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  Index / Misc. / Actieve onderwerpen van O-Jay
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BTLUitdaging topic
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Weazel50037436 25-06-2009 @ 21:19 (thinkfast)
BTLDrop je 8 lines . Deel 1
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MoordRappers50024417 16-10-2008 @ 16:25 (slimshady-nl)
BTL[Audio]Drop je 4 tot 8 lines
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SLM0401057083 08-08-2008 @ 17:08 (parelvanbreda)
AUDMank-g Funky Spit
Straatknaapjes301741 26-05-2008 @ 11:31 (RijmPiet)
BTLO-Jay vs. Chindow
chindow301568 25-05-2008 @ 22:12 (blgcrew)
BTLDrop je 4 lines deel 47
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Kadee50019849 23-05-2008 @ 17:03 (Weazel)
BTLE-masta VS. O-jay
E-Masta321801 20-05-2008 @ 18:25 (Vent)
BTLYoYo vs. Chindow
chindow231307 16-05-2008 @ 07:32 (YoYo)
BTLEmmo Vs. theBuddha
theBuddha91138 07-05-2008 @ 23:57 (038-NBZ)
BTL[Topical] Masahiro vs. Locutus
Locutus of Borg81010 06-05-2008 @ 18:54 (Locutus of Borg)
BTLThymozie Vs. TheBuddha [Engels topical]
Thymozie171296 30-04-2008 @ 02:41 (Locutus of Borg)
BTLO-Jay vs. NRD
Nrode101123 21-04-2008 @ 17:48 (E-Masta)
AUDO-Jay - O-Jaylike Flavour
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O-Jay623270 05-04-2008 @ 08:41 (peefizz)
BTLDrop je 4 lines - deel 45
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038-RAZ50021209 08-03-2008 @ 18:52 (Arihasj)
AUD[Audio] SLM - Niemand kan haar helpen
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SLM040624091 02-03-2008 @ 18:50 (SLM040)
AUD[StraatKnaapjes] MakuBoon - Introductie
Straatknaapjes151196 17-02-2008 @ 20:03 (O-Jay)
EDA[AudioWeek1] BAR-T vs O-Jay vs Deking
BigSam402438 11-02-2008 @ 15:59 (deking)
BTL[BeatBattle] DeRus versus Beatzcollective
Beatzcollective252456 31-01-2008 @ 13:25 (Devill)
BTL[AUDIO] Chillah-Beeh VS O-Jay
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Chillah-Beeh684142 20-01-2008 @ 18:20 (SBU)
BTLBattle weazel vs Weazel
Weazel4889 19-01-2008 @ 16:04 (O-Jay)
EDAInschrijftopic Audioweek1
BigSam311773 18-01-2008 @ 03:02 (BigSam)
BTL[Audio] L2N Vs. SLM
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SLM0401476608 17-01-2008 @ 06:56 (sreob)
BTLThe best Mc of 2007 tournooi Inschrijvingen ^^
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Recan1145166 31-12-2007 @ 01:16 (SBU)
ERETekstweek 14 O-Jay vs Loyal-MC
Hyreme441882 25-12-2007 @ 14:42 (Azhy)
BTLNoapologies vs Esc0
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Weazel893082 24-12-2007 @ 16:47 (SBU)
BTLMC-Kurd vs. Fenomeenaal
Fenomeenaal431614 22-12-2007 @ 09:47 (G-ridah)
BTLmc-nick vs fenomeenaal
MC-Nick342008 21-12-2007 @ 19:49 (esc0)
EREInschrijftopic Tekstweek 14
Hyreme341678 17-12-2007 @ 19:23 (loyal-mc)
BTLO-Jay Vs NoApo
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NoApologies1675600 17-12-2007 @ 18:30 (NoApologies)
AUDSinterklaasje ga naar huis!
Straatknaapjes382123 12-12-2007 @ 21:16 (Straatknaapjes)
AUDO-Jay - Het oordeel (diss aan de commerciele rappers in nederland)
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O-Jay1205223 11-12-2007 @ 23:12 (Schaduw)
  Index / Misc. / Actieve onderwerpen van O-Jay
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