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  Index / Misc. / Actieve onderwerpen van BrainPowerTjuh
  OnderwerpGestart doorReactiesBekekenLaatste reactie
BTLKraak jezelf af in 4 lines
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strijker1338826 14-07-2008 @ 14:40 (daano1)
BTLDrop je 4 lines - deel 44
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Doopro50020870 23-11-2007 @ 23:57 (038-RAZ)
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Angelix24810559 15-06-2007 @ 12:01 (Weazel)
BTL[Uitdagingen Topic]
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D-on50032505 04-06-2007 @ 18:23 (Weazel)
AUDMc-Creatif ft INB - Onvergeetbaar
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McCreatif789857 17-05-2007 @ 13:48 (V.I.P.)
BTLDrop hier je 4 lines topic - deel 38
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D-on50025033 16-01-2007 @ 23:25 (chester)
BTLCritical vs. BrainPowerTjuh
Critical141293 10-10-2006 @ 16:31 (spelbreker)
AUDrevo - Waar je ook heen gaat
revo201465 17-09-2006 @ 18:50 (FreakyFreek)
BTLB33f vs. Thomas
Thomas101383 17-09-2006 @ 14:32 (Thomas)
BTLUitdagingen - 2nd level
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Lumi-Fizzle1905181 10-04-2006 @ 19:36 (MC Notorious)
BTLDrop je shit in vier lines
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SchizoMania2767928 18-03-2006 @ 16:41 (The_TJ)
BTLDrop je multi's in 4 lines.
[Pagina: 1 2 3 4 ]
Angelix1974112 02-02-2006 @ 16:18 (Angelix)
BTLmckillbone vs Love Rap Girl
mckillbone22973 27-09-2005 @ 18:44 (Prow)
BTLMaster of Disaster vs Love Rap Girl
Master Of Disaster71583 31-08-2005 @ 16:25 (Master Of Disaster)
BTL26ste drop je shit in 4 lines
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Dvince3497830 15-08-2005 @ 22:21 (Dvince)
BTL25ste drop je shit in 4 lines
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Henky3216826 28-07-2005 @ 00:01 (Z0utvaatje)
BTL24ste drop je shit in 4 lines
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Capone2555390 04-07-2005 @ 11:50 (Henky)
BTLJUBMC vs BrainPowertjuh..
BrainPowerTjuh251012 01-07-2005 @ 22:39 (JUBMC)
BTLUitdagingen topic
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Schaduw2556186 01-07-2005 @ 12:42 (De Gevallen Engel)
Dvince27911 26-06-2005 @ 17:48 (JUBMC)
BTL23ste drop je shit in 4 lines
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MC Notorious2555225 24-06-2005 @ 11:25 (Capone)
AUDStraat Leven
BigM8705 20-06-2005 @ 10:49 (Huussuh)
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WeZel2529180 15-04-2005 @ 16:27 (chester)
BTL Brainpowertjuh vs John Doe
johndoe9671 18-03-2005 @ 13:59 (Prow)
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Prow2567960 11-02-2005 @ 12:56 (Prow)
BTL13de drop je shit in 4 lines
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Hyreme2555526 07-02-2005 @ 22:19 (edster)
AUDTekst Open Mic
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Schaduw1494607 06-02-2005 @ 20:15 (Prow)
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DopeR2556641 11-12-2004 @ 19:57 (die Lange)
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SchizoMania2556312 11-12-2004 @ 11:12 (TSP)
