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  Index / Misc. / Actieve onderwerpen van Bart-King
  OnderwerpGestart doorReactiesBekekenLaatste reactie
ALGWat eten we vandaag - deel 2
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aapje50026834 10-10-2011 @ 18:07 (EsX)
AUDPost je snippets [PART 10]
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MagereSjenkie34818741 23-08-2011 @ 12:25 (Marsman)
MUZWelke track luister je nu? Deel 50!
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Mindstate39121580 14-06-2011 @ 23:41 (Rinse)
RTFDope series
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BigSam50030260 28-05-2011 @ 14:41 (EsX)
Loscobeats41355 24-04-2011 @ 20:43 (-Profix)
AUDNieuwe sample beat
Bart-King1883 13-04-2011 @ 17:22 (bizartbeats)
AUDDilla beat
Loscobeats21147 02-04-2011 @ 21:37 (Gizzle)
AUDJedi Mind Tricks - Heavy Metal Kings Ft Ill Bill (RB Remix)
RBProductions61347 01-04-2011 @ 18:15 (Bart-King)
MUZNate Dogg overleden..
Weazel212374 18-03-2011 @ 12:22 (Weazel)
S&A'ruis' van sample afhalen
Bart-King11172 08-03-2011 @ 16:54 (Finger)
AUDNew in amsterdam. Look for rappers (Freebeats online)
markusinamsterdam41216 08-03-2011 @ 02:38 (Bart-King)
AUDweezy f koka - zonder berouw (fuck kleine viezerik mayne)
blgcrew131547 02-03-2011 @ 22:56 (sjwegger)
AUD2 Mpc Beats
Bart-King91278 01-03-2011 @ 19:48 (Bart-King)
AUD[beat] dj nlz - miss you
nlzh1801 01-03-2011 @ 19:47 (Bart-King)
SHVwelke sporten volg je en beoefen je zelf?
sjwegger281974 25-02-2011 @ 20:05 (getinspired)
AUD1e Beats
BozeBeats11047 23-02-2011 @ 22:59 (Bart-King)
AUDYoshi The MC ft. Era - Ze Zeggen (Malliesbestest Promoclip)
FreakyFreek31126 21-02-2011 @ 21:33 (Supreme)
ALGNLhiphop member foto topic 33
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Snaba_Dog50031693 21-02-2011 @ 18:23 (sjwegger)
MUZkyk ik heb een filmpje gemaakt
Pummety04031346 20-02-2011 @ 23:35 (chester)
S&AExterne geluidskaart
Bart-King31465 11-02-2011 @ 10:10 (Quizmaster)
S&ATry to start up
rookie31179 10-02-2011 @ 22:40 (Bart-King)
AUD2 MPC beats
Bart-King101414 10-02-2011 @ 18:40 (aprofourz)
MUZPure Hip-Hop-Verneukers!!!!!!
Jantjebeton182024 10-02-2011 @ 17:33 (Mindstate)
RTFFilm en/of Anti-tips! Deel IV
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Nieroth50022165 03-02-2011 @ 01:49 (Teh_Jordy)
S&ACentraal Beats maken 3
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aprofourz44830812 01-02-2011 @ 14:08 (tagoth)
AUD[Beat] Reincarnation
Bart-King2713 27-12-2010 @ 17:26 (Bart-King)
AUD[beat] K.O
Bart-King2935 24-12-2010 @ 14:33 (Bart-King)
MUZ"Foute" bangers
melle171711 22-12-2010 @ 11:29 (sjwegger)
MUZSnowgoons - Kraftwerk (2010)
Borderline81321 08-12-2010 @ 18:50 (Z-W-O-L-L-E)
AUD[Beat] Peachez and Herbz
Bart-King2752 07-12-2010 @ 22:50 (Bart-King)
BBeat12945 06-12-2010 @ 19:20 (BBeat)
AUD[Beat] Inner Thoughts
Bart-King81050 05-12-2010 @ 16:22 (A_PART)
PRTJedi Mind Tricks- Melkweg
Weazel452991 15-11-2010 @ 05:04 (Swerious_Linez)
AUD[Beat] Lost Love
Bart-King5810 05-11-2010 @ 16:39 (Snacky)
AUD[BEAT] Wax Fullsome
T-Nutz2775 04-11-2010 @ 10:29 (Vitamine_C)
AUDFL9 HipHop Beat 'My Mind and then My Soul' Hoge kwaliteit
maxito161535 27-10-2010 @ 22:28 (maxito)
AUDNon-Sampled beat !
EProductions91121 01-10-2010 @ 14:36 (EProductions)
SHVWelk boek lees je nu? (deel 2)
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mixxman49629130 21-09-2010 @ 18:12 (mixxman)
AUD[beat] Hyperbeat
Bart-King6786 18-09-2010 @ 14:07 (Bart-King)
AUDEffect - Ze Praten.
DrickxProduct1637 14-09-2010 @ 17:03 (Bart-King)
AUD[dubstep chill] A_PART - Laidback Discovery
A_PART4877 01-09-2010 @ 22:08 (aprofourz)
ALGRappers Mr Probz en Flex neergeschoten in Amsterdam
Jappie113396 19-08-2010 @ 15:45 (Hyreme)
S&A2 Elektrische drums
Bart-King01065 16-08-2010 @ 02:04 (Bart-King)
AUD[BEAT] JK - Sicker than your average
WilleWa151360 02-08-2010 @ 08:17 (FaffyXL)
AUDMarsman - Voorafje voor komend album
Marsman181580 02-08-2010 @ 00:02 (Marsman)
AUD[beat] Cello
Bart-King111094 26-07-2010 @ 14:12 (Bart-King)
AUDSchoppenHeer - Ultieme Doemdenker
SchoppenHeer21063 25-07-2010 @ 20:50 (Bart-King)
AUD[DUBSTEP] A_part - Lust
A_PART101049 24-07-2010 @ 22:02 (A_PART)
AUDSchoppenHeer - Eeuwig zullen we branden
SchoppenHeer41088 24-07-2010 @ 10:11 (Vincenzo)
AUD[Dubstep] Ezra Anani - Soulmaster
Ezra61061 24-07-2010 @ 01:49 (Ezra)
  Index / Misc. / Actieve onderwerpen van Bart-King
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