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  Index / Misc. / Actieve onderwerpen van Nelus
  OnderwerpGestart doorReactiesBekekenLaatste reactie
ALGKringetjes blazen
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Huussuh10816688 12-02-2011 @ 21:08 (aprofourz)
MUZtop 3 nederlandse rappers
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R. Anthony46366150 23-03-2009 @ 17:09 (mc-revo)
CMPMooiste Punch/Wordplay Line,
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Prow47625819 21-01-2009 @ 20:52 (Eigenwais)
MUZEazy-E een werkelijke godfather?
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Icepick705009 27-01-2008 @ 19:43 (NoJoke)
SHVWelk merk kleding draag jij?
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HipHopMaster26227294 14-03-2007 @ 20:01 (Master Of Disaster)
BTLNickzak vs Dvince
Dvince261704 02-11-2006 @ 21:58 (livio)
ALGeen date: enige hulp?
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MC Notorious1636173 25-10-2006 @ 21:26 (livio)
ALG[Discussie]Drugs: Totaal verbieden, of legaliseren?
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Angelix743918 16-09-2006 @ 12:39 (Doopro)
BTLVotes topic
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Angelix1967394 30-05-2006 @ 09:41 (Critical)
RTFWelke film kijk je nu naar 4
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Darnold50018132 20-05-2006 @ 00:09 (die ene kerel)
SLPKipman stopt met roken!
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De Gevallen Engel1143298 02-03-2006 @ 22:23 (Schaduw)
BTL[ Audio ]Mx Fortune vs Nelus
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Mx Fortune502175 31-12-2005 @ 01:55 (chester)
BTL[Uitdagingen Topic]
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Prow50015494 30-12-2005 @ 17:24 (Shorty_D)
SLPStoppen met smoken
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LayD Space832400 05-12-2005 @ 21:36 (LIL'J)
BTL[Audio] Laccolith vs. Nick
Laccolith_APS4755 03-12-2005 @ 12:42 (V.I.P.)
SLPwelk merk rook je?
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MC Notorious1003378 27-11-2005 @ 19:29 (gOldfinger)
BTL[AUDIO] Nelus vs Able
Nelus311300 12-11-2005 @ 17:01 (BigSam)
SLPHeb jij dat ook wel eens... II
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Schaduw3525100 10-11-2005 @ 18:57 (Schaduw)
ALGZal hiphop uitsterven?
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AsbezT942297 09-11-2005 @ 20:45 (Groninger)
RTFBert Visser nu op nl3!
V.I.P.7755 07-11-2005 @ 17:23 (Prow)
BTL[Audio] Nelus vs Chillzone
Chillzone10824 07-11-2005 @ 15:29 (ChillenDerWijs)
BTLmc_Rough VS Gansta_Spitter
Mc_Rough321330 05-11-2005 @ 11:49 (Mc_Rough)
ALGNlhiphop gear
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livio3497880 03-11-2005 @ 12:10 (Noedels)
MUZIs Ice Cube een Legende
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MC_Cube1493817 31-10-2005 @ 21:45 (livio)
BTLPila Vs Nelus
Nelus25956 30-10-2005 @ 15:11 (splendid)
-pascool-161150 30-10-2005 @ 11:20 (The_TJ)
SLPhoeveel smoken jullie per dag?
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mixxman742436 27-10-2005 @ 13:21 (Xflipit)
BTLJurman vs Nelus
Nelus12779 25-10-2005 @ 17:31 (Nelus)
SLPwat irriteert je mateloos III
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Crunx2183321 21-10-2005 @ 01:14 (chester)
RTFwat je leert van films
Safire261146 14-10-2005 @ 23:37 (MC Notorious)
MUZmuziekstijlen naast hiphop
Tony451842 11-10-2005 @ 19:29 (Monn-E)
BTLBigfoot vs. Spirit
Spirit20797 09-10-2005 @ 10:10 (Spirit)
BTLUitdagingen topic
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AsbezT3499257 05-10-2005 @ 17:39 (Teh_Jordy)
BTLMc V vs Dice
Dice15665 28-09-2005 @ 19:59 (Dice)
BTLNelus Vs Dvince
Dvince24828 27-09-2005 @ 10:01 (Dvince)
BTLNelus vs Jubmc
JUBMC281417 21-09-2005 @ 18:50 (V.I.P.)