BTLAudio Open Mic
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spit lickety2555462 15-10-2004 @ 19:01 (De Gevallen Engel)
BTL9e Drop je shit in 4 lines
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Prow2554623 04-10-2004 @ 13:26 (Prow)
BTLTSP vs. Flotjaa
TSP10690 25-09-2004 @ 22:16 (TiM-Ow)
BTLR-Gino vs. DHDG
R-Gino14758 15-09-2004 @ 18:19 (BrainPowerTjuh)
BTL8e drop je shit in 4 lines
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R-Gino2555986 10-09-2004 @ 14:41 (juan d)
BTLMc Bob vs R.Antohny
MC BOB311029 05-09-2004 @ 17:49 (R. Anthony)
ALG16 jarige jongen steekt vriendin in brand + rap
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ROK905151 29-08-2004 @ 21:57 (dap)
BTLR-Gino vs Brainpowertjuh
BrainPowerTjuh2551 24-08-2004 @ 17:36 (R-Gino)
BTL7E drop je shit in 4 lines
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Empathy2555772 24-08-2004 @ 15:11 (R-Gino)
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Prow2384091 22-08-2004 @ 20:19 (Prow)
BTLLittle best vs. 8x4
8x410783 22-08-2004 @ 11:18 (Little Best)
BTLR-Gino vs. The Diss (Part 2)
R-Gino17977 20-08-2004 @ 15:54 (R-Gino)
BTL[Audio] Chester VS Saizen
chester27822 20-08-2004 @ 15:54 (chester)
Prow321167 18-08-2004 @ 19:23 (Prow)
BTLAudio:Osiris vs Paradox
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paradox832605 17-08-2004 @ 19:14 (Lumi-Fizzle)
BTLMededelingen/Vragen Baak
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SchizoMania2564570 16-08-2004 @ 19:12 (Prow)
BTLChester vs Brainpowertjuh (3 - 0)
BrainPowerTjuh17730 16-08-2004 @ 16:06 (chester)
BTLR-Gino vs. Dolvito
R-Gino22774 14-08-2004 @ 22:46 (R-Gino)
BTLAudio toernooi
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JF project2554241 14-08-2004 @ 14:46 (BrainPowerTjuh)
BTL(audio)JF project 1,2 vs. Schizomania
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JF project741872 14-08-2004 @ 13:02 (_Osiris_)
BTLDoper! vs Creative (3 - 0)
creative8922 14-08-2004 @ 10:20 (DopeR)
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SchizoMania2555263 12-08-2004 @ 11:42 (DRE-stan)
BTLdis je voorganger 3 ?
Lumi-Fizzle2451 15-07-2004 @ 00:48 (_Osiris_)
BTLJf project vs. paradox audio
JF project441038 13-07-2004 @ 13:34 (paradox)
BTLSchaduw VERSUS _Osiris_
Schaduw311025 11-07-2004 @ 17:15 (_Osiris_)
BTLBattle RangLijsten Top 10
DarkReWind-ReImaGine341202 10-07-2004 @ 12:08 (TiM-Ow)
BTLLittle Best vs V.I.P.
Little Best34991 09-07-2004 @ 18:30 (Little Best)
BTLTiM-Ow vs Brainpowertjuh
TiM-Ow14682 05-07-2004 @ 20:47 (TiM-Ow)
BTLDis degene BOVEN je deel 2
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Schaduw2558148 04-07-2004 @ 19:43 (M.MONTANA)
BTLEsperanto vs Rana
Esperanto21862 04-07-2004 @ 19:25 (rana)
BTLLumi Vs. Brainpowertje
Lumi-Fizzle18641 04-07-2004 @ 11:24 (BrainPowerTjuh)
BTLWezel vs R.anthony
WeZel4622 03-07-2004 @ 17:51 (WeZel)
BTLDarkrewind Vs Xflipit
Xflipit181028 02-07-2004 @ 18:08 (Xflipit)
BTLbattle: Little Best v.s. BrainPowerTjuh
Little Best15672 02-07-2004 @ 17:17 (Little Best)
BTLMC_da_bomm VS V.I.P.
MC_da_bomm17816 01-07-2004 @ 21:25 (V.I.P.)
