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  Index / [arch] Battle competitions
 OnderwerpGestart doorReactiesBekekenLaatste reactie
[Opzet]Audio Wannabe Toernooi
Prow273048 20-01-2007 @ 17:07 ()
Mooiste Punch/Wordplay Line,
[Pagina: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 ]
Prow47625819 21-01-2009 @ 20:52 ()
[AWT] Ronde 2 Timo (Paul de Leeuw) Vs Huussuh (Hilbrand Nawijn)
Xflipit141607 17-03-2007 @ 14:51 ()
[AWT] Ronde 2 Swike (Courtney Love) Vs L2n (David Hasselhoff)
Xflipit71404 05-03-2007 @ 00:39 ()
[AWT] Ronde 2 FreakyFreek (Barbara Barend) Vs SLM (Marc Overmars)
Xflipit91317 22-02-2007 @ 17:44 ()
[AWT] Bookies Ronde 2
Xflipit141140 21-02-2007 @ 21:00 ()
[AWT] Ronde 2 Joey (Bassie) Vs Rijmpiet (Jim Carrey)
Xflipit21082 19-02-2007 @ 22:46 ()
Competitie Praat XV
Prow311905 19-02-2007 @ 18:27 ()
[AWT]Ronde 1: Joss De Boss (Kim Holland) Vs Huussuh (Jaap Stam)
[Pagina: 1 2 ]
Xflipit703976 12-02-2007 @ 17:22 ()
[AWT]Ronde 1: Crunx (Filip De Winter) Vs Hyreme (Ali G)
Xflipit151354 12-02-2007 @ 14:34 ()
[AWT]Ronde 1: Iminic (Martin Luther King) Vs Joey (Vader Abraham)
Xflipit271784 10-02-2007 @ 16:29 ()
[AWT]Ronde 1: FF (Willem Holleeder) Vs Dopoloog (Kees De Koning)
Xflipit292078 10-02-2007 @ 13:21 ()
[AWT]Ronde 1:] Swike (Tatjana Simic) Vs Devill (Eddy Wally)
Xflipit232757 10-02-2007 @ 13:14 ()
[AWT]Ronde 1: SLM (Hirsi Ali) Vs Pascool (Jantje Smit)
Xflipit382252 10-02-2007 @ 13:13 ()
[AWT]Ronde 1: Citeria (Edward Scissorhands) Vs Timo (Danny Blind)
Xflipit302244 10-02-2007 @ 13:07 ()
[AWT]Bookies topic
Prow181394 02-02-2007 @ 19:23 ()
[AWT]Ronde 1: Mc - V (BA (A-team)) Vs Ferry (Eva Braun)
Xflipit21249 02-02-2007 @ 16:33 ()
[AWT]Inschrijving topic
[Pagina: 1 2 ]
Prow944352 20-01-2007 @ 17:06 ()
[FW]Forumwar vs HHK: Discussietopic II
[Pagina: 1 2 3 ]
Prow1084394 04-06-2006 @ 13:25 ()
Competitiepraat topic XV
[Pagina: 1 2 ]
Pila592765 14-05-2006 @ 14:00 ()
[FW]Forumwar vs HHK: Discussietopic
[Pagina: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 ]
Prow50017603 03-05-2006 @ 15:30 ()
[RJO]Feliciteer de winnaar: Strijker
Prow402021 24-04-2006 @ 23:04 ()
[FW]Forumwar vs Hiphopkings: Dropjetop7
[Pagina: 1 2 3 4 ]
Prow1556120 19-04-2006 @ 18:44 ()
[RJO]Halve finale: Spliffmeister vs Spelbreker
Prow61322 19-04-2006 @ 16:54 ()
[RJO]Halve finale: Zwijgende Verlenging vs Strijker
Prow251647 18-04-2006 @ 00:12 ()
[FW]Forumwar vs Hiphopkings: Inschrijftopics duo's
Prow492234 17-04-2006 @ 17:16 ()
