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  Index / Misc. / Actieve onderwerpen van Coffee
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AUD[Vraag-Aanbod] Het NLHiphop Collabo Topic.
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98932029974 03-05-2011 @ 12:01 (The-Metatrons)
AUDvince jst jikaro
ageleen342072 14-02-2008 @ 02:25 (NoJoke)
ALGJthag van OG Geleen nieuws op geenstijl
OG_KLB341979 07-02-2008 @ 17:03 (Jthag)
MUZNieuw album Extince
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_Frank_50035994 15-12-2007 @ 21:20 (djatta)
RTFWelke film kijk je nu? Episode 5: The topic strikes back
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strijker50028878 25-10-2007 @ 16:07 (King_Nas)
ALGPost hier een foto van je grote held/voorbeeld
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Noedels50035461 19-07-2007 @ 22:29 (Bigfoot)
EREInschrijftopic tekst week 10 - Battles
Critical482035 12-06-2007 @ 23:33 (Weazel)
MUZStad Represent , wie represent jou stad het beste
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BasicRealistiK1478955 26-02-2007 @ 19:47 (Pummety040)
BTLMc koffie vs nickvg
nickvg301752 01-02-2007 @ 16:22 (MC-Koffie)
ALGeen vraag???
Coffee81100 27-01-2007 @ 10:30 (Jspr)
Bosni171665 24-12-2006 @ 23:05 (poppekontje)
PRT21 dec - The Game - Heineken Music Hall
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Zwolle-zuid655528 24-12-2006 @ 00:31 (Mx Fortune)
MUZGeleen RepresentzzzzzzzZZ
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FlexMasterA573617 15-12-2006 @ 17:05 (Iminic)
MUZThe Game - Doctor's Advocate
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Bru-Taal1989654116 12-11-2006 @ 18:02 (KRStarr)
AUDKempi ft. Mc teccer - ik heb mu vrouw
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JF project10519544 26-09-2006 @ 22:25 (Dopoloog)
TXTrap: ergste nachtmerrie
conall421915 07-08-2006 @ 16:29 (Mx Fortune)
ALGNLhiphop member foto topic deel 10!
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RockyJ50029806 25-07-2006 @ 23:22 (Schaduw)
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Hyreme755299 11-07-2006 @ 00:41 (Hyreme)
BTLHet stel jezelf voor Topic
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Prow30913825 04-06-2006 @ 14:58 (zakaria)
mattie321865 02-06-2006 @ 17:12 (mixxman)
BTL[Uitdagingen Topic]
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Hnery50021181 31-05-2006 @ 22:22 (D-on)
BTLVotes topic
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Angelix1967394 30-05-2006 @ 09:41 (Critical)
ALGMeisje van twaalf bevalt van zoontje
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Boswottels1385189 28-05-2006 @ 23:34 (Chronicc)
ALGNLhiphop member foto topic deel 9
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-pascool-50025251 24-05-2006 @ 17:01 (RockyJ)
EREIn/Uit-schrijftopic Tekst week 5
Pila11873 23-05-2006 @ 20:46 (Iminic)
ERE[tekst week 4] dadre (2-0) - Coffee (2-0)
Arihasj141256 23-05-2006 @ 01:59 (Hyreme)
AUDLimburgse Rap
FlexMasterA161159 20-05-2006 @ 00:36 (Coffee)
AUD[AUDIO] Coffee & Joe - Egotrip
JoevhZuiden7911 16-05-2006 @ 11:03 (Coffee)
ERE[tekst week 3] Sjek (1-1) - Coffee (1-0)
Pila171386 15-05-2006 @ 17:52 (Arihasj)
AUD[AUDIO] Joe & Coffee - Lentekriebels Feed aub
JoevhZuiden111255 12-05-2006 @ 20:58 (Spirit)
AUDgrindhustler diss....
RBullit261430 11-05-2006 @ 11:53 (Mx Fortune)
ERE[tekst week 2] Flair(0-0) vs Coffee(0-0) (VOTEN)
Pila151395 08-05-2006 @ 09:24 (Arihasj)
TXTFlexMasterA lyric
FlexMasterA9968 05-05-2006 @ 11:05 (dap)
BTL35ste drop je shit in 4 lines!
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rr00bbiiee50022995 02-05-2006 @ 23:54 (Huussuh)
EREIn/Uit-schrijftopic Tekst Week 2
Pila241320 30-04-2006 @ 23:49 (Pila)
ALGNLhiphop member foto topic deel 8.
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creative50024783 17-04-2006 @ 16:38 (LIL'J)
Battle-Rap3860 08-04-2006 @ 22:58 (V.I.P.)
MUZhardcore rap
explode383493 06-04-2006 @ 20:45 (Total_Chaos_MC)
BTLFlexMasterA vs Row-D
FlexMasterA21911 19-03-2006 @ 23:09 (FlexMasterA)
BTL34ste drop je shit in 4 lines
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Schaduw50020511 18-03-2006 @ 19:03 (rr00bbiiee)
MUZWelke rapper is echt te slecht voor woorden?
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Vokaal1047198 16-03-2006 @ 15:31 (Hi-Tek)
BTLRow-D vs Januitbottendaal
Januitbottendaal19912 13-03-2006 @ 12:36 (Özcan)
BTLCoffee Vs Flexmaster A
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Coffee522677 09-03-2006 @ 22:24 (V.I.P.)
BTL33ste drop je shit in 4 lines
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Schaduw50015260 26-02-2006 @ 19:14 (PlusKutter)
BTLThystan vs Dwazeraas
dwazeraas141023 31-01-2006 @ 23:11 (Thystan)
BTLFinD Vs. Shorty_D
FinD131088 31-01-2006 @ 21:10 (Shorty_D)
BTLbosnier ft. chickiesflasser vs. Coffee ft. Replay
chickiesflasser411591 31-01-2006 @ 18:25 (Prow)
BTLNieuwe cypher shit #1
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The_TJ50011602 31-01-2006 @ 17:07 (Bizzy_D)
Coffee1561 29-01-2006 @ 18:25 (Coffee)
BTLdiss bosnier
Coffee2658 29-01-2006 @ 04:01 (chester)
BTLCoffee VS Chickieflasser
Coffee201120 29-01-2006 @ 00:28 (V.I.P.)
BTLStoepRand vs Mc-Buckz
Mc-Buckz181072 28-01-2006 @ 18:36 (Stoeprand)
BTLCoffee vs Strijker
strijker9753 27-01-2006 @ 18:19 (strijker)
BTLSecond Level Topic
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SBU902285 26-01-2006 @ 19:17 (Thystan)
BTLCoffee VS Thystan
Thystan131015 26-01-2006 @ 19:09 (Thystan)
BTLChickiesflasser vs Schaduw
chickiesflasser231047 25-01-2006 @ 21:37 (livio)
BTL32ste drop je shit in 4 lines
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ChillenDerWijs50016559 21-01-2006 @ 14:40 (Replay)
BTL[ Tekst ] K-Splendid vs Coffee
K-Splendid14653 17-01-2006 @ 12:34 (K-Splendid)
CMPCompetitie Praat Xlll
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RockyJ50111213 16-01-2006 @ 16:53 (Prow)
  Index / Misc. / Actieve onderwerpen van Coffee
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