BTLWickedspecialist vs brainpowertjuh
wickedspecialist10628 01-07-2004 @ 00:11 (BrainPowerTjuh)
BTL_Osiris_ Vs DarkReWind-ReImaGine
_Osiris_18838 30-06-2004 @ 17:26 (L2N)
BTLRh¥mÉ vs. DopeOverdose
Rh¥mÉ3731 29-06-2004 @ 01:19 (BrainPowerTjuh)
BTLBattle: R.Anthony vs. StreamZ
StreamZ37631 28-06-2004 @ 23:20 (Prow)
BTLDe Gevallen Engel vs.Missy Kelly_Stylez
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*Missy Kelly_Stylez*561445 28-06-2004 @ 21:18 (BrainPowerTjuh)
BTLChester VS Jf Project [audio]
chester38822 28-06-2004 @ 11:49 (chester)
BTLAzn Crew Warrior 1 vs. R. Anthony
R. Anthony451180 27-06-2004 @ 11:51 (Prow)
BTLSurvival Battle......
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Esperanto1112514 25-06-2004 @ 20:19 (Esperanto)
BTLR.anthoney VS Scar
Scar351095 25-06-2004 @ 17:59 (R. Anthony)
BTLChester VS Esperanto
chester11688 25-06-2004 @ 08:03 (chester)
BTLBrainpowertjuh vs TiM-Ow
TiM-Ow12638 24-06-2004 @ 22:13 (BrainPowerTjuh)
BTLFerry vs. dennizzz
JF project29702 21-06-2004 @ 23:23 (JF project)
BTLDe gevallen Engel Vs _Osiris_
_Osiris_42904 21-06-2004 @ 14:09 (Xflipit)
BTLZielvlieg vs. Screw
Screw12751 19-06-2004 @ 11:54 (zielvlieg)
BTLmc-dano vs scar
mc-dano20864 16-06-2004 @ 21:46 (Scar)
BTLBreinlauwer vs MC-JZ
breinlauwer15744 16-06-2004 @ 17:32 (MC-JZ)
BTLBigShark vs Bennie_MC
BigShark8691 16-06-2004 @ 00:50 (BrainPowerTjuh)
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SchizoMania2554233 15-06-2004 @ 12:39 (De Gevallen Engel)
BTLSchizoMania VS _osiris_ (keystyle battle)
_Osiris_28778 15-06-2004 @ 00:30 (BrainPowerTjuh)
BTLde grote Empathy Vs _Osiris_ [rnb battle]
_Osiris_361162 14-06-2004 @ 12:17 (_Osiris_)
BTL6e drop je shit in 4 lines
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brainkilla1784708 03-06-2004 @ 01:32 (BattleCat)
BTLDiss degene boven je
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Empathy2554997 01-06-2004 @ 12:14 (beginner)
BTLde ik open dit omdat skitzo mijn topics sluit
_Osiris_27987 26-05-2004 @ 23:51 (paradox)
BTLDis osiris, want die zet zichzelf ff te kakken
_Osiris_14862 25-05-2004 @ 13:06 (Lumi-Fizzle)
CMPCompetitie Praat
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chester2563795 24-05-2004 @ 15:38 (Prow)
BTL5e drop je sjit in 4 lines
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SchizoMania2554912 19-05-2004 @ 21:47 (©hance)
BTL4e drop je shit in 4 lines
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SchizoMania2554783 14-05-2004 @ 20:28 (De Gevallen Engel)
Prow16872 11-05-2004 @ 22:45 (MeNTaL)
BTL3e drop je shit in 4 lines
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Lcs2554351 09-05-2004 @ 22:47 (MeNTaL)
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SchizoMania2554538 04-05-2004 @ 18:14 (creative)
BTLparadox VS mc-jz
MC-JZ27968 04-05-2004 @ 17:25 (paradox)
BTLpositieve battle?
THA MAD LUNATIC12766 02-05-2004 @ 20:25 (De Gevallen Engel)
MUZluister mijn shit geef je mening
JF project16738 02-05-2004 @ 17:01 (JF project)
CMP[EC] Esperento VS Brainpowertjuh (Afgelast)
chester13638 28-04-2004 @ 17:05 (BrainPowerTjuh)
BTLBrainpowertjuh vs Mc-Yz
BrainPowerTjuh451037 21-04-2004 @ 16:45 (MC-JZ)
chester311011 19-04-2004 @ 19:23 (chester)
BTLLyrical Assasins v.s BKing[+D-Men Fan Club]&BrainP
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johndoe672112 17-04-2004 @ 19:21 (paradox)
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SchizoMania2554948 16-04-2004 @ 22:08 (THA MAD LUNATIC)
BTLChester VS Paradox
chester34965 15-04-2004 @ 22:22 (paradox)
MUZLuister dit en geef je mening?