Nelus1545 21-09-2005 @ 18:32 (Huussuh)
BTLRockyJ vs Nelus
Nelus24805 21-09-2005 @ 18:16 (Nelus)
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Dvince722969 20-09-2005 @ 21:12 (Xflipit)
BTLDie ene Kerel vs Tony
die ene kerel16702 20-09-2005 @ 09:23 (die ene kerel)
BTLNelus vs ReLex
ReLex291050 20-09-2005 @ 09:16 (die ene kerel)
BTLmachiavelli vs. Mc-V
Machiavelli391179 19-09-2005 @ 22:35 (Nelus)
BTLNelus vs Dvince
Nelus28911 17-09-2005 @ 17:15 (Nelus)
AUD[AUDIO] jerre - pokoe
jerra10653 16-09-2005 @ 21:31 (Mx Fortune)
BTLDvince VS HipHopMaster
HipHopMaster121127 16-09-2005 @ 14:20 (Dvince)
Nelus2599 16-09-2005 @ 13:25 (Angelix)
BTLRockyJ vs Tony
Tony101142 16-09-2005 @ 13:07 (RockyJ)
BTLTony vs MC Notorious
Tony381187 14-09-2005 @ 15:05 (Dvince)
MUZWat vindt van Atta de Tolk?
Kleine_Jan8681 12-09-2005 @ 17:26 (Prow)
BTLPila vs. Blackboss
Pila112012 12-09-2005 @ 11:35 (Nelus)
ALGSuge Knight shot in miami
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dap502148 10-09-2005 @ 20:44 (R-Gino)
AUDDGE - Apotheose
De Gevallen Engel341290 05-09-2005 @ 20:17 (De Gevallen Engel)
BTLMasaaG Vs Mv-C
masterG17762 04-09-2005 @ 21:02 (V.I.P.)
ALGMeisje met bleekwater begoten wegens huidskleur
Boswottels461062 03-09-2005 @ 21:38 (V.I.P.)
AUD3 nieuwe beats
Reflux7607 31-08-2005 @ 16:40 (FreakyFreek)
BTLSpirit vs G.T.G
G.T.G141224 30-08-2005 @ 22:21 (G.T.G)
Mc-V20761 28-08-2005 @ 16:31 (Pila)
BTLSpecial-D VS Meswerp
special-D20831 28-08-2005 @ 14:58 (special-D)
BTLSpirit vs. RockyJ
RockyJ11770 28-08-2005 @ 12:23 (Spirit)
BTLMasterZak VS blackdog
MasterZak15658 28-08-2005 @ 12:16 (MasterZak)
BTLMasterG vs. Pila
Pila11767 28-08-2005 @ 10:45 (masterG)
BTLTony .vs. Nelus
Tony381288 28-08-2005 @ 10:40 (Tony)
MUZWelke track luister je nu? deel 20
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Boswottels3498939 27-08-2005 @ 21:52 (-pascool-)
BTLUitdagingen topic
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Crunx3497581 26-08-2005 @ 21:37 (D-Assasin)
ALGroken van tabak&weed.
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MC Notorious2207295 26-08-2005 @ 18:06 (Lau)
BTLTim-ow vs JubMC
JUBMC13827 25-08-2005 @ 22:58 (Nelus)
BTLTony .vs. Dvince
Tony16672 24-08-2005 @ 21:51 (Dvince)
BTLKiddy corner? wtf
Nelus3469 24-08-2005 @ 18:42 (Prow)
Nelus11468 24-08-2005 @ 13:08 (De Gevallen Engel)
  Index / Misc. / Actieve onderwerpen van Nelus
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