[RJO]Ronde 4: Spelbreker vs HuntR
[Pagina: 1 2 ]
Prow723359 03-04-2006 @ 16:57 ()
[RJO]Ronde 4: Hyreme vs Strijker
Prow131159 03-04-2006 @ 16:56 ()
Competitie Praat XIV
[Pagina: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 ]
Arihasj50013640 27-03-2006 @ 19:01 ()
[RJO]Ronde 4: Zwijgende verlenging vs DGE
Prow271076 23-03-2006 @ 16:07 ()
[RJO]Ronde 4: Prow vs Spliffmeister
Prow5927 22-03-2006 @ 16:38 ()
[RJO]Ronde 3: Prow vs DGE
[Pagina: 1 2 ]
Prow993270 02-03-2006 @ 18:50 ()
[RJO]Ronde 3: Strijker vs Blehhh
Prow421780 27-02-2006 @ 20:52 ()
[RJO]Ronde 3: Zwijgende verlenging vs Angelix
Prow171213 27-02-2006 @ 20:50 ()
[RJO]Ronde 3: Kipman vs Spin
Prow151181 25-02-2006 @ 13:12 ()
[RJO]Ronde 3: Spliffmeister vs Vent
Prow14955 25-02-2006 @ 12:47 ()
[RJO]Ronde 3: HuntR vs Gaucho
Prow121342 25-02-2006 @ 12:44 ()
[RJO]Ronde 3: Asbezt vs Hyreme
Prow141166 25-02-2006 @ 12:43 ()
[RJO]Ronde 3: Spelbreker vs Arihasj
Prow151199 25-02-2006 @ 12:42 ()
[RJO] Bookies
[Pagina: 1 2 3 ]
Dopoloog1013427 02-02-2006 @ 14:44 ()
[RJO]Ronde 2: Pila vs Spliffmeister
Prow161227 01-02-2006 @ 19:44 ()
[RJO]Ontwerp je onderwerp
[Pagina: 1 2 3 ]
Prow1264083 31-01-2006 @ 22:54 ()
[RJO]Ronde 2: Asbezt vs Vent
[Pagina: 1 2 3 ]
Prow1333632 28-01-2006 @ 13:28 ()
[RJO]Ronde 2: Locutus of Borg vs Kipman
Prow201186 28-01-2006 @ 13:26 ()
[RJO]ronde 2: Gaucho vs A-karimo
Prow181169 28-01-2006 @ 13:25 ()
[RJO]Ronde 2: Blehhh vs Lil'Tricky
Prow251305 28-01-2006 @ 13:23 ()
[RJO]Ronde 2: Angelix vs Cml.exe
Prow261429 28-01-2006 @ 13:20 ()
[RJO]Ronde 2: Brandt vs Hyreme
Prow161116 28-01-2006 @ 13:16 ()
[RJO]Ronde 2: Rock-J vs Prow
Prow271299 28-01-2006 @ 13:15 ()
[RJO]Ronde 2: Crazy-one vs DGE
Prow181204 28-01-2006 @ 13:14 ()
[RJO]Ronde 2: Spelbreker vs Renzos
Prow161182 28-01-2006 @ 12:47 ()
[RJO]Ronde 2: Et-cetera vs Spin
Prow401605 28-01-2006 @ 12:46 ()
[RJO]Ronde 2: HuntR vs Crunx
Prow211175 28-01-2006 @ 12:44 ()
[RJO]Ronde 2: Strijker vs Chester
Prow131176 28-01-2006 @ 12:39 ()
[RJo]Ronde 2: Zwijgende verlening vs Relex
Prow111154 28-01-2006 @ 12:38 ()
[RJO]Ronde 2: Huussuh vs Spirit
Prow9977 28-01-2006 @ 12:36 ()
[RJO]Ronde 2: Arihasj vs -Pascool-
Prow221139 28-01-2006 @ 12:33 ()
Competitie Praat Xlll
[Pagina: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 ]
RockyJ50111213 16-01-2006 @ 16:53 ()
[RJO]Ronde 1: et-cetera vs Die ene kerel
[Pagina: 1 2 ]
Prow953070 15-01-2006 @ 12:54 ()
[RJO]Ronde 1: Stohim vs Strijker
[Pagina: 1 2 ]