Billy Smallz141172 14-04-2004 @ 12:34 (Noedels)
BTLhet grote uitdagingen topic
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_Osiris_1492691 09-04-2004 @ 21:33 (Esperanto)
BTLB-King vs.Brainpowertjuh
B-King40959 08-04-2004 @ 17:38 (johndoe)
BTLBoy(Prow) Vs Girl(The Real and Only) afgerond
Prow481165 02-04-2004 @ 17:19 (SchizoMania)
BTLBainPowerTjuh VS Tha Mastar
Tha_Mastar9635 01-04-2004 @ 15:22 (Tha_Mastar)
BTLMededeling aan iedereen!!
MC-JZ381021 01-04-2004 @ 11:38 (_Osiris_)
BTLde fatte diss
DJ-MosseltjuH7637 31-03-2004 @ 20:56 (_Osiris_)
BTLopen mic
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spit lickety2555095 30-03-2004 @ 21:27 (Esperanto)
BTLbreinlauwer vs paradox
breinlauwer44998 29-03-2004 @ 14:40 (paradox)
BTLBrainpowertje kom maar tegen mij ik maak je af!
wickedspecialist2550 27-03-2004 @ 08:33 (Tha_Mastar)
BTLCreative VS Chester
creative361039 26-03-2004 @ 16:51 (L2N)
BTLMc-jz VS Tha Master
MC-JZ231022 24-03-2004 @ 09:14 (Tha_Mastar)
johndoe30994 23-03-2004 @ 15:48 (johndoe)
BTLSpit lickety...Vs...Prow
Prow221042 23-03-2004 @ 07:48 (spit lickety)
BTLparadox daagt BRAINPOWERTJUH uit (guess who)
paradox38938 22-03-2004 @ 14:41 (paradox)
BTLMc-Jz VS Ardtjuh
MC-JZ25893 20-03-2004 @ 14:05 (BrainPowerTjuh)
BTLCreative Vs BattleCat
BattleCat37656 20-03-2004 @ 13:01 (BattleCat)
BTLparadox vs johndoe
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paradox621524 20-03-2004 @ 12:51 (lyrical assasins)
BTLparadox vs Brainpowertjuh
paradox38760 18-03-2004 @ 23:01 (BrainPowerTjuh)
BTLyou wanne battle , ya must be crazy
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_Osiris_1903967 18-03-2004 @ 22:13 (Prow)
BTLZaine vs Paradox
Zaine12757 18-03-2004 @ 15:49 (paradox)
BTLparadox VS Prow
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paradox551382 18-03-2004 @ 13:42 (Prow)
BTLcheck en checkme ALiANZ
ALiANZ12759 16-03-2004 @ 22:52 (SBU)
BTLbreinlauwer vs BrainPowerTjuh
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breinlauwer531025 16-03-2004 @ 14:23 (paradox)
BTLChester VS Paradox
chester45931 14-03-2004 @ 21:48 (paradox)
MC TAP40854 14-03-2004 @ 20:01 (MC-JZ)
BTLBrainPowerTjuh vs Chester
BrainPowerTjuh41941 14-03-2004 @ 19:12 (chester)
BTLZaine VS SchizoMania
SchizoMania25919 13-03-2004 @ 20:33 (Prow)
BTLIemand een Battle Doen
BrainPowerTjuh4457 13-03-2004 @ 10:52 (MC-JZ)
BTLchester ik daag je uit
breinlauwer28870 12-03-2004 @ 00:42 (BrainPowerTjuh)
BTLik ben nieuw .. iemand die battle wil beginne !!!
BrainPowerTjuh15550 11-03-2004 @ 00:35 (chester)
  Index / Misc. / Actieve onderwerpen van BrainPowerTjuh
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