17:34 (DopeR)
BTLAudio:Osiris vs Paradox
[Pagina: 1 2 ]
paradox832605 17-08-2004 @ 19:14 (Lumi-Fizzle)
BTLMededelingen/Vragen Baak
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SchizoMania2564570 16-08-2004 @ 19:12 (Prow)
BTLChester vs Brainpowertjuh (3 - 0)
BrainPowerTjuh17730 16-08-2004 @ 16:06 (chester)
BTL(audio)JF project 1,2 vs. Schizomania
[Pagina: 1 2 ]
JF project741872 14-08-2004 @ 13:02 (_Osiris_)
[Pagina: 1 2 3 4 5 6 ]
SchizoMania2555263 12-08-2004 @ 11:42 (DRE-stan)
BTLXflipit Vs Wcked thema (0 - 3)
Xflipit17598 11-08-2004 @ 12:49 (wickedspecialist)
BTLSpit Lickety VS Mc Chocolat , Ik Daag Je Uit
spit lickety431228 09-08-2004 @ 00:39 (8x4)
BTL8x4 vs. R-gino
8x419867 08-08-2004 @ 15:45 (wickedspecialist)
BTLWickedspecialist vs Xpifit De bladzijde saga:7 (3 - 0)
wickedspecialist15712 31-07-2004 @ 13:37 (Xflipit)
BTLOsi Osmosis Vs JF Project
_Osiris_18508 21-07-2004 @ 17:20 (JFproject 2)
BTLDopeR vs. Die Lange
DopeR231055 20-07-2004 @ 20:51 (V.I.P.)
BTLXflipit vs Ondeugd (battle over voorwerp)
Ondeugd19720 14-07-2004 @ 11:53 (Ondeugd)
BTLJf project Versus Creative
creative15550 11-07-2004 @ 20:44 (JF project)
BTLDis degene BOVEN je deel 2
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Schaduw2558148 04-07-2004 @ 19:43 (M.MONTANA)
BTLWickedspecialist vs brainpowertjuh
wickedspecialist10628 01-07-2004 @ 00:11 (BrainPowerTjuh)
CMP[NTT]Finale: Paradox Vs Prow [VoteTime]
Prow20714 28-06-2004 @ 17:16 (Prow)
PRTNLhiphop party deel 4
[Pagina: 1 2 3 4 5 ]
dap2064063 28-06-2004 @ 14:18 (Angel-eyez)
BTLDe gevallen Engel Vs _Osiris_
_Osiris_42904 21-06-2004 @ 14:09 (Xflipit)
BTLWho are u!?
Crash311012 18-06-2004 @ 15:39 (_Osiris_)
[Pagina: 1 2 ]
_Osiris_622077 17-06-2004 @ 15:03 (Prow)
[Pagina: 1 2 3 4 5 6 ]
SchizoMania2554233 15-06-2004 @ 12:39 (De Gevallen Engel)
CMP[NTT]Halve Finale: Chester Vs Prow
Prow451100 14-06-2004 @ 20:30 (Prow)
CMP[NTT]Halve Finale: Paradox Vs Wickedspecialist
Prow14839 14-06-2004 @ 17:11 (Prow)
C&TAlleen voor mc's custom je eigen naam...
wickedspecialist48708 11-06-2004 @ 18:57 (Lumi-Fizzle)
BTLWezel vs De gevallen engel
[Pagina: 1 2 ]
WeZel801769 11-06-2004 @ 07:07 (De Gevallen Engel)
C&TIk zoek een picserver
Mip10619 10-06-2004 @ 09:54 (SpooK!)
BTLProw & Schitzo vs empathy & Lumi
SchizoMania36910 10-06-2004 @ 03:24 (mc-dano)
CMP[NTT]Halve Finale: Paradox Vs Wickedspecialist
Prow29539 08-06-2004 @ 19:57 (wickedspecialist)
BTLCreative Vs Xflipit
Xflipit351090 08-06-2004 @ 15:59 (Xflipit)
CMP[NTT]Halve Finale: Chester Vs Prow
Prow38774 08-06-2004 @ 15:42 (chester)
C&TGTA vice city PC Modding
Dflex13891 07-06-2004 @ 19:01 (Mip)
BTL6e drop je shit in 4 lines
[Pagina: 1 2 3 4 ]
brainkilla1784708 03-06-2004 @ 01:32 (BattleCat)
BTLDiss degene boven je
[Pagina: 1 2 3 4 5 6 ]
Empathy2554997 01-06-2004 @ 12:14 (beginner)
Prow301008 31-05-2004 @ 22:00 (Prow)
CMP[NTT]Ronde 2: Wickedspecialist Vs Creative
Prow43789 31-05-2004 @ 11:51 (Prow)
CMP[NTT]Ronde 2: Esperanto Vs Battlecat Vs Prow
Prow18712 30-05-2004 @ 21:04 (Prow)
CMP[NTT]Ronde 2: Paradox Vs Lumi Fizzle
[Pagina: 1 2 ]
Prow561101 30-05-2004 @ 16:06 (Prow)
CMP[NTT]Ronde 2: Chester Vs Schaduw
Prow18649 30-05-2004 @ 11:29 (Prow)
BTLAUDIO: jf project vs. schizomania
JF project421132 28-05-2004 @ 21:42 (SchizoMania)
BTLLumi-fizzle Vs. Xflipit
Xflipit361049 26-05-2004 @ 17:11 (De Gevallen Engel)
[Pagina: 1 2 ]
MeNTaL761903 25-05-2004 @ 15:23 (wickedspecialist)
CMPCompetitie Praat
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chester2563795 24-05-2004 @ 15:38 (Prow)
CMP[NTT]Ronde1: Wickedspecialist Vs De Gevallen Engel [5-2]
Prow231214 23-05-2004 @ 20:17 (Prow)
CMP[NTT]Ronde1: Schaduw Vs Xflipit [5-0]
Prow18633 23-05-2004 @ 20:13 (Prow)
CMP[NTT]Ronde1: Spit Lickety Vs Chester [0-5]
Prow16599 21-05-2004 @ 19:52 (Prow)
CMP[NTT]Ronde1: Paradox Vs Rana [5-0]
Prow17804 19-05-2004 @ 18:10 (Prow)
CMP[TC] Prow VS Battlecat (Afgelast)
chester21644 18-05-2004 @ 21:43 (Prow)
BTLBattle In English!!!!