Prow593200 15-01-2006 @ 12:33 ()
[RJO]Ronde 1: Rijmpiet vs Asbezt
Prow241208 12-01-2006 @ 22:17 ()
[RJO]Ronde 1: Brandt vs MCN
Prow231118 12-01-2006 @ 22:15 ()
[RJO]Ronde 1: RockyJ vs Pidie-boy
Prow161312 12-01-2006 @ 22:11 ()
[RJO]Ronde 1: Zwijgende verlening vs V.I.P
Prow261604 12-01-2006 @ 22:10 ()
[RJO]Ronde 1: Tivo Bizzy vs Arihasj
Prow261446 12-01-2006 @ 22:07 ()
[RJO]Ronde 1: Locutus of borg vs Gohstaccount
Prow10854 12-01-2006 @ 22:07 ()
[RJO]Ronde 1: Roxsolid vs Gaucho
Prow111136 12-01-2006 @ 21:56 ()
[RJO]Ronde 1: HuntR vs _Pazu_
Prow241269 12-01-2006 @ 21:54 ()
[RJO]Ronde 1: Blehhh vs Brutus_Barrakus
Prow101055 12-01-2006 @ 21:46 ()
[RJO]Ronde 1: Spelbreker vs Die Lange
Prow311578 12-01-2006 @ 21:44 ()
[RJO]Ronde 1: Poppekontje vs Pila
Prow281548 12-01-2006 @ 19:25 ()
[RJO]Ronde 1: Angelix vs TC Rapper SVA
Prow5865 12-01-2006 @ 19:20 ()
[RJO]Ronde 1: Huussuh vs Mc el
Prow4971 12-01-2006 @ 19:19 ()
[RJO]Ronde 1: Crazy-one vs Schaduw
Prow3999 12-01-2006 @ 19:18 ()
[RJO]Ronde 1: Spin vs Xflipit
Prow121109 12-01-2006 @ 19:18 ()
[RJO]Ronde 1: Chester vs Dadre
Prow121032 12-01-2006 @ 19:17 ()
[RJO]Ronde 1: The_TJ vs Vent
Prow171117 12-01-2006 @ 19:15 ()
[RJO]Ronde 1: Hyreme vs Devill
Prow141381 12-01-2006 @ 19:14 ()
[RJO]Ronde 1: Prow vs Tony
Prow181121 12-01-2006 @ 19:12 ()
[RJO]Ronde 1: R-gino vs Relex
Prow211239 12-01-2006 @ 19:08 ()
[RJO]Ronde 1: -pascool- vs Jos de Boss
Prow141180 12-01-2006 @ 19:05 ()
[RJO]Ronde 1: Dopoloog vs Kipman
Prow191466 12-01-2006 @ 19:04 ()
[RJO]Ronde 1: Capone vs A-karimo
Prow291495 12-01-2006 @ 19:01 ()
[RJO]Ronde 1: Crunx vs Ly-rik
Prow311342 12-01-2006 @ 18:56 ()
[RJO]Ronde 1: Lil'Tricky vs 989
Prow281277 12-01-2006 @ 18:54 ()
[RJO]Ronde 1: Able vs Renzos
Prow181109 12-01-2006 @ 18:53 ()
[RJO]Ronde 1: Spliffmeister vs Wick-ed
Prow81111 12-01-2006 @ 18:51 ()
[RJO]Ronde 1: cml.exe vs Gado-X
Prow231432 12-01-2006 @ 18:49 ()
[RJO]Ronde 1: Spirit vs Mixxman
Prow321177 12-01-2006 @ 18:46 ()
[RJO]Ronde 1: V-Rank vs DGE
Prow221153 12-01-2006 @ 18:45 ()
Competitie Praat XII
[Pagina: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 ]
spelbreker50010022 07-01-2006 @ 12:21 ()
Competitie Praat XI
[Pagina: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 ]
Prow50011889 30-12-2005 @ 15:32 ()
[Pagina: 1 2 3 4 ]
Prow1806036 29-12-2005 @ 19:18 ()
Mega Collabo
De Gevallen Engel491812 28-12-2005 @ 19:35 ()
[Opzet]Rap Je Onderwerp
Prow12498 25-12-2005 @ 15:12 ()
[TGB]Feliciteer de Winnaar: Huussuh!
[Pagina: 1 2 3 ]
Prow1123052 14-12-2005 @ 13:29 ()
[TGB]Finale: Tim-ow vs Huussuh
[Pagina: 1 2 3 ]
Prow1093727 11-12-2005 @ 21:06 ()
[Opzet] Textueel-Gebekvecht
Prow101147 01-12-2005 @ 14:51 ()
[Pagina: 1 2 3 4 5 ]
Prow2395421 30-11-2005 @ 08:55 ()
[TGB]Halve finale: Huussuh vs Relex
Prow221173 23-11-2005 @ 20:01 ()
[TGB]Halve finale: Relex vs TIm-ow
Prow291107 23-11-2005 @ 20:00 ()
[TGB]Halve finale: Tim-ow vs Huussuh
Prow22857 23-11-2005 @ 19:50 ()
[TGB]Ronde 4: Die lange vs Tim-ow
Prow371207 10-11-2005 @ 14:18 ()
[TGB]Ronde 4: Relex vs TSP
[Pagina: 1 2 3 ]
Prow1042755 10-11-2005 @ 14:15 ()
[TGB]Ronde 4: Gaucho vs Huussuh
Prow251081 09-11-2005 @ 20:44 ()
Competitiepraat X
[Pagina: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 ]
Huussuh3527045 08-11-2005 @ 13:49 ()
Votes Topic
[Pagina: 1 2 ]
De Gevallen Engel882456 01-11-2005 @ 18:17 ()
[TGB]Ronde 3: Lumi-Fizzle vs Gaucho
Prow12643 28-10-2005 @ 18:25 ()
[TGB]Ronde 3: Die Lange vs Kipman
Prow34798 28-10-2005 @ 18:23 ()
[TGB]Ronde 3: Huussuh vs Hyreme
Prow24492 26-10-2005 @ 19:19 ()
[TGB]Ronde 3: Angelix vs Relex
Prow22537 26-10-2005 @ 18:35 ()
[TGB]Ronde 3: Xflipit vs TSP
Prow5489 26-10-2005 @ 18:30 ()
[TGB]Ronde 3: Tim-ow vs R-Matic
Prow171024 24-10-2005 @ 19:04 ()
Competitiepraat IX
[Pagina: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 ]
Huussuh3496483 16-10-2005 @ 23:35 ()
[TGB]Ronde 2: Capone vs TSP
Prow22804 16-10-2005 @ 23:08 ()
[TGB]Ronde 2: Kipman vs Rocky J
Prow18641 16-10-2005 @ 23:06 ()
[TGB]Ronde 2: Tim-ow vs JUBMC
Prow12637 16-10-2005 @ 23:05 ()
[TGB]Ronde 2: R Matic vs Mixxman
Prow17749 16-10-2005 @ 22:58 ()
[TGB]Ronde 2: Crunx vs Die lange
Prow37635 16-10-2005 @ 22:55 ()
[TGB]Ronde 2: Angelix vs GTG
Prow21741 16-10-2005 @ 22:53 ()
[TGB]Ronde 2: Huussuh vs Locutus of Borg
Prow19846 16-10-2005 @ 22:52 ()
[TGB]Ronde 2: Ly-rik vs Xflipit
Prow23899 16-10-2005 @ 22:50 ()
[TGB]Ronde 2: Asbezt vs Hyreme
Prow19469 16-10-2005 @ 22:48 ()
[TGB]Ronde 2: Relex vs Mc Notorious
Prow211067 16-10-2005 @ 22:47 ()
[TGB]Ronde 2: Gaucho vs Poss
Prow3573 09-10-2005 @ 11:46 ()
[TGB]Ronde 2: Lumi Fizzle vs Tony
Prow27741 09-10-2005 @ 11:44 ()
Competitie praat VIII
[Pagina: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 ]
ReLex3496049 03-10-2005 @ 14:25 ()
[TGB]Ronde 1: Creative vs Rocky J
Prow24793 01-10-2005 @ 10:59 ()
[TGB]Ronde 1: Kipman vs Dvince
Prow171123 01-10-2005 @ 10:52 ()
[TGB]Ronde 1: Jos de Boss vs Die lange
Prow17667 01-10-2005 @ 10:51 ()
[TGB]Ronde 1: Xflipit vs Ozcan
Prow12926 01-10-2005 @ 10:50 ()
[TGB]Ronde 1: K-non vs locutus of Borg
Prow9720 01-10-2005 @ 10:49 ()
[TGB]Ronde 1: Angelix vs Arihasj
[Pagina: 1 2 ]
Prow501517 01-10-2005 @ 10:47 ()
[TGB]Ronde 1: Renzos vs Hyreme