MeNTaL4621 17-05-2004 @ 19:44 (wickedspecialist)
BTLPardox vs Ondeugd. Battle zonder al te veel regels
Ondeugd201527 12-05-2004 @ 17:33 (paradox)
BTLAUDIO: paradox vs TML
paradox281081 11-05-2004 @ 20:03 (paradox)
BTL3e drop je shit in 4 lines
[Pagina: 1 2 3 4 5 6 ]
Lcs2554351 09-05-2004 @ 22:47 (MeNTaL)
CMP[EC] Chester VS Wickedspecialist (Afgelast)
chester4441 07-05-2004 @ 22:48 (wickedspecialist)
BTLparadox VS mc-jz
MC-JZ27968 04-05-2004 @ 17:25 (paradox)
CMP[TC] Paradox VS tollerantie Nul (Afgelast)
[Pagina: 1 2 ]
chester502050 04-05-2004 @ 15:14 (paradox)
CMP[DC] TML VS Creative (Afgelast)
chester11642 30-04-2004 @ 20:06 (creative)
CMP[MC] Lumi VS Blackout (Afgelast)
chester37717 30-04-2004 @ 10:39 (Lumi-Fizzle)
BTLJF project vs. Breinlauwer
JF project26684 29-04-2004 @ 00:07 (breinlauwer)
Prow25741 19-04-2004 @ 20:07 (wickedspecialist)
BTLWickedSpecialist vs Chester
wickedspecialist9448 19-04-2004 @ 20:01 (wickedspecialist)
chester311011 19-04-2004 @ 19:23 (chester)
BTLProw vs TML
Prow461227 18-04-2004 @ 16:26 (wickedspecialist)
BTLthis means war
lordv131064 18-04-2004 @ 16:22 (SchizoMania)
BTL...[Schaduw VS Esperanto]...
Schaduw27732 18-04-2004 @ 13:24 (rana)
Prow23850 17-04-2004 @ 20:30 (johndoe)
[Pagina: 1 2 3 4 5 6 ]
SchizoMania2554948 16-04-2004 @ 22:08 (THA MAD LUNATIC)
BTLChester VS Paradox
chester34965 15-04-2004 @ 22:22 (paradox)
BTLhet grote uitdagingen topic
[Pagina: 1 2 3 ]
_Osiris_1492691 09-04-2004 @ 21:33 (Esperanto)
BTLWie wil er battlen???? Kom dan.......
wickedspecialist6535 06-04-2004 @ 21:21 (SchizoMania)
BTLPauw (prow is een mietje):D
wickedspecialist4412 06-04-2004 @ 19:47 (SchizoMania)
wickedspecialist2394 06-04-2004 @ 19:39 (SchizoMania)
BTLProw battlen make my day:X
wickedspecialist6466 05-04-2004 @ 14:16 (SchizoMania)
BTLBattlen gimme!!!!
wickedspecialist4589 04-04-2004 @ 19:11 (SchizoMania)
BTLGimme your shit!
wickedspecialist7745 28-03-2004 @ 14:22 (Lumi-Fizzle)
BTLBrainpowertje kom maar tegen mij ik maak je af!
wickedspecialist2550 27-03-2004 @ 08:33 (Tha_Mastar)
BTLMijn eerste blind drop
Ardtjuh9781 27-03-2004 @ 00:43 (paradox)
BTLsukkels die denken dat ze alles kunnen
wigga29919 23-02-2004 @ 12:13 (Ondeugd)
_Osiris_6519 31-01-2004 @ 21:09 (wickedspecialist)
BTLGimme your style!!!!!
wickedspecialist2461 31-01-2004 @ 21:06 (Schaduw)
SLPCheck deze pics
dap17816 31-01-2004 @ 20:49 (wickedspecialist)
BTLdiss met me mee!!!
Greg Kerkwerper371032 30-01-2004 @ 22:16 (wickedspecialist)
  Index / Misc. / Actieve onderwerpen van wickedspecialist
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