Prow18678 01-10-2005 @ 10:45 ()
[TGB]Ronde 1: Asbezt vs B Thug
Prow11625 01-10-2005 @ 10:43 ()
[TGB]Ronde 1: Dadre vs Tony
Prow28781 01-10-2005 @ 10:42 ()
[TGB]Ronde 1: Lumi Fizzle vs Pila
Prow26745 01-10-2005 @ 10:40 ()
[TGB]Ronde 1: Crunx vs Brandt
Prow10495 01-10-2005 @ 10:38 ()
[TGB]Ronde 1: Esperanto vs Ly-Rik
Prow12636 01-10-2005 @ 10:35 ()
[TGB]Ronde 1: Huusuh vs Vent
Prow16558 01-10-2005 @ 10:34 ()
[TGB]Ronde 1: R-gino vs Gaucho
Prow10539 01-10-2005 @ 10:33 ()
[TGB]Ronde 1: De Gevallen Engel vs R Matic
Prow431218 01-10-2005 @ 10:31 ()
[TGB]Ronde 1: Relex vs Tuureluur
Prow381018 29-09-2005 @ 16:39 ()
[TGB]Ronde 1: VIP vs MC Notorious
Prow8386 29-09-2005 @ 16:34 ()
[TGB]Ronde 1: Capone vs Neman
Prow10558 29-09-2005 @ 16:32 ()
[TGB]Ronde 1: Ummer vs TSP
Prow14627 29-09-2005 @ 16:31 ()
[TGB]Ronde 1: GTG vs Rana
Prow6452 25-09-2005 @ 11:38 ()
[TGB]Ronde 1: Tim-ow vs Jahhoor
Prow2472 25-09-2005 @ 11:28 ()
[TGB]Ronde 1: Kale Rob vs JUMBC
Prow2551 25-09-2005 @ 11:28 ()
[TGB]Ronde 1: Zwolle Zuid vs Mixxman
Prow2230 25-09-2005 @ 11:27 ()
[TGB]Ronde 1: Lil'Tricky vs Poss
Prow2537 25-09-2005 @ 11:25 ()
Competitie Praat VII
[Pagina: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 ]
Schaduw3494964 20-09-2005 @ 19:43 ()
[TGB] Bookies
De Gevallen Engel0134 17-09-2005 @ 22:12 ()
[SCZ]Winnaar: Feliciteer L2N
Angelix25951 17-09-2005 @ 16:29 ()
[Inschrijvingen] Textueel-Gebekvecht
[Pagina: 1 2 3 ]
Prow1103667 15-09-2005 @ 14:51 ()
[Finale]Timo, Juan D, L2N, Lerraimy
[Pagina: 1 2 ]
Angelix581558 12-09-2005 @ 17:42 ()
[SCZ]Jury Uitslagen
[Pagina: 1 2 ]
Angelix641567 07-09-2005 @ 11:29 ()
[SCZ]Ronde 2: Timo
Angelix1202 15-08-2005 @ 11:24 ()
[SCZ] Ronde 2: Spin
Angelix5564 12-08-2005 @ 18:00 ()
[SCZ]Ronde 2: Juan D
Angelix8525 11-08-2005 @ 14:47 ()
[SCZ]Ronde 2: De Gevallen Engel
Angelix44740 11-08-2005 @ 10:23 ()
[SCZ]Ronde 2: L2N
Angelix2298 11-08-2005 @ 09:45 ()
[SCZ]Ronde 2: Kipman
Angelix9327 08-08-2005 @ 17:09 ()
[SCZ]Ronde 2: Lerraimy
Angelix7511 05-08-2005 @ 14:17 ()
[SCZ]Ronde 2: JFProject 1
Angelix8389 02-08-2005 @ 20:18 ()
[SCZ]Doctor Vs Kipman.
Angelix271008 28-07-2005 @ 14:12 ()
Competitie Praat VI
[Pagina: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 ]
Angelix3495961 27-07-2005 @ 11:55 ()
[SCZ]Slugger D Vs TivoBizzy
Angelix5367 26-07-2005 @ 16:37 ()
[SCZ]Freakky Freak Vs Schaduw
Angelix10433 25-07-2005 @ 15:49 ()
[SCZ]Spin Vs Rijmpiet
Angelix11812 24-07-2005 @ 22:12 ()
[SCZ]Juan D Vs Timo
Angelix17646 24-07-2005 @ 20:01 ()
[SCZ]L2N Vs Ozcan
Angelix11645 18-07-2005 @ 06:11 ()
[SCZ]Lerraimy Vs Decreet.
Angelix13499 17-07-2005 @ 19:10 ()
[SCZ]JFProject 1 Vs De Gevallen Engel
Angelix17814 17-07-2005 @ 14:55 ()
[ATB'05]Felicitatie Topic: Verantwoord.
Prow13520 14-07-2005 @ 10:21 ()
[SZC]De Stelling van de Zomer Audio Competitie
[Pagina: 1 2 ]
Angelix782398 11-07-2005 @ 13:12 ()
[ATB'05]Finale: Verantwoord vs L2n
Prow431839 09-07-2005 @ 17:48 ()
[Pronostiek] Audio Battle Toernooi '05
[Pagina: 1 2 3 ]
De Gevallen Engel1192759 04-07-2005 @ 12:03 ()
battle halve finale
Greg Kerkwerper4535 21-06-2005 @ 19:47 ()
[ATB'05]Halve Finale: Mx Fortune vs L2n
[Pagina: 1 2 ]
Prow541676 16-06-2005 @ 15:11 ()
[ATB'05]Halve Finale: Verantwoord vs Edster
Prow291118 15-06-2005 @ 20:17 ()
[WGT]WildCard ronde: Hyreme vs ReLex
Prow461350 02-06-2005 @ 22:44 ()
[Opzet]WannabeGevorderde Toernooi
Prow22486 23-05-2005 @ 16:42 ()
[WGT]Match 3: Jf Project vs Mystic
Prow1237 23-05-2005 @ 16:37 ()
[WGT]Match 4: Prow vs Hyreme
Prow181041 23-05-2005 @ 16:37 ()
[WGT]Match 5: Chester vs ReLex
Prow23813 23-05-2005 @ 16:36 ()
[WGT]Match 1: Angelix vs Brixxx
Prow14704 23-05-2005 @ 16:35 ()
[WGT]Match 2: V.I.P vs Liquidz
Prow21917 23-05-2005 @ 16:34 ()
[ABT'05]Ronde 2: Saizen vs Verantwoord
[Pagina: 1 2 ]
Prow852900 20-05-2005 @ 23:43 ()
[ATB'05]Ronde 2: De Gevallen Engel vs Mx Fortune
[Pagina: 1 2 ]
Prow912383 05-05-2005 @ 02:01 ()
[ATB'05]Ronde 2: L2n Vs Chester
Prow18699 05-05-2005 @ 01:36 ()
[ATB'05]Ronde 2: Jf1 Vs Edster
Prow351178 05-05-2005 @ 01:35 ()
[Opzet] Audio Battle Toernooi '05
Prow341096 04-05-2005 @ 21:05 ()
Competitie Praat V
[Pagina: 1 2 3 4 5 6 ]
Angelix2555597 04-05-2005 @ 15:14 ()
[ABT '05]Ronde 1: Saizen vs Juan D
[Pagina: 1 2 ]
Prow591733 20-04-2005 @ 16:14 ()
[ABT '05]Ronde 1: Greg Kerkwerper Vs L2n
Prow361630 19-04-2005 @ 17:25 ()
[ABT '05]Ronde 1: Chester vs Crunx
Prow16955 19-04-2005 @ 17:23 ()
[ABT '05]Ronde 1: Jf 1 vs Mp-5
Prow341215 19-04-2005 @ 17:20 ()
[ABT '05]Ronde 1: De Gevallen Engel vs Slugger-D
[Pagina: 1 2 ]
Prow671555 19-04-2005 @ 17:20 ()
[ABT '05]Ronde 1: Angelix vs Verantwoord
Prow351091 19-04-2005 @ 17:19 ()
[ABT '05]Ronde 1: Die Lange vs Edster
Prow24788 19-04-2005 @ 17:18 ()
[ABT '05]Ronde 1: Tim-ow vs Mx Fortune
Prow451025 19-04-2005 @ 17:16 ()
[Inschrijving] Audio Battle Toernooi '05
JF project41973 31-03-2005 @ 16:40 ()
[NTTT] Finale: Jf Project Vs Osiris
Prow7881 27-03-2005 @ 23:46 ()
[NTTT] Halve Finale: Osiris Vs Chester
Prow441570 19-02-2005 @ 00:57 ()
[NTTT] Halve Finale: Jf Project Vs Angelix
Prow8424 16-02-2005 @ 20:09 ()
Competitie Praat IV
[Pagina: 1 2 3 4 5 6 ]
Prow2553266 13-02-2005 @ 00:53 ()
[NTTT]Ronde 3: Jf Project Vs Juan D
Prow9572 10-02-2005 @ 14:56 ()
[NTTT]Ronde 3: Xflipit Vs _Osiris_
Prow46854 10-02-2005 @ 14:53 ()
[NTTT]Ronde 3: Angelix Vs Mx Fortune
Prow391107 10-02-2005 @ 14:49 ()
[NTTT]Ronde 3: Chester vs L2N
Prow40828 10-02-2005 @ 14:47 ()
[NTTT]Ronde 2: _Osiris_ Vs Esperanto
Prow32603 01-02-2005 @ 16:05 ()
[NTTT]Ronde 2: B-Records Vs Juan-D
Prow14598 01-02-2005 @ 15:57 ()
[NTTT]Ronde 2: V.I.P Vs Xflipit
Prow20408 01-02-2005 @ 15:56 ()
[NTTT]Ronde 2: Mx Fortune Vs Schaduw
Prow9280 01-02-2005 @ 15:54 ()
[NTTT]Ronde 2: Mystic Vs Chester
Prow24681 01-02-2005 @ 15:53 ()
[NTTT]Ronde 2: Angelix Vs Jappie
Prow23411 30-01-2005 @ 21:36 ()
[NTTT]Ronde 2: Jf2 Vs L2N
Prow6535 30-01-2005 @ 12:21 ()
[NTTT]Ronde 2: Slugger-D- Vs Jf Project
Prow30481 30-01-2005 @ 12:15 ()
[NTTT] Ronde 1: Angelix Vs Z-E-D
Prow4256 24-01-2005 @ 09:29 ()
[NTTT]Ronde 1: Tim-Ow Vs Mx Fortune
Prow26909 23-01-2005 @ 22:38 ()
[NTTT]Ronde 1: Offensief Vs Slugger-D
Prow13457 23-01-2005 @ 22:36 ()
[NTTT]Ronde 1: -Pascool- Vs _Osiris_
Prow32509 23-01-2005 @ 22:32 ()
[NTTT] Ronde 1: Stikstof Vs Jf2
Prow13716 23-01-2005 @ 22:31 ()
[NTTT]Ronde1: Rhymz Vs B-Records
Prow36811 23-01-2005 @ 22:27 ()
[NTTT]Ronde 1: V.I.P Vs Die Lange
Prow26610 23-01-2005 @ 22:26 ()
[NTTT]Ronde 1: Edster Vs Mystic
Prow221070 23-01-2005 @ 22:21 ()
[NTTT]Ronde 1: Xflipit Vs LillBoss
Prow431187 23-01-2005 @ 22:14 ()
[NTTT]Ronde 1: Schaduw Vs Kipman
Prow9380 23-01-2005 @ 22:09 ()
[NTTT] Ronde 1: Rico_Records Vs Juan-D
Prow16608 23-01-2005 @ 22:04 ()
[NTTT]Ronde 1: L2N Vs Dikee
Prow14696 23-01-2005 @ 21:59 ()
[NTTT]Ronde 1: R-Gino Vs Chester
Prow24962 23-01-2005 @ 21:50 ()
[NTTT] Ronde 1: Yas-R Vs Jappie
Prow10551 23-01-2005 @ 21:44 ()
[NTTT]Ronde 1: Hyreme Vs Jf Project
Prow10993 23-01-2005 @ 21:41 ()
[NTTT]Ronde 1: Esperanto Vs Groninger
Esperanto27535 23-01-2005 @ 21:33 ()
[NTTT] Ronde 1: Esperanto Vs Groninger
Prow17500 20-01-2005 @ 21:44 ()
[NTTT]Ronde 1: Xflipit Vs Lill Boss [Afgelast]
[Pagina: 1 2 3 ]
Prow1332857 20-01-2005 @ 15:46 ()
Competitie Praat III
[Pagina: 1 2 3 4 5 6 ]
Prow2553216 17-01-2005 @ 16:58 ()
[Opzet] Nederlands-Text-Thema-Toernooi
Angelix2925 15-01-2005 @ 22:16 ()
[Inschrijving] Nederlands-Text-Thema-Toernooi
[Pagina: 1 2 3 4 ]
Prow1833629 13-01-2005 @ 21:15 ()
[Pagina: 1 2 ]
Prow902054 20-12-2004 @ 19:07 ()
[FBA]The Battlefield
Prow5515 07-12-2004 @ 18:11 ()
[FBA] Succes-Wens-Topic
R. Anthony11511 03-11-2004 @ 15:40 ()
[NAT]Finale: SchizoMania Vs Jf Project
Prow381014 25-10-2004 @ 14:49 ()
JF project10611 30-09-2004 @ 19:08 ()
[NAT]Ronde 2: Juan-D
Prow20656 26-09-2004 @ 15:36 ()
[NAT]Ronde 2: Jf Project
Prow11489 26-09-2004 @ 15:35 ()
[NAT]Ronde 2: SchizoMania
Prow10496 26-09-2004 @ 15:34 ()
[NTT]Feliciteer de Winnaar: Paradox
Prow10589 24-09-2004 @ 22:52 ()
[NAT]Ronde 2: Saizen
Prow3393 24-09-2004 @ 19:19 ()
[NAT]Ronde 2: Chester
Prow11531 21-09-2004 @ 14:10 ()
[NAT]Ronde 2: Paradox
Prow0242 10-09-2004 @ 15:10 ()
Competitie Praat II
[Pagina: 1 2 3 4 5 6 ]
Prow2552947 07-09-2004 @ 18:09 ()
[NAT]Vote Topic
JF project6511 06-09-2004 @ 22:01 ()
[NAT]Ronde 1: StreamZ
Prow1248 06-09-2004 @ 22:00 ()
[NAT]Ronde 1: Juan-D
Prow16561 05-09-2004 @ 17:08 ()
[NAT]Ronde 1: Saizen
Prow11465 05-09-2004 @ 10:20 ()
[NAT]Ronde 1: SchizoMania
Prow8595 05-09-2004 @ 10:14 ()
[NAT]Ronde 1: DopeR
Prow9564 04-09-2004 @ 14:40 ()
[NAT]Ronde 1: Paradox
Prow24579 04-09-2004 @ 14:38 ()
[NAT]Ronde 1: Chester
Prow12584 01-09-2004 @ 08:23 ()
[NAT]Ronde 1: Jf Project
Prow4557 31-08-2004 @ 20:22 ()
[NAT]Ronde 1: Saku
Prow12592 31-08-2004 @ 17:50 ()
[NAT]Ronde 1:De Gevallen Engel
Prow16595 31-08-2004 @ 10:31 ()
Prow321167 18-08-2004 @ 19:23 ()
[NAT]Regels en Schema's
Prow1577 18-08-2004 @ 14:07 ()
Nieuwe Competitie
Xflipit44798 13-08-2004 @ 15:25 ()
[NTT]Finale: Paradox Vs Prow [VoteTime]
Prow20714 28-06-2004 @ 17:16 ()
[NTT]Halve Finale: Chester Vs Prow
Prow451100 14-06-2004 @ 20:30 ()
[NTT]Halve Finale: Paradox Vs Wickedspecialist
Prow14839 14-06-2004 @ 17:11 ()
[NTT]Halve Finale: Paradox Vs Wickedspecialist
Prow29539 08-06-2004 @ 19:57 ()
[NTT]Halve Finale: Chester Vs Prow
Prow38774 08-06-2004 @ 15:42 ()
De Gevallen Engel12426 06-06-2004 @ 18:57 ()
Prow301008 31-05-2004 @ 22:00 ()
[NTT]Ronde 2: Wickedspecialist Vs Creative
Prow43789 31-05-2004 @ 11:51 ()
[NTT]Ronde 2: Esperanto Vs Battlecat Vs Prow
Prow18712 30-05-2004 @ 21:04 ()
[NTT]Ronde 2: Paradox Vs Lumi Fizzle
[Pagina: 1 2 ]
Prow561101 30-05-2004 @ 16:06 ()
[NTT]Ronde 2: Chester Vs Schaduw
Prow18649 30-05-2004 @ 11:29 ()
Competitie Praat
[Pagina: 1 2 3 4 5 6 ]
chester2563795 24-05-2004 @ 15:38 ()
[NTT]Ronde1: Breinlauwer Vs Lumi Fizzle [0-3]
Prow21833 23-05-2004 @ 22:29 ()
[NTT]Ronde1: Creative Vs Beest [4-1]
Prow17770 23-05-2004 @ 22:28 ()
[NTT]Ronde1: Wickedspecialist Vs De Gevallen Engel [5-2]
Prow231214 23-05-2004 @ 20:17 ()
[NTT]Ronde1: Schaduw Vs Xflipit [5-0]
Prow18633 23-05-2004 @ 20:13 ()
[NTT]Ronde1: Prow Vs Mc-Jz [3-1]
Prow19682 23-05-2004 @ 18:41 ()
[NTT]Ronde1: Battlecat Vs John Doe
Prow4505 22-05-2004 @ 10:53 ()
[NTT]Ronde1: Oral Addiction Vs Esperanto
Prow6410 22-05-2004 @ 10:51 ()
[NTT]Ronde1: Spit Lickety Vs Chester [0-5]
Prow16599 21-05-2004 @ 19:52 ()
[NTT]Ronde1: Paradox Vs Rana [5-0]
Prow17804 19-05-2004 @ 18:10 ()
[TC] Prow VS Battlecat (Afgelast)
chester21644 18-05-2004 @ 21:43 ()
Post toegang op Battle Competitions...
SBU0214 18-05-2004 @ 16:10 ()
[EC] Chester VS Wickedspecialist (Afgelast)
chester4441 07-05-2004 @ 22:48 ()
[TC] Paradox VS tollerantie Nul (Afgelast)
[Pagina: 1 2 ]
chester502050 04-05-2004 @ 15:14 ()
[MC] 4REAL VS L2N (Afgelast)
chester9695 03-05-2004 @ 17:52 ()
[MC] L2N v.s John Doe (Afgelast)
johndoe0499 01-05-2004 @ 14:02 ()
[DC] Breinlauwer VS Schaduw (Afgelast)
chester11497 01-05-2004 @ 00:01 ()
[DC] TML VS Creative (Afgelast)
chester11642 30-04-2004 @ 20:06 ()
[MC] Lumi VS Blackout (Afgelast)
chester37717 30-04-2004 @ 10:39 ()
[EC] Esperento VS Brainpowertjuh (Afgelast)
chester13638 28-04-2004 @ 17:05 ()
chester311011 19-04-2004 @ 19:23 ()
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